Booklet 3: Daycare Flashcards
What is day care?
Tempory care of children outside of the home. Either nursery or family based.
What is nursery based care?
Staffed by trained workers on a specialist site. nurseries are inspected by OFSTED which maintains high standards.
What is family based care?
- Registered and OFSTED checked child minder- usually at the child minders house.
- Nanny- A employee who looks after the child in their own home.
- Informal arrangements- Relatives, neighbours. These are often unpaid.
What effect did Bowlby’s work on maternal deprivation have on day care?
It influenced may women to avoid working as day care was condemned as likely to lead to long term emotional damage.
What have more recent psychologists found the possible benefits of day care are on a child’s social development?
They provide more educational toys and opportunities to learn and practice social skills such as sharing. There are well trained, educated an experienced practitioners who look after the children very well. Mothers are less stressed so perform better at home and have a lower chance of suffering from depression.
What are the negative aspects of day care on the child?
Home care is more loving ad personal, so the child will get note attention. Negative social behaviour such as bullying can be learnt at day care and separation from primary caregiver can affect security from attachment.
Explain the effects of day care.
The issue of the effects of day care is a passionate one, some people believe it is beneficial and others argue it is harmful to a child’s development. This means it is difficult for psychologists to get unbiased, objective research and studies in this area have produced very contradictory findings.
Who carried out the studies of the effects of day care on social development.
Field et al, DiLalla, Shea et al and NICHD.
Who carried out the positive effects on peer relationships study?
Field et al.
Explain Field et al’s study and findings.
Field found the amount of time a child spent in full time day care was positively correlated to the numbers of friends they had when they went to school. So the more time a child spent in day care, the more friends they had once joining school and therefore better peer relationships.
Explain DiLalla’s study and findings.
DiLalla, carried out a correlational study into time spent in day care and pro-social behaviour. DiLalla found a negative correlation between the amount of time spent in day care and pro social behaviour. Children who spent more time in day care were less cooperative and helpful in their dealing with other children.
Explain Shea et al’s study and findings.
Shea videod children children aged 4 years, who attended day care for either 2, 3, or 5 days a week. Over her 10 week observation, the amount of aggressive behaviour decreased in all 3 groups of children. The change was greater in children who attended for 5 days compared to those who only attended for 2.
Explain The NICHD.
A longitudinal study of over 1000 American children from families with different backgrounds. They were assessed at regular intervals. At age 5, the study found that the more time a child spent in day care the more likely the child would be aggressive and disobedient. If a child spends full time in day care they show behavioural problems more so than kids at home. In 2007, Belksy found a link between the child at the end of primary school and day care and increased aggressiveness.
What are the evaluation points for research on day care?
Individual differences, biased research, problems with methodology and practical use of research.
Explain the evaluation point ‘individual differences’
Assessing the quality of day care on children is not easy due to high variation in types and quality of day care. This makes it very difficult to generalise from research findings in one setting to other day care centres. There is also differences amongst children which would affect the findings such as personality.
Explain the evaluation point ‘Biased research’
The subject area is also contaminated by a lot of bias because social development is very difficult to measure objectively and so interpretation of studies is often affected by the existing views of the researcher.
Explain the evaluation point ‘problems with methodology’
Much of the research involves correlations between attending day care and social development, but not cause and effect relationships.Many other variables could be involved for example, working mothers being more stressed and contributing to heightened aggression levels of their child, as the child models the aggressive behaviour. It is also very difficult to accurately judge children’s behaviour, with studies having to rely on teachers/parents judgements. This means the findings depend heavily on the interoperation of the observer.
Explain the evaluation point ‘practical use of research’
Research on day care can be used very effectively to improve the quality of day acre and ensure that al children get the best experience possible for example, suggestions have been made to limit the amount of time children spend in day car and the age at which children begin day care based on research findings.
What does research suggest the characteristics of good quality day care are?
Key worker, Low staff-children ratio, minimal staff turnover and qualified and experienced staff.
Explain what is meant by key worker.
Each child has one key career who is responsible for them and keeps in contact with the family.
Explain what is meant by low staff-children ratio.
The number of children each staff member is looking after, a low ratio ensures better care.
Explain what is meant by minimal staff turnover.
The child receives quality care as they don’t begin to be confused by the frequent change of staff. If the staff receive good training, pay and an environment they will be happy to continue there work with the day care and therefore be there for the duration of the child’s care.
Explain what i meant by qualified and experienced staff.
It is important to ensure all staff are fully trained and qualified e.g. CRB checked, to ensure the child is safe and happy.
How has research into attachment influenced child care practices?
The quality of day care has been improved, hospitals have been improved and changes to adoption have also been made.
Explain how the quality of day care has been improved.
There have been a number of key changes based on attachment research for day care providers e.g/ the introduction of key workers in day care and free nursery care for children under 2 in economically deprived areas.
Explain how care in children’s hospitals has been improved.
Attachment research has ask been applied in cases where children are required to stay in hospital e.g.the use of parent beds in children’s wards or family units being built close to hospitals to allow parents to stay with their child. Changes to visiting hours have changed significantly in hospitals and institutional care.
Explain what changes have been made to adoption.
In the past, mothers who were giving their baby up for adoption were encouraged to the nurse the baby for a significant period of time first. this would mean that by the time the baby was adopted, the sensitive period for attachment may have passed, making secure attachment’s difficult. Today, most babies are adopted within the first week of birth and research now shows that adopted children are just as securely attached as non adopted children.