Born Yesterday Flashcards
AO3) For Sally Amis - Daughter of Kingsley Amis - Larkin’s fellow movement writer friend.
Sets out tone as less cliche and more pragmatic when exploring ideas of societal expectations.
Literally ) Child born yesterday - foolish and naïve - foolish to follow superficial needs and expectations
Tightly folded bud
Well rested
- naïve to the burdens future life will present,
Bud - flower - not grown/out of her shell - metaphor
usual stuff
Speakers dividing himself, setting him away from typical society.
stuff - vague language - unimportance of societal expectations
being beautiful
plosive alliteration
of innocence and love
Physical separation between expectations of society and his judging tone, afterwards. Condescending done
Basic expectations of women
modal axillary verb
unrealistic expectations from society
caesura - infers hesitation
lucky girl
you be ordinary
suggesting you can be content with being mediocre
by perusing expectations, you may lose sight of who you are
verb - more gentle - giving permission - less forceful tone
diff from society’s harsh tone
suggests society and its voice expect women to, unrealistically, be perfect and unattainable
like other women
being average is completely fine
not, not, nothing
not being bound to societal expectations is what makes you happy.
perhaps our happiness can be found in what we dont have, not what we possess. freedom from society and its expectations
society is deceived-
not being materialistic.
contemporary - negative
larkin - positive, keep to urself, focus on urself,
your intellectual knowledge instead of beauty
emphasises list of remarkable features women should have
skilled, vigilant, flexible
asyndetic listing
skilled - wants this kind of woman to be hardworking
flexible - open mindset
says happiness is found in the asyndetic list features, in the resolution.
to be happy is to live free from expectations.
what a woman should acc be - inspirational and motivational