Bones + Reference Points Flashcards
Scapula (it’s parts - spine, coracoid process, acromion)
Shoulder bone - the bone that connects the humerus (upper arm bone) with the clavicle (collar bone)
spine of scapula
– above is supra spinous fossae and below is infra spinous fossae
coracoid process
– still apart of the scapula. use fingers in the hallow in the divit of the clavicle)
– continuation of scapula
or collarbone, is a long bone that serves as a strut between the shoulder blade and the sternum (breastbone). There are two clavicles, one on the left and one on the right. The clavicle is the only long bone in the body that lies horizontally.
AC joint (connects clavicle to scapula)
or breastbone is a long flat bone located in the central part of the chest. It connects to the ribs via cartilage and forms the front of the rib cage, thus helping to protect the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels from injury.
HUMERUS (notes on greater, lesser tuberosity, glenoid fossae)
the long bone in the arm that runs from the shoulder to the elbow also known as adele. It connects the scapula and the two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, and consists of three section:
greater tuberosity - top of humerus - lateral to bicipital groove
lesser tuberosity is medial to the bicipital groove
Glenoid fossae (where the head of the humorous connects to scapula)
lower arm - thumb up to ceiling radius is on top
lower arm - Thumb up, the ulna is on the bottom
the eight small bones that make up the wrist (or carpus) that connects the hand to the forearm.
is the uppermost and largest part of the hip bone
Iliac Crest
is the most prominent part of the ilium, the largest of the three bones that make up the bony pelvis or hip bone. It is the curved part at the top of the hop that sits close to the skin and forms the wing-like part of the pelvis on which a person will sometimes rest their hands
ASIS (boney front hip bones)
The anterior superior iliac spine (abbreviated: ASIS) is a bony projection of the iliac bone and an important landmark of surface anatomy. It refers to the anterior extremity of the iliac crest of the pelvis, which provides attachment for the inguinal ligament, and the sartorius muscle.
PSIS (boney nobs lateral to the sacrum)
located on the back, just above the buttock. It can usually be seen and felt under the indents just above the buttock. The dimples.
ISCHIUM: ischial tuberosity (sitting bones)
the curved bone forming the base of each half of the pelvis - forms the lower and back part of the hip bone (os coxae). Situated below the ilium and behind the pubis, it is one of these three bones whose fusion creates the hip. The superior portion of this bone forms approximately one third of the acetabulum.
PUBIS (pubic bone)
A Large Bone Supporting the Hip and Lower Extremities
The pubis , also known as the pubic bone, is located in front of the pelvic girdle. … The two halves of the pubic bone are joined in the middle by an area of cartilage called the pubic symphysis.
The pelvis connects to the sacrum (coxyx on the bottom)
SACRUM: SI (sacrac iliac joint) a little movement
sometimes called the sacral vertebra or sacral spine (S1), is a large, flat triangular shaped bone nested between the hip bones and positioned below the last lumbar vertebra (L5). The coccyx, commonly known as the tailbone, is below the sacrum.
connects femur to pelvis - hip joint - the socket of the hipbone, into which the head of the femur fits.
FEMUR (notes on greater and lesser trochanter)
is the only bone located within the human thigh. It is both the longest and the strongest bone in the human body, extending from the hip to the knee.
greater trochanter (go to widest part of the hips - in line with the public bone, top of femur, lots of attachments here) lesser trochanter (barely below public bone, deep through the abductors, back inner portion of femur on the top)
the kneecap, is a flat, circular-triangular bone which articulates with the femur (thigh bone) and covers and protects the anterior articular surface of the knee joint.
The tibia is the bone that forms the shin and is the larger of the two lower-leg bones. The top of the tibia connects to the knee joint and the bottom of the tibia connects to the ankle joint.
the long, thin and lateral bone of the lower leg. It runs parallel to the tibia, or shin bone, and plays a significant role in stabilizing the ankle and supporting the muscles of the lower leg. Compared to the tibia, the fibula is about the same length, but is considerably thinner
a set of seven irregularly shaped bones. They are situated proximally in the foot in the ankle area. Metatarsals – connect the phalanges to the tarsals