Book 3: Part 2 Votes For Women Flashcards
What was the woman’s franchise league?
Takes up rights for married women and campaigns for equality for women in divorce, inheritance and custody of children.
What was the factory act?
Band the employment of children under 11
This includes women
Arguments for women having the vote (4 mark)
They could vote in local elections in 1900 so people questioned why they couldn’t vote in a general election
Other countries have women the vote : New Zealand 1893, Norway 1911
Women pay taxes like men
Parliament’s decisions affected both men and women so women should have the vote
Arguments against women having the vote (4 mark)
Influential Queen Victoria opposed saying women were from “different spheres in life”
Some believed women could not be trusted as they weren’t rational
Women don’t fight in wars so shouldn’t have a say whether a country goes to war
People thought women would be encouraged to develop careers and neglect their family duties
What were the political reasons women could not get the vote?
Liberal backbench wanted the vote
Leaders opposed
Conservative backbench didn’t want the vote
Conservative leaders did
So nothing was done!
When were the suffragists formed?
What happened with bills in parliament up to 1900
They received a bill to get women the vote 15 times and it failed all 15 times
Who were the suffragists?
National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies
Non radicals
Lead by Millicent Fawcett
Believed in constitutional campaigning which uncover talking to MPs and handing leaflets.
Statistics for the suffragists?
100,000 members by 1914
500 local branches
67,000 signatures of textile worker were collected in 1901-02 to show parliament
When were the suffragettes formed?
Who were the suffragettes?
Women’s social and politician Union
Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst wanted a more radical approach.
Prime Minister Asquith was under fire
They would disrupt meetings and harass ministers
What happened in 1908?
Suffrage bill ran out of time so women didn’t get the vote… Again! (Oh lawd no)
What were the reactions to the 1908 bill failing from the suffragettes?
Woman began chaining themselves to railings and throwing stones at Downing Street
- more militant = less support
What happened in 1911?
Government promised Conciliation bill which had all party support but the prime minister dropped the bill!
Suffragettes even stopped militant action for this and it didn’t even happen lol peak
What were the reactions to the 1911 bill falling through by the suffragists?
They began to support labour
They had a peaceful pilgrimage