Boulton and Hagdorn, 2006 Flashcards
What does this modelling do?
Use numerical ice sheet modelling and geological evidence to explore relationships between ice sheet form, ice streaming and marginal lobe formation.
Inputs conditions and forcing functions in order to cause the modelled ice sheet to behave in ways that mimic the geologically deduced real ice sheet.
Why does Boulton and Hagdorn say they’ve done what they’ve done?
For three reasons…
- understand why and where different types of ice streams form and how lobes are generated
- understanding the form and flow of the last glaciation ice sheet over the British Isles
- infer glaciological properties such as dynamic structure in time and space, velocities and shear stresses.
What is a strong conclusion from the modelling?
The importance of major ice streams in…
- controlling the form and flow of the ice sheet
- controlling the pattern of dispersal of indicator erratics
- controlling the patterns and rates of erosion, transport and deposition in time and space.
What is a negative aspect of the model design?
Due to spatial resolution fails to reconcile the temporal and spatial complexities of the glacial geomorphological evidence that documents regional ice sheet build up and decay.
Does not focus on flow directional changes associated with multiple ice dispersal centres but rather give the impression that ice flowed from relatively static domes such as that over western Scotland.
Boulton and Hagdorn, 2006
Use numerical ice sheet modelling and geological evidence to explore relationships between ice sheet form, ice streaming and marginal lobe formation.
Inputs conditions and forcing functions in order to cause the modelled ice sheet to behave in ways that mimic the geologically deduced real ice sheet.
A strong conclusion is the importance of major ice streams in controlling the form and flow of the ice sheet, the pattern of dispersal of indicator erratics and the patterns and rates of erosion, transport and deposition in time and space.
Due to spatial resolution fails to reconcile the temporal and spatial complexities of the glacial geomorphological evidence that documents regional ice sheet build up and decay.
Does not focus on flow directional changes associated with multiple ice dispersal centres but rather give the impression that ice flowed from relatively static domes such as that over western Scotland.