Book 1 (Mastered) Flashcards
Keywords to look for in Insurance and Contract questions
- Agent vs Broker
- “In writing”
(“Brokers a deal w/ the insurance companies)
A marketing intermediary between the insurer and the policy owner.
The borker represents the policy owner (the client)
In relation to Agent
Express authority
Implied authority
Apparent authority
Express = written, per insurance company
Implied = public belief implied by indicators (rate books, signage, etc.)
Apparent = negligence of insurance co. to allow the agent to apppear to have authority
Which is correct?
A) John Hobbs, CFP, Registered Investment Advisor
B) John Hobbs, CFP, RIA
Investment advisor registration w/ the SEC
2 things
1) Pay initial $150 fee
2) File form ADV/SCH. I each year
Visualize the yield curve & inverted yield curve
What is the leading indicator of inflation?
PPI, which then trickles through into CPI
Fed wants to tighten credit because of rising inflation
Monetary policy:
1) Reserve requirements inc.
2) Discount rate inc.
3) Open Market operations SELL
4) Margin rates inc.
General graph of the business cycle
Think of synonyms
Y-Axis: National Output
X-Axis: Time
An indicator that moves in tandem w/ the economy
Ex) Industrial Production
Coincidental indicator
Difference between disinflation & deflation
Disinflation = downward movement of inflated prices (trend)
Deflation = the actual decline in the price of goods & services
A yield curve compares YTM and Yields, assuming the bonds are…
1) Same quality
2) Same taxation
Is the yield curve an economic indicator?
only if its moving
Legal rep of an insurance company with all 3 authorities
1) Express
2) Implied
3) Apparent (sometimes)
What happens when a client pays down a mortgage principal (not interest)
Net worth increases (decreasing a liability)