Bowel obstruction Flashcards
What does constipation lead to?
nausea, malaise, abdominal pain, overflow diarrhoea
What are the causes of constipation?
Drugs = opiates, ondansetron, anticholingerics, diuretics
Diet = lack of fibre, poor fluid intake
Reduced activity = sedentary life
Electrolyteimbalance = hypercalcaemia, hypokalaemia
Underlying conditions = cancer, hypothyroidism
Neurological conditions = SC compression
What are the basics of managing constipation?
hard stools ==> needs softener
soft stools ==> needs stimulant
if impacted ==> movicol
What are stimulant laxatives?
most act on large bowel
helpful in opiate induced constipation
can cause abdominal colic
contraindicated= complete obstrction due to risk of perforation
e. g. senna, bisacodyl
- danthron - turns urine orange/red and burns skin
What are examples of stool softeners and osmotic laxatives?
softeners= docusate sodium = well tolerated
osmotic laxatives = act on small bowel - req good fluid intake e.g. lactulose or movicol
What are some bowel interventions?
commonly required by pts esp on high dose opiates
Suppositories = bisacodyl (causes anorectal stimulation), glycerol (draws fluid into the rectum to soften and lubricate the stool)
enemas = phosphate or microlax
What are some causes of malignant bowel obstruction?
extrinisic compression => tumour, omental mets, malignant adhesions, radiation, fibrosis
intraluminal occlusion => annular tumour
motility disorders => tumour infiltration of the mesentery
When reviewing a pt with suspected bowel obstruction what are some key signs?
if pt has abdominal colic and bowel sounds == often mechanical component
if pt doesnt have colic and absent bowel sounds == likely paralytic component (ileus) or bowel not working but nothing causing a blockage
How do you manage a malignant bowel obstruction if the pt isn’t suitable for surgery?
medical management
- pain/colic ==> opiates /buscopan
- N+V => SC antiemetics/antisecretory meds
- Dry mouth=> regular mouth care, ice chips, pineapple juice
What antiemetics are commonly usedin malignant bowel obstruction?
metoclopromie is good for paralytic ileus - avoid in pts with colic as it can work pain and risk of perforation
if colic present then use levomepromazine, cyclizine or haloperidol
What are some antisecretory medications?
antimuscarinc and antisecretory
reduce vol of GI secretions
also antispasmodics for colic
- works more quickly than buscopan, side efffect= dry mouth and more expensive