book flashcards
to what container should you set the base DN to in the search box of ldp.exe tool when performing tombstone reanimation of a user in
CN=Deleted Objects,DC=test,DC=com
what should you run from the command line to register SPN ‘http/’ for a win2012R2 server named srv55?
> setspn -S http/ srv55
what service uses port 389?
what GUI tool will allow you to enable the Active Directory recycle bin?
when do you choose to import an object that has been exported from an Active Directory snapshot instead of retreiving an object form the Active Directory Recycle Bin?
when you want to reset the values of an objects attributes to a previous value
what parameter of the install-ADDSDomainController cmdlet is used to install and configure DNS on the DC?
which parameter of the Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole cmdlet will allow you to seize a master operations role?
what setspn.exe command will list all SPN’s of services on the web server?
> setspn -l
what parameter of the install-ADDSDomainController cmdlet is used to prevent the replication of certain passwords to the DC
which type of account in w2008R2 and above is a ‘managed local account’ that provides the ability to access the network with a computer identity in a domain environment with no password management required?
virtual account
what additional step is required to view deleted objects after setting the base DN to in the search box of ldp.exe tool when performing a tombstone reanimation of a user account?
use the ‘return deleted objects’ control to view deleted objects.
to use kerberos authentication with SQL server, which two conditions are required?
- the client and server computers must be part of the same windows domain, or in trusted domains.
- ServicePrincipalNames (SPN) must be registered with AD
what are the four image types used in WDS?
- boot images
- install images
- capture images
- discover images
what are the prerequisites to install a WDS server in an Active Directory network?
- ADDS Server
- NTFS Share
- WDS Server needs GUI
- WDS can be installed on member server
what are the three steps to create a Managed Service Account on Domains required 2008 R2?
on server
- > New-ADServiceAccount -Name -RestrictToSingleComputer -enabled $True
- > Add-ADComputerServiceAccount -Identity -serviceAccount
on target
3. > Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity
What are the prerequisites for Active Directory MSA to work on a clint computer?
- Active Directory Powershell Module
- .Net 3.5 Framework
what is the time period, in that managed service account renew their passowrds automaticaly?
30 Days
what tool is the only tool that can be used to create WSUS groups?
what are the steps to update an offline image or vhd(x) with dism? with
security updates
- set image to read-write (attrib -r)
- mount the image on empty mount point
- extract contents of update (winrar, etc)
- inject .cab files into mounted image (add-windowsPackage)
- commit changes and unmoute
> Save-WindowsImage
> Dismount-WindowsImage
in configuring WSUS, what does client side targeting mean?
to use GPOs to assign computers to WSUS groups
(used in lager organisations)
which zone type can NOT be stored in Active Directory?
secondary zones
[secutity implications]
what cmdlet is used to create a new conditional forwarder fot
> Add-DnsServerConditionalZone -Name -masterServers -forwardertimeout -replicationscope
which cmdlet is used to create an new stub zone ?
> Add-DnsServerStubZone -name -masterServers -replicationScope
wich cmdlet is used to create a new secondary zone?
> Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -name -zonefile -masterServers
can secondary DNSserver be a master server in DNS?
which cmdlet can be used to create a primary zone?
> Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone -name -replicationscope -dynamicupdate ‘secure’
(Active Directory integrated)
Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone -name -zonefile -dynamicupdate ‘none’
(file based)
why can the two parameters -ReplicationScope and -ZoneFile not be used at the same time when creating a new DNS zone
one fits file based zones the other Active Directory integrated zones
is it possible to change the zone* type from file-based to Active Directory integrated or vice versa with powershell?
*or conditional forwarder
what tool do you use to change the type of zone from Active Directory integrated to file-based or voce versa?
use DNS management console
what are the four possible settings for zone transfers in DNS management?
- noTransfer
- TransferAnyServer
- TrasnsferToZoneNameServer
- TransferToSecureServers
what are the three possible notification settings for DNS zone changes?
- NoNotify
- Notify
- NotifyServers
what is the possible alternative in Active Directory integrated DNS to file-based secondars servers?
stub-zones and conditional forwarders
what are conditional forwarders used for?
conditional forwarders provide a means to manage to which DNS server a DNS query is forwarded for specific zones.
what is zone delegation used for?
use DNS zone delegation to delegate the administration of a portion of your DNS namespace.
what is the default zone transfer setting?
zone transfers are disallowed unless explicitly allowed.
which DNS resource record type can NOT be created with PowerShell?
SOA* - Start Of Authority record.
* is a version number record identifying the number of the DNSZone
if DNS has two MX entries for a domain with different priority settings, which server ist receiving the SMTP traffic?
lowest value
what tool is used to perform a tombstone reanimation?
> ldp.exe
what tools can you use to view the contents of a mounted Active Directory snapshot?
- ADUC (DSA.msc)
- LDP.exe
which cmdlet do you use to copy images between groups in WDS ?
> export-WDSInstallImage
> import-WDSInstallImage
which cmdlet do you use to copy images inside a WDS group?
> copy-WDSInstallImage
how do you enable client-side targeting in WSUS?
by selecting computers in the options section of the server update services and selecting “use group policy or registry settings on computers”
what is the minimum size of the local updates volume for WSUS?
what form of credential does the -credential option expect?
a psCredential object. not a string “domain\user”
what cmdlet do you use to open an elevated PowerShell ?
> Start-Process Powershell.exe -verb RunAs
to install WDS via PowerShell including tools type..
> Install-windowsFeature -name WDS -cn -includemanagementtools
before capturing an image from a template installation, what do you need to do?
> %windir”\system32\sysprep sysprep /oobe /generalize /reboot
can you remove a driver-package from an image in WDS?
can you use powershell to create or manage the properties of driver-groups in WDS?
what are the steps to install or remove features in offline images?
- set the image to read-write with : attrib -r
- mount image on empty mountpoint
- modify image > enable-windowsoptionalfeature
> disable-windowsoptionalfeature
-commit changes and unmount
> save-windowsImage
> dismount-windowsImage
what cmdlet do you use to install the direct access role on a server
> Install-WindowsFeature -name RemoteAccess -IncludeAllSubfeatures -IncludeManagementTools
what can you do to maintain functionality in established boot images to support hardware compatibility?
inject vendor specific drivers into boot images.
> Import-WDSDriverPackage
> Add-WDSDriverPackage
what is the prerequisite to install the WDS role on a 2012 R2 server?
WDS is only supported on a full GUI installation.
wich cmdlet is used to install the WDS role ?
> Install-WindowsFeature -name WDS -includeManagementTools