Bosh 1 Flashcards
_______ an important factor since elderly and young workers have poor metabolic processes,
which allows a buildup of toxic substances.
_______ is important to identify previous illnesses, which may be aggravated by
substances, or agents found in the workplace.
Medical history
_______ such as smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet,
drug abuse, among others can alter a worker’s natural defense mechanisms and increase
the chance of developing ill-effects.
Lifestyle Factors
A multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health and
welfare of people at work. The goal is to promote a safe and healthy environment.
Occupational Safety and Health
Three Major Fields of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
Occupational Safety
Occupational Health
Industrial Hygiene
This field deals with the understanding of the causes of accidents at work and ways to prevent unsafe acts and unsafe conditions in any workplace.
Occupational Safety
This field explains how the different hazards and risks at work may cause an illness and emphasizes that
health programs are essential in controlling work related and/or occupational diseases.
Occupational Health
This field is concerned with the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of workplace
environmental factors or hazards that may affect the health and safety of the worker.
Industrial Hygiene
is an unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned, unwanted occurrence or event that may cause damage, loss of materials or properties, injury or death.
Common types of Accidents
- fall from height and fall from the same level (slips and trips)
- struck against rigid structure, sharp or rough objects
- struck by falling objects
- caught in, on or in between objects
- electrocution
- fire
Accident causes
can be classified into two:
Unsafe/ Unhealthy Acts and Unsafe/Unhealthy Conditions
According to American National Standards Institute (ANSI), _______ is any human action that violates a commonly accepted safe work procedure or standard operating procedure.
Unsafe/Unhealthy Acts
An act done by a worker that does not conform or departs from an established standard, rules or
Unsafe/Unhealthy Acts
Examples of Unsafe Acts/Unhealthy Acts
- Horse playing
- Smoking in non-smoking areas
- Using substandard/defective tools
- Using the wrong tools for a specific job (e.g. Using a wrench as a hammer)
- Driving without license
- Performing work under the influence of liquor or drugs
- Improper storage of paints and hazardous chemicals and others.
ANSI describes this as the physical or chemical property of a machine, material or the environment
which could possibly cause injury to people, damage to property, interruption in
the operation of a plant or office. These conditions can be guarded or prevented
Unsafe/Unhealthy Conditions