Bordeaux Vineyard Management Flashcards
how are traditionally top quality vineyards planted?
Closely spaced vines at 10,000 per hectare
vines are planted 1 metre apart, 1 metre between rows
Suits infertile soils and = moderate vigour
What are the advantages of close planting?
Makes good use of expensive vineyard land
disadvantages of close planting?
adds to cost -
more plants, more trellising
specialise over-the-row tractors bought
more time needed for vine training, ploughing and spraying
Most common Vine systems?
Head trained
replacement cane-pruned - canes trained along wires
What is vine management is used on the Left Bank?
Two canes trained = Double Guyot
What vine management is used on the Right Bank?
single cane + single guyot
What vine management system is used by some prestigious estates?
Cordon-Trained, spur-pruned - reduces yields and better aeration
Why is canopy management important in Bdx?
Moderate damp climate increased risk of downy mildew, powdery mildew and botrytis bunch rot
When does leaf removal take place?
Effect on grapes?
during the summer - improves aeration and deter rot
also aids ripening as grapes exposed to ultraviolet light
What are the key trunk diseases in Bdx
What treatment helps with this?
Eutypa dieback and
Soft Pruning - small cuts allow wood to dry out and allows sap to flow around the plant
Why remove leaves later in the growing season?
reduces risk of sunburn and extreme heat (2003 - ended up with raisined grapes)
Have yields decreased or increased in last 20 years?
Average hL/ha?
50 hL/ha
Super low yields on right bank resulted in what kind of wines?
super concentrated = jammy / fatiguing wines
in decline
What were previous Harvest practices?
Random! teams were hired for a defined period based on a guess of when grapes would be ripe. = overripe/underripe grapes
What is the harvest practice now?
Pickers hired for longer periods - covering rain periods
Large teams hired by big estates
some workers hired from other EU countries and help with board and lodging
= increased cost
How are high volume inexpensive grapes picked
machine harvest - allows perfect picking time