Book1 Flashcards
3 characteristics of behavioral/analysis must show
Significant negative behaviors impact student’s classroom performance, social development to qualify for special education.
ABC’s of Functional Behavioral Analysis
Antecedence of the Behavior, the Behavior itself, and the Consequences (what maintains) of the behavior
Refers to changes in the environment, such as letting a student use a quiet room to take a test.
According to many functional behaviorist, the 3 primary reasons for most behavior is?
attention, affiliation, and control
According to Sattler & Kaufman, the most valid & reliable score on mainstream IQ test is
The global or full-scale standard score is the most valid & reliable
Achievement Test
Developed to measure skills & knowledge learned in a given grade level, usually through planned instruction, such as classroom instruction
ADHD & Frontal Lobes
Dysfunction within the frontal lobes.
inability to identify seen objects
Associated with a type of problem involving speech & language disturbance
Inability to use language
At the student’s annual IEP meeting
Placement change made or discussed,eligibility is discussed, & interventions/modifications are reviewed
Behavior Modifications with Autism
Shaping, direct hands on teaching with pictures, and increased structure.
Behavioral is purposeful
Behavior is purposeful & is initiated by its antecedent (triggering event) & maintained by it’s consequences. Good interventionist always ask “what is the payoff for the behavior?” If you change the trigger and the pay off for the target behavor, then the behavior will change.
Bell/Norma Curve
Based on a large population of people & reflect typical human conditions-68% of people comprise the bulk (center) of Bell Curve. Represents normative information about typical human traits. Most standardized cognitive assessments are predicted on the Normal Curve theory.
Best approach for social skills training for Asperger’s Syndrome
Direct instruction, modeling, and coaching.
Best Practice suggest school psychologist do what when assessing?
Use both valid formal and informal assessment to base decisions.
Brain Damage
Anatomical destruction to the brain
Brown vs Board of Education
Education facilities are not allowed to segregate according to race (anti-segregation law)
Capacity Model
Use a child’s strength as much as possible in the classroom, as a positive reinforcer.
Cerebral Cortex
Associated with higher order reasoning
Chief characteristics of Autism is?
Severe social and communication impairments
Child Find
School district mandatted to formally assess children of all ages with suspected disabilities.
Memory technique to remember long series of numbers
Cognitive Assessment Mean
Most common cognitive assessments have a mean (Average) of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 points. If a student scores 118 on a cognitive test, the student is said to be slightly over 1 standard deviation above the mean (Above Average).
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Approach places emphasis on a person’s belief system as the cause of many problems. Internal dialogue plays a key role in behavior. Faulty assumptions and misconceptions must be reviewed and discussed through role-playing/active interventions.
Cognitive Test (IQ)
typically used to predict future learning
Convergent Validity
Common standardized tests use convergent validity to support their use. Example, convergent validity is when a new test is correlated with an established test. If a new test has validity, it should have a high correlation with the older test.
Copying protocals for parents or others is a violation of ….
Federal Copyright Laws
Association or relationship between variables. Correlations are useful in predicting events. For example, IQ test are useful in predicting future grades
Criterion Measurement
This type of measurement is not based on the bell curve (normal curve) population or group, but is based on a specific criteria or content to be mastered. Criterion is used in self-paced studies.
Crystallized Intelligence
Ability to solve problems by applying learned facts and language. Verbal section of IQ test is based on this type of intelligence.
Curriculum based measurement (CBM) enables a teacher to do what?
Continuously monitor progress and adjust goals as necessary.
Down Syndrome
Chromosomal condition, the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome
Drug concerns in elementary school. The best effective intervention is…
Gather parental, school, and community support to raise awareness & address the drug problem at school.
Difficulty with expressing thoughts in writing and graphing.
Dysgraphia should be given what type of test (accomodation/modification)
Multiple Choice tests
Emotional Intelligence
Ability to be aware of one’s emotions, regulate one’s emotions, and accurately read the emotions of others.
Executive functioning primarily impacts what cognitive processing
Cognitive planning
Existential Counseling
Helps people find their unique meaning & purpose in the world. It increases self-awareness & stresses the importance of “choice” in tough situations. focus on present & future.
Family Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA)
The act gives families the right to review the records of their child, files must be kept confidential, public “does not” have legal privilieges..”can not” review a student’s file, confidentiality is central to this law
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
Case law that requires parental “access” to records.
Fixed Interval / Reinforcement Schedule
First response is rewarded only after specific amount of time
Fixed Ratio / Reinforcement Schedule
Response is reinforced only after a specific number of responses.
Fluid Intelligent
The ability to solve problems through reasoning. Fluid reasoning is sometimes referred to as nonverbal reasoning, immediate problem solving or simultaneous processing. Fluid thinking involves the ability to solve a task. Fluid reasoning not based on learned facts, teaching, or language
Four (4) major lobes of the brain that play a role in processing information & regulating behavior
1) Frontal Lobe-executive functioning, helps with planning future actions & regulate behavior 2) Parietal Lobe-helps to assimilate body sensation, develop symbolic association & math skills 3) Temporal Lobe-processing auditory information & implicated in reading problems 4)Occipital Lobe-Responsible for processing visual information
Fragile X
Single gene cause of intellectual disability.
Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) primary characteristics of bx. is important to document and analyze
The frequency, intensity, and duration of the target behavior.
Goal of Special Education services
To increase student’s level of independence and responsibility
Halo Effect
A cognitive bias whereby the perception of one trait is influenced by the perception of another trait of that persom (i.e., judging a goodlooking person as more intelligent).
Important for forming memories because of its role in associating emotions with events
Hobson & Hansen
Schools must provide educational opportunities despite a families socio-economic status (SES)
Humanistic Counseling
Counseling approach that embraces the idea that behavior `is guided by one’s self-image, subjective perception, and the need for growth towards personal goals.
Indentifying disabilities or problems
Best practice suggest that school psychologist use multiple sources of information to identify children with disabilities: cognitive assessment, formal measurements, informal measurements. All should be used to support or supplement decisions.
Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
A law that requires all children be identified for special services by school districts
Information Processing Model / Incoming Information
According to the information processing model, incoming information is encoded into the short term memory
Ipsative Scores
Examines a pattern of scores w/in an individual to determine relative (to self) strengths & weakness. Compares scores on a test to to the test taker rather than to a group.
J. Sattler, approx. % of students population has some form of learning disability
10 - 15%
Key Pieces for behavioral interventions
1.) Providing supportive feedback 2.) Giving choices to the student & supplying positive reinforcement
Larry P. vs Riles
% of minority students placed in special education classroom could not exceed the % in the representative populations
Left Hemisphere of brain
Language, speaking, writing, math, & coordinating some complex movements
Refers to Knowledge and self-awareness about one’s own thoughts & abilities. Thinking about one’s own mental processes
Modeling behavior
behaviors are learned by observation and modeling
changing a task to perform. For example, a student who has difficulty with writing might be allowed to complete half the number of questions than their peer.
Most appropriate tool to use to assess for Depression with children
The Beck Depression Invertory
Most effective intervention(s) for children with Learning Disabilities
Multifaceted / Multimodel
Multisensory Approach
It is best practice to use auditory, visual, and tactile methods when teaching. This is good in middle and high school also.
NASP recommend what ratio of school psychologist : students.
1 school psychologist to 1000 students.
Need an “informed consent” from parent to do what/
Meet with a child and/or student for the first time.
Negative Reinforcement
The taking away of an aversive stimulus to increase certain behavior or response.
Neurological Damage
Neurological damage not only refers to damage to the brain, but also damage to the spinal cord and all the components of the peripheral nervous system.
No Child Left Behind
It requires school to employ highly qualified staff and has a high standard that are gauged by objective measures (i.e., test scores). School that do not meet the NCLB standard is at risk of losing federal money & support.
Observational Recording
Interval recording, Narrative recording, Event recording, Ratings recording
Occipital Lobes
Associated with part of brain that perceives visual stimuli accurately
Options for parent(s) when they refute district school psychologist
Parents can have a private assessment done, but the school district isn’t obligated to pay for it.
Functional consequences of brain damage. Deficits in reasoning and inflexibility in problem solving tasks.
Parents request testing for special education due to child’s poor grades & daydreaming. Best practices states..
Interventions before moving ahead with formal testing
Percentage of people who score at or below the percentile score given on a test. Percentiles use percentages but are not percentages themselves.
Sounding of letters to form words. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, segment, and manipulate word sounds. Good phonemic awareness is good foundation to start reading.
Premack Priniciple
This principle emphasizes that a desirable task can reinforce a lower level task. For example, a child can eat a cookie (higher level task) after he/she finishes homework (lower level task)
Projective Assessment
A psychological test in which subject’s responses to ambigious or unstructured standard stimuli, such as a series of cartoons or patterns are analyzed to determine underlying personality traits, feelings, or attitudes.
Psychoanalytic Counseling
Freud’s theory based on early life experiences of an individual. Unconscious motives & conflict drive behavior. Goal is to make one aware of their unconscious desires
Public Law 94-142 IDEA
Law gives the right to a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment (LRE) for all students.
Public Law 99-457
Authorized child find for children 0-3 years of age. Authorized early intervention of toddlers and families.
Rational Emotive Therapy (RET)
Cognitive Behavioral approach to change behavior, therapist examines clarity of thinking & faulty beliefs. Thought is that people’s difficulties & problems stem from choices they make. Emphasizes confrontational techniques regarding irrational beliefs
Reality Therapy (Goal)
Have clients take charge of their own life by examing choices. Centers on choices people make and how they are working for them (Dr. Phil)
The ability of a test to provide similiar results over time. IQ test results remain somewhat stable (reliable) across time.
Responce Cost
Response cost or negative punishment is another way to make behavior less frequent. It is therefore a form of punishment. It occurs when a stimulus is taken away as a consequence of behavior and the effect is to reduce the frequency of the behavior.
Right Hemisphere of brain
Aids in recognizing patterns, faces, spatial relations, and recognizing emotions
Rowley vs Board of Education
Public schools do not have to provide the best education, but an adequate education.
School Readiness
Related to a condition that exists when maturation is sufficiently developed to allow the rapid acquisition of basic academic skills
Section 504
Civil rights law to guarantee access to a school building, and to a school’s curriculum. This law is managed under office of civil rights, not department of education. Law governing the rights of handicapped people. - hearing, vision problems, ADHD, etc.
Self-dialogue (self-talk)
Cognitive approach to change behavior. Vital to understanding what a student is saying before, during, and after a undesirable act. Change self-talk can change behaviors
Social Science Training - 4 Processes
Providing Feedback/Reinforcement, Instruction, Reducing Negative Behavior, and Rehearsing (modeling and roleplay are also important)
SOMPA - System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment
designed to assess the educational needs of children in a culturally non-discriminatory manner. Designed to be responsive to the mandates of PL 94-142, to assess children in a racially & culturally non-discriminatory manner.
Standard Deviation
Deviation scores reflect differences & deviation from the average (mean). +/- deviation holds roughly 68% of a given population.
Standard Deviation
Standard score of 100 is average. Standard score of 50 is well below average. However, 50th percentile (not percentage) is equal to a standard score of 100.
Stay-Put rule/law
rule is implemented when a due process is started
Steps in conducting a FBA
Primary steps in a FBA include determing the antecedents of the behavior, the target behavior itself, and the consequence of the behavior (Think ABC)
System Therapy
Individuals are part of a larger living system. Treatment of entire family and various other systems is important in therapeutic change process.
Mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. A T-Score of 65 would be above average and a 1.5 standard deviation above the mean. DO NOT CONFUSE T-SCORES WITH STANDARD SCORES.
Therapeutic method that works best for selective mutism
Stimulus Fading is when you involve the child in a relaxed situation with someone they talk to freely, and then very gradually introduce a new person into the room.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can cause?
Learning disabilities and attention problems
Two (2) Functions of a behavior
Gain something positive or escape something negative
Two (2) types of intelligence
- Crystallized - ability to use skills, knowledge, & experience. Our ability to build on what we already know. 2. Fluid - ability to reason quickly to think abstractly. Involves our current ability to reason & deal with complex information.
Two types of “Attention”
Selective Attention is intentional, focused attention. (Selective attention is why consumers make more impulse purchases when they go to the grocery store on an empty stomach than when they go after a meal.)
Type 1 error
When you say something is true, but it is not. (rejecting a null hypothesis)
Type 2 error
Is stating something is false, but it is really true (accepting a null hypothesis)
Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT)
The UNIT is best suited for deaf students or students who do not speak English
Test’s ability to measure what it purports to measure. For example, a reading test measures the ability to read, not to solve math problems.
Variable Interval / Reinforcement Schedule
Reinforcement is given to a response after specific amount of time (Variable Interval shows the most resistance to change once behavior is shaped by this method.)
Variable Ratio / Reinforcement Schedule
Response is reinforced after a unpredictable number of responses
What is Autism considered
Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)
What to do when parent & teacher report conflicting information
You should call the parent and teacher and ask questions regarding assessment questions. Ask about the child’s functioning at home and school
When analyzing behavior what should be viewed?
Intensity, Frequency, and Duration of the behavior
Working memory
the system which actively holds multiple pieces of transitory information in the mind when needed for verbal and nonverbal tasks such as reasoning and comprehension, and to make them available for further information processing.
Mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1