Boom Country Flashcards
What founded Jamestown?
Chesapeake Bay founded Jamestown.
Why was Potosi the biggest settlement?
Potosi was the biggest settlement in the Americas by 1620 because it sat on a mountain of silver.
What drink did the Europeans learn to savor quickly?
The Turks called it Kahve; the Dutch(who learned of it from the Turks) called it Koffie.
What were the special places the English created to drink kahve?
The English created special places to drink it called coffeehouses.
What did the Puritan poet write about coffee?
Puritan said “coffee arrives, that grave and wholesome liquor,/that heals the stomach, makes the genius quicker.”
Who could afford sugar during the middle ages?
Sugar was so scarce that only wealthy lords and ladies could afford it.
Where was the prime sugar regions?
South America and the Caribbean became prime sugar regions.
Where was sugarcane grown and where were they sending it?
Sugarcane was grown on large farms called plantations in the Americas were sending thousands of tons of sugar and molasses to Europe.
How many colonists were sent to Chesapeake Bay to settle in 1607?
The new Virginia Company sent 105 colonists to settle on Chesapeake Bay in 1607.
What were the colonists dying from?
Many colonists dying from “burning fevers.”
What would happen to the colonists if they didn’t eat according to Smith?
He wouldn’t allow colonists who didn’t pull their weight to eat.
Who was made prisoner by the indians?
Smith was taken prisoner by Indians.
How many Native Americans lived around Chesapeake Bay?
Some twenty thousand Native Americans lived around Chesapeake Bay.
Who were the Native Americans being held together by?
Held together in a loose confederation by a chief named Powhatan.
What burned Smith ?
One night as he slept, a sack of gunpowder caught fire and exploded, badly burning him.