Bowen Flashcards
When Does Triangulation Occur?
When there is high levels of Chronic Anxiety individuals will triangle in other individuals to help lower chronic anxiety.
What is the theory of Dysfunction?
Lack of differentiation results in marital conflict.
What are the Major concepts of Bowen?
Anxiety, Differentiation, Emotional Cut-off, Emotional System, Family projection process, Functional Level of differentiation, Fusion, Multigenerational transmission process, Nuclear Family promotional system, sibling position, triangulation
Differentiation of Self
The separation of intellectual and emotional functioning.
Differentiation of Self Scale
0-100, 0 being poorly differentiation 100 being fully differentiation
Poorly Differentiated
A person who is ruled by emotions.
Highly Differentiated
A person who is able to react to the world rationally and enter into relationships while balancing competing needs for belonging and individuality
Family of Origin
The family which one is born into
To avoid differentiation individuals will use what defenses?
Fusion and Emotional Cut-Off
Emotional Cut-Off
Emotional / physical distancing from family relationships. Or denial of their importance in order to avoid pain, and anxiety.
Undifferentiated Family Ego Mass
When Family members are fused.
Refers to the blurring of intellectual and emotional features of boundaries between family members. Lack of separate self and high levels of reactivity among family members.
What Theorist are associated with Bowen Theory?
Bowen, Fogarty, and Guerin
What are the stages of therapy?
- Emphasis on the extended family, presence of entire family not required.
- Creation of Genogram
- Reduce anxiety levels and increase differentiation
- Open currently closed communication and resolve triangles in the extended family
What is the stance of the therapist?
Neutral and Objective, Coach
Methods and techniques
Focus on process not content Genogram, extensive history taking. "I" Position Detriangulate Create Therapy Triangle Therapy is Long term
Diagnosis/ Assessment
Extensive Self Report
Level of Differentiation of family members
degree of cut-off
Level of family anxiety and emotional reactivity
Differentation scales
How long is Bowen Therapy?
Long term