Botox Flashcards
Action(s) of Buccinator
- Compresses the cheeks as we chew
food. - When we inflate cheeks with air, buccinator
muscle can expel air from between the lips in a
What are static lines?
Give 3 examples:
Present in the passive face and not due to facial movements.
1) Sun exposure
2) Morning after sleep (seems like gravity effects)
3) Effects of gravity
What are dynamic lines?
Give an example:
Results from expressive actions.
1) Repeated facial reactions can create wrinkles and lines over time.
Which 3 muscles cause ‘Frown lines’?
Which category of muscles does it belong to?
1) Corrugator supercilii
2) Procerus
3) Depressor supercilii
4)Depressor muscle group
Which muscle(s) cause ‘Horizontal forehead lines’?
Which category of muscles does it belong to?
1) Frontalis
2) Levator muscle group
Which muscles cause ‘Crows feet’?
Which category of muscles does it belong to?
1) Laterial orbicularis oculi
2) Sphincteric muscle group
Which muscles cause ‘Eyebrow lift’?
Which category of muscles does it belong to?
1) Superior lateral orbicularis oculi
2) Sphincteric muscle group
Which muscles cause ‘Bunny lines’?
Which category of muscles does it belong to?
1) Nasalis
2) Levator muscle group
Which muscles cause ‘Radial lip lines’?
Which category of muscles does it belong to?
1) Orbicularis oris
2) Sphincteric muscle group
Which muscles cause ‘Marionette lines and down-turned smile’?
Which category of muscles does it belong to?
1) Depressor anguli oris
2) Depressor muscle group
Which muscles cause ‘Gummy smile and nasolabial fold’?
Which category of muscles does it belong to?
1) Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
2) Levator muscle group
Which muscles cause ‘Chin line and pebbly chin’?
Which category of muscles does it belong to?
1) Mentalis
2) Levator muscle group
Which are all the muscles in the ‘levator group’?
1) Frontalis
2) Nasalis
3) Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
4) Mentalis
Which are all the muscles in the ‘depressor group’?
1) Corrugator supercilii
2) Procerus
3) Depressor supercilii
4) Depressor anguli oris
Which are all the muscles in the ‘sphinteric group’?
1) Lateral obicularis oculi
2) Superior lateral orbicularis oculi
3) Obicularis oris
How do ‘Neurotoxins’ work?