booklet 2 Flashcards
Who defines the express and instrumental role ?
Who defines the joint conjugal roles and separated conjugal roles ?
Elizabeth Bott
Who found patterns of segregated conjugal roles in WC areas of London ?
Willmott and Young
Who said by 1970s 72% of husbands help at least once a week with households chores ?
Wilmott and Young
Who criticise Willmott and Young research of joint conjugal roles as husbands only needed to perform one task a week ?
Who had research that between WC and MC men rarely helped in the house ?
Who found that between MC and WC , MC men helped more in domestic tasks ?
In 2020 how many women over 16 were in work ?
Who found by using time studies he found women who worked full time did less domestic work
Who found data from 1970-1990 that showed women are doing less work as time progresses so becoming more equal ?
Who found that men did 8 hours of housework per week but women did 13
British Social Attitude Survey
Who found that 3 out of 70 men are the main caregivers ?
Vincent and Ball
Who said that women have to manage the emotions and feelings of family members ?
Who says women perform a triple shift ?
Dunscombe and Marsden
Who said that it is increasingly difficult to organise quality time due to the rise in flexible working hours ?
Who said the key issue for women was having help rather than an equal division of time ?
Baxter and Western
Who said women underestimate the time spent on childcare ?
Who said that men estimate they spend 11.3 hours a week on childcare but actually spend 1.7 hours a week ?
Who defines allowance system ?
Paul and Voghler
Who defines pooling system ?
Paul and Voghler
In what year was research found that even when pooling , men made major financial decisions?
Who says that same sex couples attach no importance to who controlled the money as they have a lack of gender scripts?
Who says in same sex couples the typical pattern was pooling money for household spending together and seperate accounts for personal spending?
How many couples keep finance entirely separate?
How many couples transfer money to a joint account?
Who found that out of 30 dual carer professional couples important decisions are usually taken by the man ?
Who said that women lives are structured arounds husbands career?
Who says that men make decisions because they earn more?
Who says there are three types od decision making ?
Who said by 1995 70% of couples said they had equal decisions?
Laurie and Gershuny
Who said that women who were high earning are more likely to have equal say?
Laurie and Gershuny
Who found couples whose parents had equal relationships are more likely to have equal relationships themselves, suggesting socialisation and role models have an important influence ?
What study showed support for traditional gendered division of labour was much higher in over 65s than under 35s, suggesting socialisation and attitudes are important (but changing over generations) ?
British Social Attitudes Survey 2013
Who found that high earning women in professional jobs were more likely to have an equal say ?
Laurie and Gershuny
Who found working full time rather than part time makes the biggest difference in terms of how much domestic work each partner does ?
Who says that women are more likely to be victims of multiple incidents of abuse or sexual violence?
Walby and Allen
Who found that women suffered more severe violence and control and were more likely to be afraid of their partners than men ?
Ansara and Hindin
Who points out that counting domestic violence incidents is difficult as abuse may be continuous or too frequent to reliably count?
Who found that women will not report DV as they have emotional attachment, fear of children going to social services , fear of more attacks ?
In what year did police not record 1\4 sexual offences and rape?
Who says police see family as private so should not get involved?
David Cheal
Who researched police and court and conducted structured and unstructured interviews with females living in refuges in Scotland- Violent incidents were triggered by challenges to husbands’ authority- marriage legitimates violence against women ?
Dobash and Dobash
Who says in our culture, control over others is seen as masculine- men resort to violence when they feel like they are losing control over wife ?
Who says inequality means some families have fewer resources than others e.g. income and housing.
Low income= overcrowded accommodation= stress= increased risk of conflict and violence
Who says the social groups at greater risk of DV are :
Children and young people
Low-income households or in financial difficulties
Those with high levels of alcohol consumption and use of illegal drugs