Books Flashcards
Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens
Barnaby Rudge
Charles Dickens
Prince and the Pauper
Mark Twain
A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens
All the kings men
Robert Penn Warren
A Tale Of Two Cities
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield
Charles Dickens
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain
Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain
Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
Life on the Mississippi
Mark Twain
Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur’s Court
Mark Twain
Slaughterhouse 5
Kurt Vonnegut
Ben Hur
Lew Wallace
Look homeward Angel
Thomas Wolfe
Of time and the river
Thomas Wolfe
You can’t go home again
Thomas Wolfe
Little women
Louisa May Alcott
Biglow papers
James R Lowell
House of the 7 Gables
Nathaniel Hawthorne
One flew of the cuckoo’s nest
Ken Kesey
Go tell it on the mountain
James Baldwin
The Gilded Age
Mark Twain
Sister Carrie
Theodore dreiser
The Virginian
Owen Wister
Death in the family
James Agee
The Yearling marjorie
Kinnan Rawlings
To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
Confessions of Nat Turner
William Styron
The Raven
Edgar Allen poe
Annabel Lee
Edgar Allen poe
Mystery of the rue morgue
Edgar Allan poe
Self reliance
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Essay on civil disobedience
Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
Concord hymn
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Courtship of Miles Standish
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Paul Revere’s ride
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Song of myself
Walt Whitman
Leaves of grass
Walt Whitman
Oh Capt. my Capt.
Walt Whitman
The love song of J Alfred. Prufrock
T.S. Eliot
The wasteland
T.S. Eliot
Stopping by Woods on a snowy evening
Robert Frost
The Road not taken
Robert Frost
The Inferno
The Odyssey
Robert E Lee’s horse
Death of a salesman
Arthur Miller
The crucible
Arthur Miller
The glass menagerie
Tennessee Williams
Streetcar named Desire
Tennessee Williams
Cat on a hot tin roof
Tennessee Williams
Long days journey into Night
Eugene O’Neill
Gone with the wind
Margaret Mitchell
The Iceman cometh
Eugene O’Neill
Morning becomes Electra
Eugene O’Neill
Waiting for Lefty
Clifford Odets
The golden boy
Clifford Odets
Leon Uris
Battle cry
Leon Uris
The Count of Monte Cristo
Alexander Dumas
The Three Musketeers
Alexander Dumas
The good Earth
Pearl Buck
In cold blood
Truman Capote
Last of the Mohicans
James Fenimore Cooper
The Deerslayer
James Fenimore Cooper
Red badge of courage
Stephen Crane
James Dickey
An American tragedy
Theodore Dreiser
Invisible man
Ralph Ellison
As I lay dying
William Faulkner
The sound and fury
William Faulkner
Winter of our discontent
John Steinbeck
The great Gatsby
F Scott Fitzgerald
Tender is the night
F Scott Fitzgerald
Scarlet letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Farewell to arms
Ernest Hemingway
Of mice and men
John Steinbeck
For whom the Bell tolls
Ernest Hemingway
The old man and the sea
Ernest Hemingway
The Sun also rises
Ernest Hemingway
Islands in the Stream
Ernest Hemingway
Catch 22
Joseph Heller
Legend of sleepy Hollow
Washington Irving
Rip van Winkle
Washington Irving
Sinclair Lewis
Elmer gantry
Sinclair Lewis
Main Street
Sinclair Lewis
Call of the wild
Jack London
Sea wolf
Jack london
The naked and the dead
Norman Mailer
Moby Dick
Herman Melville
The Catcher in rye
JD Salinger
The jungle
Upton Sinclair
Grapes of wrath
John Steinbeck
East of Eden
John Steinbeck
Travels with Charley
John Steinbeck