Boom And Crash 1920-29 Flashcards
How did gnp rise from 1920-29
1920 - $73.3 billion
1929 - $104.4 billion
What was inflation like 1920-29
Never rose above 1%
How did profits increase for business 1923-29
Rose by 62%
What have the USA an advantage compared to counties like britain
Had a population of 106million in 1920, compared to britains 42 million
Where were America;s vast natural resources
-coalfields in areas such as West Virginia
-reserves of oil in areas such as Texas
-large quantities of iron, copper and lead
How did America exploit its natural recourses
The USA developed thr most advanced transportation system in the world with an extensive railway network and river system
How else was natural recourses exploited
‘Spirit of enterprise’
The ideal of an American dream suggested that anyone, np master how poor initially, through hard work and talent, could become rich.
What did millions of European immigrants provide for America
Cheap labour and hard work to lay foundations for the USAs rapid economic advance
How did ford create mass production
-ford established a car manufacturing plant in Detroit before WW1
-on the ford assembly line, individual workers learned how to assemble only specific parts of a car
-the assembly line moved at a steady pace, setting the rate of production
-this meant low skilled and semi skilled workers could be employed
How did the assembly line reduce the amount of time it took to produce a ford car
1913- took 12.5 hours
BY 1913, took 2 hours 40
How did the number of cars rise 1920-29
1920- 8 million
1929- 26million
How did mass production affect finances
Higher output and lowered prices
How much did a ford model t cost in 1925
$290, well within the reach of the ordinary American
What did Frederick Taylor introduce
Time and motion studies of production
-methods of production were analysed so that new, more time efficient ways for manufacturing goods could be adopted to lower costs and higher profits
What impact did the creation of large industrial corporations have
Allowed companies to benefit from economies of scale - corporations bought up natural resources and controlled the whole manufacturing process and sales of their products. They could benefit from raw material costs and pass on lower prices to customers
By 1929, how much did large companies control the USA
By 1929, just 16 companies controlled 90% of the USA’s electricity supply industry
What did electification stimulate
The development of other advances, such as radios, vacuums, toasters
1912-29 , how did the amount of electrical appliances change
1912- 2.4 million
1929, 160 million
What was the downside to electrication
It was centred on towns and cities and by 1929, much of rural America was still without electricity
What was the first major radio station
KDKA in Pittsburgh, became a model for radio stations across the USA
How did advertisement advance
Popular radio shows were sponsored by corporations advertising their goods
By the mid 1930s how many households owned a radio