Book 1 Flashcards
What was made on Day 1?
Dark and Light
What was made on Day 2?
Sea and the Clouds
What was made on Day 3?
Earth and Plants
What was made on Day 4?
Sun, moon and stars
What was made on Day 5?
Fish and Birds
What was made on Day 6?
Animals and Man
What did God do on Day 7?
He rested
What did Cain do to Abel?
He killed him.
Who built the ark?
Why did God want Noah to build the ark?
All the people on the earth were very bad.
How many people went into the ark?
What birds were sent out of the ark?
A raven and a dove
What big structure did the people try to build?
The tower of Babel
How did God stop them from building the big structure?
He gave them different languages so they couldn’t understand each other
What happened to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah?
God destroyed them all with fire and brimstone
What happened to Lot’s wife?
She changed into a salt pillar
How many people were saved from Sodom?
3 - Noah and his two daughters
How old was Abraham when Sarah had Isaac?
100 years old
What was Abraham going to do to Isaac because God asked?
He was going to offer him to God
What did God give to Abraham instead of him offering Isaac?
He gave him a ram
How did Abraham’s servant work out which girl was to marry Isaac?
When he asked for a drink she would give him a drink and then give his camels water also
How many babies did Rebekah have?
2 - twins
What was Esau like?
He was hairy and a hunter
What was Jacob like?
He was smooth and a shepherd
What did Jacob take off Esau by tricking him?
His birthright
What did Jacob take off Esau by tricking Isaac?
The blessing
What did Esau want to do to Jacob after he tricked Isaac?
He wanted to kill him
What did Rebekah tell Jacob to do after they tricked Isaac?
She told him to run away to his relatives
How many sons did Jacob have?
What was the name of Jacob’s favourite son?
What did Jacob give his favourite son?
A coat of many colours
What dream did Joseph have about his family?
That they would all bow down to him
What did Joseph’s brothers do to him?
They put him in a pit and then sold him a slave
What happened to Joseph after Potiphar’s wife lied about him?
He was put in prison
What did the butler dream of?
He dreamt of a grape vine with lovely grapes. He took Pharaoh’s cup and squeezed the grape juice into the cup and gave it to Pharaoh.
What did the baker dream of?
He had a basket of bread on his head which he dropped and the birds ate the bread
What happened to the butler?
He went back to work for Pharaoh
What happened to the baker?
He was killed by Pharaoh
What was Pharaoh’s first dream?
He dreamt there were seven thin cows that ate seven fat cows without getting any fatter.
What was Pharaoh’s second dream?
He dreamt there were seven thin stalks of wheat that ate seven fat stalks without getting any fatter.
What happened to Joseph after he interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams?
Pharaoh put second in charge of Egypt
How many years was there plenty of food in Egypt?
Seven years
How many years was there famine in Egypt?
Seven years
Why did Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt?
They had no food
What did Joseph put in his brother’s sacks when they left Egypt the first time?
The money they had brought for the food
Who did Joseph’s brother’s have to bring back to Egypt the second time?
Benjamin, Joseph’s younger brother
What did Joseph put in Benjamin’s sack when he left Egypt?
He put his own silver cup into the sack
Did the brother’s know who Joseph was?
No, they had no idea
What happened when Joseph told his brother’s who he was?
They were amazed and worried because they had not been good to Joseph
What did Joseph ask his brother’s to do after he revealed himself?
Go back home and bring his father and everybody else to Egypt
What did the Egyptians do to the Israelite baby boys?
They killed them
What did Moses’ mother do to Moses?
She made him a basket and floated him down the river
Who found baby Moses?
The Egyptian princess
Who looked after Moses when he was young?
His mother did
Where did Moses live as he got older?
In Pharaoh’s court with his adopted family
What did Moses do to the Egyptian who was beating the Israelite slaves?
He killed him and buried him
What did Moses have to do after he killed the Egyptian?
He fled into the wilderness
What did Moses do in the wilderness?
He was a shepherd
What did Moses see on the mountain that was very strange?
He saw a bush that was on fire but was not burning
What did God want Moses to do at the burning bush?
He wanted him to go back to Egypt and get Pharaoh to let the Israelites go
What was the first sign God showed Moses at the burning bush?
He threw his rod on the ground and it became a snake. Then he picked up the snake and it became a rod again.
What was the second sign God showed Moses at the burning bush?
He put his hand in his clothes and when it came out it was white with leprosy. When he put it back in, it came out clean.
Who did Moses want to help him in Egypt?
His brother Aaron.