Book 2 summary Flashcards
What is the first thing that happens in this book?
Telemachus rises at dawn and gathers all the Achaeans to the meeting grounds.
Athena makes him look particularly god-like and striking.
What does Telemachus say to the assembled crowd?
- He describes the disgrace of his household- the suitors that dishonour his mother and consume the house’s resources.
- He explains that he is only a boy, and lacks the strength and experience to drive the suitors from the house
- He reproaches the crowd for its indifference, and threatens that the gods may revenge the suitor’s crimes
- He weeps with shame and anger
Who is the first to reply to Telemachus’ speech?
- He replies that Penelope is to blame for the suitors behaviour.
- Penelope promised to choose a husband once she had finished weaving a funeral shroud for Laertes, but in order to postpone this day, she unwove it at night. When one of her maids betrayed her secret to the suitors, they forced her to finish it.
- Antinous claims that the suitors are justified in their rude bheaviour because Penelope tricked them and because she refuses to choose a husband.
What does Antinous suggest to Telemachus?
That he sends Penelope back to her father, who would pick her husband.
How does Telemachus respond to the suggestion to send Penelope to her father’s house?
- It would be a disgrace, and would meet with anger from both his family and the gods.
- He asks the suitors to heed their shame and to leave his household, and threatens again that the gods will revenge their crimes
What happens when Telemachus threatens the suitors with the god;s revenge?
- Zeus sent an omen of the revenge Telemachus had described.
- Two eagles come down from the mountains and tear at each other as they fly over the crowds
Who interprets Zeus’ omen?
Halitherses, a prophet.
- He says the omen means death for the suitors
What do the suitors say after the prophecy has been interpreted?
Eurymachus mocks the prophecy and the omen.
- He says the suitors will not stop their feasting until Penelope chooses a husband.
How does Telemachus end the discussion?
- He declares he won’t discuss it any more with the suitors.
What does Telemachus ask for, and what does he say?
- He asks the Achaeans for a ship and a crew of twenty men to sail to Pylos and Sparta in search of news about Odysseus.
What his Telemachus’ plan for his journey?
- If he hears that his father is alive, he will hold the suitors back for another year
-If he hears news of his fathers death, he’ll give him a proper burial and encourage Penelope to remarry.
Who else reproaches the crowd at the assembly?
Mentor, Odysseus’ friend
What does Mentor say to the crowd?
- He reminds them that Odysseus was a kind and godlike ruler, and that they shouldn’t be indifferent in the face of the suitor’s violence
How does the assembly end?
- Leocritus hushes Mentor and predicts that the suitors would murder Odysseus even if he were to return.
- He breaks up the assembly.
What does Telemachus do after the assembly?
- He prays to Athene
- In the shape of Mentes, she tells Telemachus that from now on he will be as courageous and clever as his father, and that he will surely succeed in his mission.
- She tells him to ignore the suitors, who are surely doomed, and to gather supplies for the trip, whilst she assembles a crew and chooses a ship
What does Telemachus do after praying to Athena?
- He declines Antinous’ offer to join the suitor’s reverlry with restored confidence, stating that he will have nothing to do with them, and that he’ll bring destruction to their party.
- He ignores their insults and goes to the storeroom, where he asks Eurykleia to prepare supplies for the journey.
How does Eurykleia react to Telemachus’ news?
- She cries out in fear for his life, but Telemachus assures her that there’s a god watching over his mission, and asks her to keep his journey secret from Penelope for ten days