Book of Haggai: Persian Period Prophets Flashcards
539 BCE
Medo-Persian Empire takes Babylon
536 BCE
Decree of Cyrus, King of Persia
516/515 BCE
2nd Temple built, (second temple Judaism); end point the destruction of the temple by the Romans
What prophetic books or sections most likely fall in the Persian Period?
Haggai and Malachi, Zechariah
Who are Zerubbabel and Joshua and what are their roles in Haggai and Zechariah?
Zerubbabel may have been the Governor (civil leader)
Joshua may have been the High Priest ( religious leader)
Who is the Persian king who decrees the Jews can return home and rebuild their temple?
King Darius
Who is the Persian king during the prophetic ministries of Haggai and Zechariah?
King Darius
What are the historical realities that lie behind Haggai/Zechariah and what type of literature does Petersen believe Haggai is?
- Persian Period- a non-semitic people now ruling the people of God
- No descendant of David on the throne except for Zerubabbel, he is being pressured to be the King
- Petersen: “brief historical account”
What is the principle concern of Haggai?
Rebuilding the Temple, and later on having a son of David on the Throne
What is the point of Haggai 2:10-14?
In this story, people who touch dead things have now defiled everything
What is probable meaning of the phrase, “from this day on” in Haggai 2?
this phrase means the re-dedication of the temple, and from that point on, the Lord will bless you.
What is the significance of the phrases “my servant” , “signet ring” and “chosen” with reference to Zerubbabel?
- my servant; he wants him to serve God by helping the people
- signet ring: a ring meant for a King; its purpose is to seal envelopes
- chosen; he feels that bc Zerubbabel is a son of David then he is meant to rule the nation
What is Zechariah’s point with reference to the “forefathers” in 1:1-6?
To prevent the people from falling back into the bad habits of their ancestors
What are the four Interesting Features of Night Visions?
- Angelic intermediary- more like Daniel that Isaiah and Jeremiah
- The rebuilding of the Temple
- The purification of the Land and the People (need for cleansing)
- the dual leadership of Joshua and Zerubabbel
How many crowns in Zech 6:9-15 and what is the point of this passage?
It is thought of to have both 2 crowns, scholars are trying to figure out if refers to Zerubabbel or Joshua, or ever both. The point is, both of these men will have to learn to get along to rule a nation peacefully.
What constitutes true religion according to Zech 7:1-10? What controversy prompted this discussion?
Show mercy and compassion, take care of the widows and the orphans. The dates on the festivals will take care of themselves if the leaders just focus on spreading justice.
What do Zechariah 8:4-5 and Isaiah 65:20 share in common?
they both discuss the kingdom of God on Earth
What is the meaning of the word Massah and where does it appear in Zechariah/Malachi?
Massah= Burden
appears in 9:1, 9:12, and Malachi 1:1
How does Massah impact our understanding of the possible literary relationship btw Zech 9-14 and Malachi?
the literary relationship explains the amount of responsibility it takes to become a King, and to take care of his people
What does Zechariah 9:9-11 have to say about the king who comes to Jerusalem?
He says that he wants a King that is peaceful rather than forceful
What is the meaning of Zechariah 11:4-15? Note the role of the staffs and the thirty pieces of silver.
30 pieces of silver.
- two staffs and one favor
- Union
- he takes the staff and breaks them, breaking the union and the brotherhood of Jerusalem, a failed attempt at uniting Syria and God.
what are 3 interpretations of the person who was stabbed or pierced?
1) Christological interpretation-Jesus
2) Murder or execution of a figure over a conflict in post-exilic community
3) The rejection of true prophets throughout Israel’s history
What are the four interpretations of Zech 13:1-6 and the cessation of prophecy?
1) Prophecy as an institution has fallen into disrepute
2) Zechariah 13:2-6 is referring only to false prophets
3) The phrase “on that day” suggests an eschatological time when prophets would no longer be necessary
4) the office of prophets is changing from a charasmatic proclaimers to interpreters of scripture. Spirit vs. Word.
What holy day plays a special role in Zechariah’s understanding of the Day of the Lord?
Feast of Tabernacles
- a fall festival that influenced coming back from exile
- the changing of calendars was influenced by harvest in fall and rebirth in the spring time