Book Scavenger Flashcards
How does Garrison Griswold get hurt?
He gets mugged in a subway station.
What is the book that Emily finds?
The Gold Bug.
What age is Garrison when he moves to Bay Area?
What words do Emily and James find in The Gold Bug?.
fort, wild, rat, home, open, belief.
What are the names of the muggers in the book?
Clyde and Barry.
Who was the name of the person who shot Mr. Griswold?
Where in the BART station did Emily find the Gold Bug?
In the trash can
Who is Matthew’s favorite band?
Where was Emily’s family moving from?
New Mexico
What city does San Francisco remind Emily of?
Who is Steve?
James cowlick, he named it.
Who is Emily and James Social Studies teacher?
Mr. Quisling
What is Emily’s book scavengers name?
Surly Wombat
Why did Mr. Griswold attackers want the Gold Bug?
Because they wanted to destroy it
What state is Emily living in currently?
What state was Emily born in?
How did Mr. Griswold prefer to travel by
By street, car, or BART station
What instrument does Matthew play?
How long has James lived in San Francisco?
His whole life
What is the longest Emily has ever lived in state?
Three years
What is Matthew’s screen name for Flush fan page?
What does Matthew call Mr. Griswold?
Old Book Dude
Who was Hollister?
He was the owner of the bookstore that James always went to.
What is Emilys’ parents goal in life?
To live in all fifty states in the USA.
Who is Steve?
Steve is James’s cowlick.
What is Mathew’s favorite band?
What does James have to do if he loses the cipher challenge to Maddie?
Shave off Steve
What does Maddie have to do if she loses the cipher challenge to James?
Dye her hair to look like a toadstool.
What book does Mr. Griswold have when he gets mugged?
The Gold Bug.
Why doesn’t Barry want the copy of the Gold Bug that Mr. Griswald has in the Bart Station?
It was a new copy and he wanted an old copy.
Why doesn’t Emily like the question where are you from?
She is trying to move to all fifty states and she is from lots of places.
When Emily asks about Mr. Remora what does Mr. Griswald say he forgot?
That not all book people are good.
Why does James get mad at Emily?
She is always worried about Mr. Griswald’s game and not about helping James with the cipher challenge.
Why did Mr.Quisling’s class start to learn about ciphers?
They started to learn about ciphers because Mr.Quisling caught James passing a cipher to Emily.
When Emily, James and Mathew first saw Clyde and Barry, why did Emily and James think that they were following them?
They thought that Clyde and Barry were following them because Mathew had put a flush sticker on the wall when it said not to.
Right before Emily moves, how does she know where she will be moving?
Her parents give her and Mathew a surprise dinner including foods from the place their going to.
In book Scavenger who (or what) ends up being
A computer operation system that Mr.Griswald desined himself.
What does Emily like to do when she is reading
Write in them.
Why did Clyde and Berry try and see who Surly Wombat was on Book Scavenger?
They wanted to see who had taken The Gold Bog from behind the trash can.
Who won the first point in the cipher challenge just between Maddie and James?
James won the first point in the challenge.
Where was the prize that James and Emily found from Mr.Grizwald’s newest game?
They found it in the ground near the edge of San Francisco.
About what time did James and Emily find the prize to
Mr. Grizwalds new game?
They found the prize very late at night.
How do James and Emily communicate when they are in their apartments and can’t talk to each other?
They communicate in a cipher and to get the message to the other person they would send the note in a bucket attached to a pully.
What is Emily’s Book Scavenger username and why?
Surly Wombat because it is an old joke with her brother.
Where did Emily and James hide Inkheart?
In Hollister’s Bookstore under the Crafts bookshelf.
What is the cipher key for Emily and James’ messages through the bucket?
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” except they only use each letter once.
What is the bet between James and Maddie?
The bet was whoever gets the most homework passes or gets to 3 first wins.
What was different about the Bayside Press stamp on the Gold-Bug?
It was a raven instead of a seagull.
What or who gave Emily the idea to compare the copies of Gold-Bug?
The lady in the computer room who was comparing two scripts to see if all the edits had been made.
What was the final prize for Mr. Griswold’s Game?
The manuscript for a undiscovered Poe story.
Where did they find the chest with the manuscript in it and what is the address?
In a hole, the address is Portsmouth Square, RLS.
How did Emily lose the collection of Poe stories Hollister gave her?
She had to give it to Barry and Clyde so they would stop bothering her.
How did Emily find the map that told them to go to Portsmouth Square, RLS?
By putting heat near the scarab.
Why was Raven activated before the game started?
Mr. Griswold wanted to get things done.
When did The Gold Bug get lost?
When Mr. Griswold got mugged.
Where did Emily find The Gold Bug?
In a BART station.
How did Barry get the book?
Mr. Remora gave it to him.
Why did Mr. Remora want to solve the puzzle?
For the prize.
What was Mr. Griswold’s website called?
Book Scavenger.
What level was first?
Encyclopedia Brown.
What level was last?
Sherlock Holmes.
What was the book Emily found called?
The Gold Bug.
Who was Mr. Griswold descended from that was famous?
A rival of Edger Allen Poe.