Bowel cancer risk categories Flashcards
Category 1 – Slightly increased risk
One 1st degree relative with colorectal cancer diagnosed >55yo
Category 2 – Moderately increased risk
One 1st degree relative with colorectal cancer diagnosed <55yo
Two 1st degree relatives on the same side of the family with CRC diagnosed at any age
Category 3 – Potentially high risk
One 1st degree relative, and ≥2 1st/2nd degree relatives on the same side of the family with a diagnosis of CRC at any age
1st/2nd degree family member with CRC and multiple bowel polyps
Personal history or one 1st degree relative with multiple colonic polyps
+ others
Family hx of an inherited CRC syndrome, i.e. familial adenomatous polyposis puts a person into which risk category?
Category 3 – Potentially high risk
Screening advice for category 1: Normal or slightly increased risk
National Bowel Screening Programme as eligible
Healthy lifestyle
Report any bowel symptoms to their healthcare provider
Screening colonoscopy timing for category 2: moderately Increased risk
Every 5 years from age 50, or 10 years before the earliest age at which colorectal cancer was diagnosed in the family, whichever comes first.
Management for cat 2 once reach age 60yo
As long as high-quality colonoscopy within the prev 5 years, individuals then participate in the National Bowel Screening Programme from 60yo
If prev surveillance colonoscopy documented polyps that require further colonoscopy surveillance, continue until no longer indicated, return these individuals to the NBSP.
If suspected cat 3 (high risk) refer to…
Familial Gastrointestinal Cancer Service or gastro to organise colorectal cancer screening and surveillance