Borrowing costs Flashcards
IAS 23 - Borrowing costs
What are the two forms of borrowing costs that you may need to calculate?
Borrowing costs from funds borrowed specifically for construction and funds from general borrowings.
IAS 23 - Borrowing Costs
What is the approach when capitalising funds borrowed specifically for construction
Funds borrowed specifically for construction
Capitalise the borrowing costs incurred on the specific finance
IAS 23 - Borrowing costs
What are the requirements to qualify?
Entity constructs a substantial asset, for use itself or resale, and it is likely that additional funds will be required to finance the construction.
IAS 23 - Borrowing costs
What should you do if some funds are invested?
Funds borrowed specifically for construction
The capitalised amount should be reduced by the investment income received.
IAS 23 - Borrowing costs
What is the process?
Financed out of general borrowings
Borrowing costs to be calculated by finding the weighted average cost of the general borrowings.
IAS 23 - Borrowing costs
When should capitalisation commence?
Three conditions
- It incurs expenditures for the asset
- It incurs borrowing costs
- It undertakes activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its use/sale
IAS 23 - Borrowing costs
When should an entity cease capitalising borrowing costs?
When all activities to get the asset ready for its intended use/sale are complete.
IAS 23 - Borrowing costs
What is the formula to find the Weighted average of below:
£1m 6% loan finance
£2m 8% loan finance
Factory cost £600k
Calculating Weighted average
(Answer of above*600k)