Book 99 Brush Fire Flashcards
when responding as a strike team, a __supervisor may be dispatched as an Agency Representative?
when cold trailing the captain should be the first,second, or third person in line?
LA county camps can provide up to __hand crews on a daily basis?
location where you can obtain water,food and sanitary service?
what is the minimum drops can an engine company perform?
a chain of work is how many feet of work per hour?
the first arriving helicopter at the helispot shall designate a hellcat member as?
Helispot Manager
name an advantage of a scratch line?
Safe area (burn area)
working on one or both flanks describes?
Direct attack
decision to use a water shuttle are?
distance from supply,terrain, resources available
when performing a relay operation, pump 180 psi which will deliver how many GPM?
900 gpm
the minimum clearance between landing pads, center to center is?
150 feet
division III weather information provide__outputs?
flame fronts can have winds up to?
if a 1,000-1250GPM is used in a relay operation,the lay will be limited to __GPM’s?
who created the 10 standing orders?
US Forrest Service
an acre is an area about __feet and __ feet
200 x200
staging areas should be located __ minutes from the available status?
3 minutes
“T” cards are carried on all__sedans and Mobile command units?
evening air flow, is down slope at__to__MPH ?
5 to 8
winds that are 15mph exert about how many pounds of pressure?
santa ana winds usually last how long?
2 to 3 days
First Alarm Companies,notify companies if you have a Loom Up on the__?
How long does it take a task force to put spaws together?
10 minutes
Dozer company has a minimum of __persons?
who has the primary responsibility for coordinating and managing evacuation centers?
Parks and Rec
when pulling a supply hose with a helicopter pull__feet and return to the tailboard?
50 feet
when deploying a shelter, your area should be what size?
when cold trailing what is the most over looked tool?
Mc Cloud
division II weather information wind speed is calculated from?
FS 75
when pulling a supply hose with a helicopter hose goes __ upper hose bar?
__is the location at which the primary logistics functions are coordinated and administered?
bulldozers will construct a safety island every__ feet along the line?
600 ft
when completing the water shuttle hose lay, pull 2 1/2” hose using what method?
first fold a reverse lay
when using 2 1/2” shut offs with water shuttle operation the hose lay is limited to how many GPM’s?
450 GPM
when performing a relay operation each apparatus will lay hose how many feet of hose?
600 ft or 1/10 mile
hi pressure air that is ?
which fire attack method is primarily used by the LAFD?
Direct attack
which slopes have the greatest number of fires?
south and west
prior to brush season commanders shall assure all of the following training have taking place?
brush hose lays, helicopter support, use of PPE’s
all the following are types of evacuations?
shelter in place, voluntary, mandatory
who will be assigned the responsibility for implementing a water shuttle?
Water shuttle officer
helicopter landing pad shall?
wet down prior to arrival
screed can assist with evacuations. they can provide buses at collection points within how many minutes?
Prior to brush season, commanders in grass or brush areas shall assure all the following training has taken place?
Communication problem areas, staging locations, use of PPE’s
when back firing who’s approval is required?
when hand crews need an emergency drop, they use?
Red Smoke
on a hot day , brush can be how hot?
prescribe burns are never started within __ days of a North wind (santa ana)
3 days
the mutual aid dispatch policy per our manuals of operation,we will dispatch up to a maximum of ?
30 engines
when using a 2 1/2” discharge gate during a large GPM relay operation,what friction loss is expected?
__ is a location at which the primary logistics functions are coordinated and administered?
when LAFD strike team arrives the incident CP, obtain a briefing from?
A brush assignment includes all the following?
4 Engines, 1 Task Force,2 Helicopters, 2 BC’s
what color T card do fuel tenders use?
winds that are 15 MPH exert 1 pound of pressure, double wind, fire spread will?
thirty year old chaparral will have what percentage of dead material?
air tankers are classified in Type 1 to 4. they carry extinguishing agents from__to__ gallons?
600 to 2,000
the ignition temperature of brush is 400 to 700 degrees to ignite brush, the average temp is?
what is the safest way to attack fire at a ridge?
wait off to the side to attack
all first line battalion and division sedans have a Firescope radio,which has how many channels?
what location are the spaws system maintained ?
FS 88
when forming and instituting a Relay operation, the first on scene officer becomes?
Relay officer
which method of extension is preferred for steep terrain or heavy brush?
hose rolls
best way to describe fire behavior is to say?
matter which fuel ignites
temperature inside a Fire shelter can exceed ?
150 degrees
during a helicopter filling operation, the kam lock will limit GPM to?
the LAFD First Alarm Brush response is based on ?
“Hit It Hard and Fast”
wind speed is measured at __ feet above the surface?
20 feet
daytime air flow, up slope at__to__MPH?
10 to 15
the purpose of the foot valve on a syphon ejector is?
prevent back flow
the Brush Fuel model is a __foot woody plant?
6 ft
at smaller brush incidents,manually tract companies by using?
temperature drops how many degrees for every 1000 feet of elevation?
1 3/4” hose should not be used in a brush firefighting because?
kinks easily
division 3 weather information is calculated from__different inputs?
a dynamic manual system used to maintain resource status at a brush fire by assignment and location at an incident best describes?
T cards
when a LAFD strike team operates outside the city,which designated would be correct?
LFD S/T 1001 A
Brush clearance begins in what month?
what cold trailing tool is more versatile than a Mc Cloud?
round point shovel
when requesting additional engines you will receive one BC for every __Engines?
helespots can be found in the __?
Building inventory and Brush inventory
the 1” syphon ejector has what size inlet nozzle inlet?