Bovine Flashcards
Bovine leukosis
adult form
enzootic bovine lymphosarcoma
BLV - bovine leukemia virus > 4 years, contgious (vectors) CS: wt loss, large lnn, Abd. tumors Dx: Histopath., BLV serology TX: CS; Free herd programs
Bloat: Dx, Not condition: M/b life threatening
Frothy bloat - stable foam - “tide”
Pasture: Legumes
Feedlot: concentrates - slime
Dx: Stomach tube
Tx: Relieve bloat: stomach tube/trocar/rumenotomy/fistula
Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) / Mucosal Diz
Togavirus: non-&cytopathic types (pestivirus) CS: Multisystem viral diz. Classical BVD: GI (d+/oral) - recover Respiratory: fever, tachypnea - recover Abortions: weak calf syndrome. BVD/MD: Noncytopathic + Cytopathic -> Death Dx: PE, Hx, CS, PM, Isolation. Tx: BVD & Resp/Repro: fluids, ABs. BVD/MD & chronic infection: Slaughter. Px: BVD, Reso, repro: Guarded to fair. BVD/MD Persistent infection: Grave. Vaccination: 2 injections w/ annual booster
Neonatal Diarrhea
Calf Scours
⬆️Secretion (toxin) ⬇️ Absorption (villi); FPT CS: Diarrhea, Dehydration, Acidosis DX: Hx, CS, Respose to TX Tx: Isolate, ABs, Fluids, Colostrum Vaccination: Bacterin w/ k99 + e.coli (effective) Virus vaccines - checkered past, new Public Health Concern
E.coli Colibacillosis
Devastating losses in 1-2 d old calves CS: Diarrhea/Dehyd, Septicemia, Death <4d Dx: Hx, CS, Culture Tx: Agressive: Fluids, ABs Px: once in blood POOR
Common in combo w/others, 5 days to 2 weeks Malabsorption/ Villus CS: D+ DX: FA, ELISA, EM TX: Self limiting Control: hygiene, colostrum Vacc. ????
worse than Rotavirus
Malabsorption villus and crypts, 5 days to 2 weeks
CS: Diarrhea
Dx: Difficult (FA, ELISA, EM) & postmortem (fluid-filled intestine, villus blunting)
Tx: Calf-Guard vaccine
Clostridium perfringens C
hemorrhagic enteritis
Healthiest calves CS: Fatal hemorrhagic enteritis, sudden death Dx: PM - Tx: Serum, Fluids, ABs Prevention: Vaccinate dam Px: Guarded
Cryptosporidium spp, Protozoa 1-4 weeks, Malabsorptive CS: D+ soft foamy to watery, tenesmus Dx: Fecal float w/ Sheather's sol (sucrose) Stain w/ Ziehl-Neilsen Tx: Supportive Px: Guarded Control: Sanitation Vaccine: NONE PUBLIC HEALTH CONCERN
Neonatal Salmonellosis
Increase in prevalence, Endotoxins
CS:1. Enteric 2. Septicemic
Dx: CS, Hx, Fecal cultures, pseudodiphtheritic membrane
Tx: Isolate, ABs, Hygiene
Px: Poor 100% death in calves Control: colostrum intake, cull + s.dublin
Eimeria - #5- intest. epith. destruction CS: Hemorrhagic D+ Dx: Fecal Float (Sheather's sugar solution) TX Difficult, Amprolium, Support Prevention: Hygiene, Monensin in feed
Ostertagiasis / Parasitism diarrhea
Ostertagia ostertagi, #1 nematode of cattle, type I & II
CS: Type I -> Diarrhea, Type II Hypoproteinemia, D+
Dx: PM - Moroccan leather
Tx: Ivermectin before hypobiosis & high dose of Fenbbendazole, albendazole
Px: Type I - good ~ Type II - damaged mucosa, unlikely to recover
Salmonellosis adult
1 diarrhea Salmonella typhimurium, stress, Transmission: fecal/oral, contaminated high protein diets & milk
CS: severe d+ w/ distinct smell, Abortion, endotoxins
Dx: PM culture of organism from feces, blood or tissue
Tx: ABs (Naxcel), supportive, Trimeth/Sulfa
Px: Guarded
Winter dysentery OR Winter scours
Herd outbreaks, Stabled cattle - winter, Cause unknown CS: Short herd outbreak, D+ Dx: Hx, CS Tx: Self limiting Px: Good; low mortality; immune for life
Johne’s Disease / Paratuberculosis
M. paratuberculosis, Adults, Chronic malabsorption/hypoprotonemia
CS: Asymptomatic, Chronic wasting & diarrhea, Fatal
Dx: isolate organism (12 weeks) or PM: granulomatour enteritis
Tx: None - Die if CS; Certify free, test and Cull