Bowen Family (Systems) Therapy Flashcards
Murray Bowen
founded AFTA – American Fam Therapy Academy, following work with mother child bonding, and fams w schiz children
Premises of Bowen therapy
- emphasise history but remain present focused
- continuity & connec between theory & therapy
- fam patterns likely to repeat, esp when interpersonal rels between gens are fused/over involved or cut off – need to differentiate
- anxiety = part of life, lives at diff levels depending how earlier generations have channelled the transmission. Low anxiety = few emo probs & fam emo system = undisturbed. During anxiety, predic patterns occur: formulation of triangles is key manifestation of uncontrolled anxiety. 8 key process interrelate to address chronic anxiety and emo processes
differentiation of self
distinguish self from fam at emo & intellectual level. Counterbalancing forces = togetherness & individuality. Increase differentiation = less distress = better well-being. Reached @ 25yrs. Continuum: autonomy -> undifferentiated/fused/ undifferentiated fam ego mass
nuclear family emotional processes
whether/how indivs differentiate from OG fam. Four factors influence differentiation & nuclear fam emo process: emo reactivity (feelings overwhelm thought & smoother individuation), cutoff (fam members avoid each other, unresolved attachment), fusion (merging intellect & emo func = no clear sense of self/other), “I” position (ability to express feelings in way encouraging others)
- fams /indivs change via differentiation. Eg bulimia – try to increase assertiveness, fam boundaries, cog comm skills, coping skills for stress- all up differentiation
bowen transmission process
pass coping skills from gen to gen. fams presenting a prob have had forces of several gens shaping/carrying symptom. Low levels of differentiation in couples = low satisfaction, due to pseudo self/pseudo individuation.
family projection
couples offspring = same level of differentiation as them. Spouses w low D keep emotional boundary from each other. If not maintained, manifests in ¼ ways: marital conflict, symptoms in spouse, project focus or prob onto kids, emotional cut off.
2 +1. Way to deal w anxiety between 2 people – project onto outsider. Detriangulation = separate feelings from intellect
sibling position
birth order creates fixed personal characs – eg youngest son marries oldest daughter = good dynamic.
cut offs
emotional/physical distance from fam to manage unresolved emo issues w parents
emotional processes in society
too much stress = societal regression. People act to relieve immediate anxiety, not LT view.
Geometric visual representation of persons fam tree, inc emotional processes & patterns in nuclear & extended fam. 3+ gens of info, in short period. Increase trust & tolerance among those creating it. Go back ‘up’ tree looking for patterns. Promotes shift from emotional to cognitive. Multicultural & creative. Look for:
- repetitive patterns (triangles, cut offs, coalitions)
- coincidences (death of members, age of symptom onset)
- impact of untimely life cycle transitions (eg off sched major life events)
going home again
going home again: return home, get to know fam of origin better – indivs can differentiate self better
being in contact & emotionally separate. Resolve anxiety over fam, no projection to SO. Separate self from becoming focus when tension rises in fam.
person to person relations
two members relate closely to each other about each other, no mention of 3rd person (triangling) or impersonal issues. Promotes individuation & intimacy
differentiation of self
distinguish between subjective & objective intellectual thought process. Separation of affect from cognition. Both inter inta personal. Failure = fusion. Become dom’d by automatic emo system = less flex, less adapt. More emo dependent.
asking questions
underlies each of the techniques & helps indivs better understand reactions of fam member.
role of therapist (Bowen FT)
- calm, neutral presence, differentiated from fam of origin
- need to go through own changes before expecting clients to
- coaching & teaching at cog levels, boundary and differentiation issues, preventing client emo issues clouding comm
- calmly ask Qs until indiv learns to think for self
- interpret genograms for areas of fusion & cutoffs
process and outcome (Bowen FT)
- successful tx gives clients understanding of intergenerational patterns & insight into historical circumstances influencing present interactions.
- indivs relating at autonomous, cog level, greater self-differentiation
- chief focus on indiv or couple, not whole fam
unique aspects of BFT - emphasis
- in depth theory of fam relationships
- fam history & intergenerational patterns, using genogram
- systematic & cog theory providing concrete evaluation of progress
comparison of BFT
Research supports many of the Bowen theories, eg fam func better when couple well differentiated
- too male oriented, politically conservative
- promotes insight before action: may promote focus on past and not dealing w present issues
- may be multicultural
- limited audience: need time & $$
- hard to research, therapy based on its own theory