Bones Of Thorax- Introduction Flashcards
The upper end of the thorax continues with the root of the neck and is partly separated by the _________
Supra pleural membrane or sibsons fascia
The lower end is separated from the abdomen by the ________
A cervical rib attached to the vetrebra C7 exerts pressure where?
On the lower trunk of BP
Superior aperture is also called the _________
Inlet of the thorax
The superior aperture is bounded
On each side:
Upper border of manubrum of sternum
Superior surface of body of T1
First rib w its cartilage
Structures passing through the inlet of thorax are….
Trachea, oesophagus, left ci.mon carotid artery, left subclavian artery, right and left superior intercostal arteries, right and left phrejic nerve, sternohyoid and sternothroid muscles
The inferior aperture us also called
Outlet of thorax
Outlet of thorax is bounded
Anteriorly, posteriorly and on each side by…..
Infra sternal angle
Inferior surface of body of T12
By the costal margin formed by cartilage of 7th to 12th ribs
….. large openings in diaphragm
Thoracic cavity and its wall have the shape pf a
Truncated cone
The thoracic cage w horizontal bars formed by the ______ and ________ is supported by _________ vertically
Ribs and costal cartilage
Thorax includes primary organs of ________ and ___________ systems
Respiratory and cardiovascular
The thoracic cavity is divided into three spaces
1________ which houses _________
The central compartment or mediastenum which houses thoracic viscera except from lungs
The left and right pulmonary cavities whuch houses the lungs
Majority if thoracic cavity is occupied by ______
The lungs
Function of dome shape of thoracic cage
Protects abdominal and thoracic organs from external force
Resist negative internal pressures generated by the elastic recoil of lungs and inspiratory movements
Provide attachment for and support weight of UL
Provide original. For some muscles of UL
Thoracic cage is an ______________ cage
Osseocartilagenous elastic cage
Formation of thoracic cage
On each side
12 thoracic vertebrae and their intervertebral discs
12 ribs and their cartilages
What are the vetebra-sternal ribs
The upper 7 ribs
What are the vertebral chondral ribs and why
The 8,9 and 10th ribs
Because their costal cartilage joins the 7th costal cartilage