Bovine Flashcards
What are two bacterial that can cause nodules, draining tracts and sulfur granules in cows?
Actinomyces bovis
Actinobacillosis ligniersii
What is the causative agent of Farcy?
Mycobacterium senegalense
- common, geographically restricted to Africa, Asia and South America
- Pyogranulomatous skin disease of skin and lymphatics
- Contaminates a variety of wounds especially from tick damage
- Most commonly see skin lesions on the head, neck, shoulder and legs (especially in adults)
- Firm, painless, slow growing subcutaneous nodules may ulcerate and discharge a thick, stringly, odorless, grayish-whitish or yellowish material
- Enlarged, palpable, corded lymphatics
- Prolonged course with widespread organ involvement, emaciation and death
What is the causative agent of Farcy?
Mycobacterium senegalense
- common, geographically restricted to Africa, Asia and South America
- Pyogranulomatous skin disease of skin and lymphatics
- Contaminates a variety of wounds especially from tick damage
- Most commonly see skin lesions on the head, neck, shoulder and legs (especially in adults)
- Firm, painless, slow growing subcutaneous nodules may ulcerate and discharge a thick, stringly, odorless, grayish-whitish or yellowish material
- Enlarged, palpable, corded lymphatics
- Prolonged course with widespread organ involvement, emaciation and death
Treponema-associated ulcerative mammary dermatitis and hock lesions
Common (hocks) to uncommon (mammary); often in dairy cattle herds where papillomatous digital dermatitis present; ulceration and foul odor on cranial aspect of udder and/or dermatitis without or with ulceration of the hocks; cytology, dermatohistopathology, PCR finds treponema (a type of spirochete)
What is the cause of “digital dermatitis” in cows?
A polytreponemia infection involving:
- Treponema medium/Treponema vincentii-like
- Treponema phagendenis-like
- Treponema pedis
What is the cause of “digital dermatitis” in cows?
A polytreponemia infection involving:
- Treponema medium/Treponema vincentii-like
- Treponema phagendenis-like
- Treponema pedis
What is the cause of interdigital dermatitis in cows?
Moist environments and Dichelobacter nodosus
- interdigital inflammation with a moist, whitish exudate with characteristic odor
What is the cause of interdigital necrobacillosis?
Environmental triggers and infection with:
Fusobacterium necrophorum
Prevotella (Bacteroides) melaninogenicus
- interdigital skin nectoris and gissues, strong odor
- Diagnosis based on culture
What is psoregatic mange?
Mite infestation with Psoregates ovis in sheep, psoregates bos in cattle; can range from no clinical signs to severe alopecia, scaling and pruritus over the dorsum (head, neck, shoulders, back and rump; may require several skin scrapes
Histopathologically, what is most commonly seen with most forms of mange?
Hyperplastic, eosinophilic, perivascular-interstitial dermatitis with eosinophilic epidermal microabscesses and parakeratotic hyperkeratitis, mites rarely seen.
What is body mange vs. tail/foot/leg mange vs. head mange in cattle?
Body mange = Psoroptes ovis (bovis); mostly seen in beef cattle in western, southwestern and central states; typically rump, tail, perineum, caudomedial thighs, caudal udder, scrotum, occasionally distal hind legs
Tail/foot/leg mange = Chorioptes bovis / texanus; mostly seen in dairy cattle in the states; starts at shoulders and rump
Head mange = sarcoptes scabiei var. bovis; commonly face, pinnae, neck, shoulders and rump, can involve udder cleft
What are the biting lice of cows?
1) Damalinia bovis
2) Haematopinus eurysternus
What are the sucking lice of cows?
1) Linognathus vituli
2) Solenoptes capillatus
Lick marks created by the tongue that resemble marks left by a wet paintbrush are classic in cows for what disease?
What is stephanofilarisis?
- Causes by Stephanofliaria stilesi, a small, filarial nematode causing ventral midline dermatitis
- Adults found in the dermis
- Female Haemtobia irritants (horn flies) are intermediate hosts)
- Commonly affect ventral chest, ventral abdomen, flanks, udder, teats and scrotum
- Nonseasonal disease due to the activity of Haematobia irritans (horn flies) and Domestic flies
- Beef cattle more commonly affected than dairy cattle
- Uncommon disorder in many parts of the world
- ## Many species of the genus Stephanofilaria are associated with skin disease in cattle worldwide
What is stephanofilarisis?
- Causes by Stephanofliaria stilesi, a small, filarial nematode causing ventral midline dermatitis
- Adults found in the dermis
- Female Haemtobia irritants (horn flies) are intermediate hosts), ingest microfilaria when feed on ventral midline
- Larva matures in horn fly and deposited next time the fly feeds
- Commonly affect ventral chest, ventral abdomen, flanks, udder, teats and scrotum
- Nonseasonal disease due to the activity of Haematobia irritans (horn flies) and Domestic flies
- Beef cattle more commonly affected than dairy cattle
- Uncommon disorder in many parts of the world
- Many species of the genus Stephanofilaria are associated with skin disease in cattle worldwide
- Histo: adult nematodes in cyst-like structures at the base of the hair follicles and microfilariae in surrounding dermis
What is gotch ear?
Uncommon, associated with amblyomma maculatum (Gulf coast tick) attachment to pinna.
- erythema, swelling, yellowish exudate, crusts, alopecia and excoriation of the pinna, pinnae becomes thickend, curled, droops and may necrosed
What is parafilariasis?
Causes by Parafilaria bovicola
- various Musca serve as vectors of intermediate hosts
- spring, ad summer
- One to several painful 1-5cm subcutanoeus nodules secrete a bloody exudate that streaks and mats surrounding hair, especially neck, shoulder and turnk and occasionally udder
- Exudate contains larvae and 0.2 mm thin chelled and embyronated eggs
- Substantial economic losses due to trimming of carcasses and downgrading of hides
Pelodera dermatitis
Causes by Pelodera strongyloides; causes a parasitic folliculitis
- associated with crowded, moist, filthy environments
What are louse flies?
Causes by Hippobosca equina
- tend to cluster and suck blood in perineum and groin
- Source of irritation and fly worry
What is the autoallergen in milk allergy in cattle?
Seen most commonly in Jerseys and Guernseys, develope a type 1 hypersensitivity to casein
How can you differentiate erythema multiforme, vasculitis and early cutaneous lymphoma from urticaria in cattle?
The other differentials produce lesions that typically produce persistent lesions that do not pit with digital pressure
What stage of the hair follicle is targeted in alopecia areata?
Anagen hair follicle antigens; eringer cows may be predisposed?