Bora Flashcards
Boras purpose
Affirm, protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms in New Zealand
Also affirm has commitment to the international covenant on civil and political rights (1966) ICCPR
What are human rights
Inherent rights accord to persons based on dignity and equality
Role in fair and legitimate criminal justice system
Relationship between state and individuals
Important as it protects people
Understand the international context and obligations of NZ regarding the BORA 1990
Not binding After ww1- civil rights movements UN charter Universal dec of human rights -include basic civil political economic, social and cultural rights Sources of international law
Discuss history and background of BORA
I total imposed as surpreme ‘white paper bill’ Jeffery Palmer NZ not ready
Would give judges power to Strike down
Understand the role of NZ BORA 1990 as a key part of the constitution
BORA is a part of the no constitution
Uncodified, unentrenched, not surpreme
Weakness, uncodified bora, makes human rights less heavy, parliament is surpreme
AC to report to parliament when bill is inconsistent with BORA
Limitation of BORA
Broad articulation of rights
Authority subject to right and reasonable protection in a justified democratic society
Critically discuss the functioning of the NZ BORA in terms of application the limitation of rights and remedies available the act
Remixes Exclusion of evidence Reduction in sentence -Williams v R Compensation-Simpson v AG -upto courts not always appropriate Other remixes Declaration of inconsistency-Taylor v ag
Critically discuss the debates on the effectiveness of the remixes under BORA and the developments regarding the NZ BORA (dec of inconsistency) amendment bill
Insconsistant with BORA or human
rights courts can deem inconsistent
DOI last resort
S4- cannot just invalidate bills/ legislation that is inconsistent w human rights
Formal declaration something is inconsistent w BORA informs public and parliament
Can rule something inconsistent however has no effect in terms of invalidating the legislation-just informs public and parliament a right has been breached
Problem - atm DOI does not trigger an automatic review in parliament for the right that has been breached
Bright up in TAYLOR case - prisoner right to movement
COA held inconsistently is a question of interpretation
NZBORA (dec if in consistency ) amendment bill 2018
A person need an effect remedy if rights are breached
Non surpreme bora international treaty not imp
Judicial strike down would provide of remedy so court could uphold rights
Would trigger process of review
Against it -judges are not democratic
Provide an overview of the BORA on crim justice in NZ
Right to fair trail
Right to life, movement