Bovine Vitamins and Minerals Flashcards
Energy needs hierarchy
Reproduction, growth, lactation, immune, maintenance
For skeleton, cell signalling, mobility. 99% is in bones.
Source: stems and leaves
Deficiency: usually in sandy or acidic soils
Signs of def: milk fever, lethargy, poor growth
do not supplement in pregnant cows!
skeleton, fibre digestion, metabolism, maintenance, reproduction.
80% in bones, some in saliva.
Deficiency in pastures full of low quality grasses
Deficiency signs: slow growth, lower appetite, poor fertility
Enzyme activation, cell membrane stability, metabolism. 70% stored in bones. Fibre and Na intake help reduce deficiencies but K, Ca, and P can decrease Mg availability.
Deficiency signs: muscular spasms, trembling, grass tetany
K, Na, Cl
Often combined in foods
Na: nutrient transport (diffusion, osmosis)
K: acid base, muscle function, CV function
Cl: acid base, homeostasis
deficiencies more likely in Na and Cl, signs are pica, anorexia, ill thrift
Salt licks help with deficiency
important for rumen function + microbiome
sulphur amino acids are important for wool production
Deficiency: lack of wool production, lack of crimp, poor fleece
lipid mobilization, immune function. give post-partum
B12 synthesis. Sandy soils low in cobalt.
Deficiency signs: ill thrift, weepy eyes, scaly ears, anemia, infertility, poor mothering, phalaris staggers
enzyme cofactor, immune function. Higher amounts in grasses than clovers.
Deficiency signs: reduced fertility, depressed immunity, loss of hair pigment. excess molybdenum main factor linked to copper deficiency
thyroid function, immune activity.
Deficiency: goiter. rarely deficient
oxygen transport, antioxidant, important in forming hemoglobin
Deficiency signs: anemia, depressed immunity, decreased weight gain. iron oxide useless. iron sulfate should be used to supplement if needed
cartilage synthesis, antioxidant, reproduction, fetal and udder development. Deficiency is rare, but can be seen in corn based diets
cofactor for redox. Higher amounts in grasses than clovers.
Deficiency signs: reduced fertility, depressed immunity, loss of hair pigment.
Destruction of peroxides, protection against oxidative damage.
Deficiency: weak calves, increased susceptibility of calves to diseases, increased rates of retained placentas, poor repro performance. Selenium can be very toxic
Vitamin A
Needed for bone development, maintenance of epithelial cells, night vision.
Deficiency: night blindness, eye discharge, ill thrift
Vitamin D
Get it through the sun! Regulates Ca:P balance.
Deficiency: rare. Ill thrift, anorexia, hunch back, rickets, osteomalacia
Vitamin E
Unsaturated FA metabolism, maintain membranes.
Deficiency may occur in young animals without green feed for months
Signs: lameness, muscle weakness, ill thrift
supplement during transition period to reduce liver fat and increase milk production.
Vitamin C
most important water soluble vitamin in mammals. Vitamin C may help prevent mastitis