Bony Landmarks and Location Equine Flashcards
Learn equine landmarks and location
Where is this bony landmark located?
Cranial Border of the Scapula
Along the cranial edge or anterior of the scapula
Where is this bony landmark located?
Crest of the Humerus Location
On the proximal third of the anterior and medial humerus
Where is this bony landmark located?
Crest of the Ilium Location
Between the point of hip and the point of the sacrum
Where is this bony landmark located?
Deltoid Tuberosity Location
Prominent ridge along the anterior humerus distal to the greater tubercle.
Where is this bony landmark located?
Frontal Bone Location
From the ears and eyes to the midline of the skull
Where is this bony landmark located?
Greater Trochanter Location
On the most lateral aspect of the proximal femur
Where is this bony landmark located?
Greater Tubercle Location
Small rounded projection on the anterior head of the humerus
Where is this bony landmark located?
Head of the Femur Location
On the proximal end of the femur situated in the hip socket
Where is this bony landmark located?
Iliac Spine Location
Along the dorsal aspect of the ilium between the tuber sacrala and the ischiu
Where is this bony landmark located?
Infraspinous Fossa Location
On the caudal half of the scapula from the posterior border to the spine.
Where is this bony landmark located?
Inguinal Arch Location
Not a true bony landmark, but a descriptive term for the curve of the pelvis between the tuber coxae and the pelvis symphysis (soft tissue of the groin)
Where is this bony landmark located?
Ishchiatic Tubers Location
On the caudal aspect of the ischium on either side of the tail (point of the buttock)
Where is this bony landmark located?
Lateral Tuberosity Location
Above the condyle (knuckle) on the lateral surface of the proximal humerus
Where is this bony landmark located?
Lesser Trochanter Location
On the medial and posterior aspect of the femur distal to the femoral head
Where is this bony landmark located?
Lesser Tubercle Location
Small rounded projection on the medial head of the humerus
Where is this bony landmark located?
Manubrium of the Sternum Location
The first segment of the sternum
Where is this bony landmark located?
Mastoid Process Location
Caudal to the ramus of the mandible and medial on the temporal bone of the skull
Where is this bony landmark located?
Occiput Location
Along the edge of the occipital bone where the skull and the first cervical vertebrae articulate
Where is this bony landmark located?
Olecranon Process Locaton
A long projection extending off the proximal ulna (forms the point of elbow)
Where is this bony landmark located?
Radial Tuberosity Location
On the lateral proximal radius
Where is this bony landmark located?
Ramus of the Mandible Locaton
Caudal portion of the lower jaw from the corner across the fossa to the coronoid process
Where is this bony landmark located?
Rim of the Pubis Location
The most cranial edge of the pubic bone to the left and right of the symphysis
Where is this bony landmark located?
Spine of the Scapula Location
A ridge that bisects the scapula longitudinally (top to bottom)
Where is this bony landmark located?
Sternum Location
On the ventral midline of the ribcage