Books 5-6 Flashcards
What happened at the council of the gods at the start of Book 5?
Athene asks Zeus again to help Odysseus.
Zeus agrees to send Hermes to Ogygia to order Calypso to set him free.
What are Odysseus and Calypso doing when Hermes arrives on Ogygia in Book 5?
Calypso is weaving and singing.
Odysseus is crying on the beach.
How does Calypso respond to Hermes’ order?
She argues that male gods don’t like when goddesses sleep with mortals, but they sleep with mortal women all the time.
However, she still agrees to free him.
What does Calypso warn Odysseus and how does he respond?
She says if he knew the suffering ahead of him, he would want to stay with her forever.
He replies that, even though Calypso is more beautiful, he wants to return to Penelope.
How does Calypso help Odysseus?
She gives him tools to build a raft and provisions for the journey.
What does Odysseus think when Poseidon sends the storm?
He worries he will die, and wishes he had died a hero’s death on the battlefield instead
How does Ino save Odysseus from drowning in Book 5?
She gives him a magical veil to make him immortal, and once he reaches shore, he must throw it back into the sea without looking.
How does Athene save Odysseus from drowning in Book 5?
She controls the winds so that they blow Odysseus to the Phaeacian shore.
She inspires him to cling to a rock.
How does a river god help Odysseus in Book 5?
They make the river calm so he can swim in.
What happens at the end of Book 5?
Odysseus arrived exhausted on Phaeacia and covers himself with leaves, then Athene sends him to sleep.
What does Athene do to Nausicaa at the start of Book 6?
She appears in her dreams as her friend and tells her she should wash her clothes in the river the next day to appear more attractive to the men courting her.
What do Nausicaa and her maids do at the river in Book 6?
They wash the clothes, bathe, and oil themselves.
Then they play games with a ball as their clothes dry.
Why doesn’t Nausicaa run from the naked Odysseus like her friends?
Athene gave her courage
Which goddess does both Homer and Odysseus compare Nausicaa to?
How does Athene help Odysseus in Book 6?
She gives him a transformation to make him more attractive
Why does Nausicaa not ride into town with Odysseus?
She doesn’t want the people to gossip about her.
It is more proper as an unmarried woman for her to go alone.
How does Nausicaa help Odysseus in Book 6?
She gives Odysseus directions to the palace and advice on how to approach Arete, queen of the Phaeacians.