Bony Landmarks Flashcards
Spinous processes of vertebral column
SPs of C7-T5 are the origin of the Rhomboids
Transverse processes of vertebral column
Have transverse foramen in cervical spine only
Ribs 1-12, body of ribs
True ribs are 1-7, false are 8-10, floating are 11&12
Posterior surface of sacrum
Composed of 5 fused vetebrae
Median crest of sacrum
Fused spinous processes
Sternum: Manubrium
Articulates with clavicles
Sternum: Sternal Angle
At level of 2nd rib
Sternum: Body
Largest part of the sternum
Xiphoid Process
Most inferior part of sternum
External Occipital Protuberance
Origin of Traps
Mandible: Angle
Junction of the lateral border and ramus of the mandible
Mandible: Condyle
Articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
Mandible Coronoid process
Temporalis insertion
Zygomatic Arch
Formed by zygomatic bone and temporal bone
Scapula: Spine
Origin of deltoid
Scapula: Coracoid process
Origin of biceps brachii
Scapula: Acromion
Origin of deltoid
Scapula: Inferior Angle
Where medial and lateral border of the scaps meet
Scapula: Medial Border
Insertion of Rhomboids
Scapula: Lateral Border
Origin of teres major and minor
Scapula: Infraspinous Fossa
Origin of infraspinatus muscle
Scapula: Supraspinous Fossa
Origin of Supraspinatus muscle
Clavicle: Sternal End
Articulates with manubrium of sternum to form sternoclavicular joint
Clavicle: Acromial End
Articulates with acromion to form acromioclavicular joint
Clavicle: Body
Attachment for subclavian muscle
Humerus: Greater Tubercle
Insertion of Supraspinatus
Humerus: Lesser Tubercle
Insertrion of Subscapularis
Humerus: Medial Condyle
Origin of forearm flexors
Humerus: Lateral Epicondyle
Origin of forearm extensors
Ulna: Head
Has a styloid process
Ulna: Olecranon Process
Origin of flexor carpi ulnaris
Radius Styloid Process
Brachioradialis inserts just proximal to it
Largest of the carpal bones
Insertion of flexor carpi ulnaris
Hook of Hamate
Insertion of flexor carpi ulnaris
Hip Bone: Iliac Crest
Origin of erector spinae muscles
Hip Bone: Iliac Fossa
Origin of iliacus
Hip Bone: ASIS
Origin of Sartorius
Hip Bone: Ischial Tuberosity
Absorbs weight when you sit
Femur: Greater trochanter
Gluteus medius insertion
Femur: Condyle
Gastrocnemius origin
Femur: Epicondyle
Slightly above condyles
Patella: Base
Rectus femoris inserts via the quad tendon
Patella: Apex
Patellar tendon attachment
Patella: Medial Border
Vastus medialis inserts via quad tendon
Patella: Lateral Border
Vastus lateralis inserts via the quad tendon
Tibia: Lateral Condyle
Gerdy’s tubercle is on it and it’s where the IT band inserts
Tibia: Medial Condyle
Semimembranosus inserts
Tibia: Tibial Tuberosity
Rectus femoris inserts
Tibia: Medial Malleolus
Smaller than the lateral malleolus
Fibula: Head
Insertion of biceps femoris
Fibula: Neck
Common fibular nerve travels posteriolateral to it
Fibula: Lateral Malleolus
Larger than the medial malleolus