Bones Of The Skull Flashcards
Foramen magnum
Allows passage of the spinal cord from the brainstem to the vertebral canal
Supraorbital foramina (notches)
Allow the supraorbital arteries and nerves to pass
Hypoglossal canals
Allows passage of the hypoglossal nerves
Occipital condyles
Articulate with the atlas (first vertebra)
External occipital protuberance and nucal lines
Sites of muscle attachment
External occipital crest
Attachment site of ligamentum nuchae
Zygomatic process
Helps to form the zygomatic arch, which forms the prominence of the cheek
Mandibular fossa
Articulate point of the condylar process of the mandible
External acoustic meatus
Canal leading from the external ear to the eardrum
Styloid process
Attachment site for several neck muscles and for a ligament to the hyoid bone
Mastoid process
Attachment site for several neck and tongue muscles
Stylomastoid foramen
Allows cranial nerve (facial nerve) to pass
Jugular foramen
Allows passage of the internal jugular vein and cranial nerves
Carotid canal
Allows passage of the internal carotid artery
Sella turcica
Hypophyseal fossa portion is the seat of the pituitary gland
Optic canals
Allow passage if optic nerves and the ophthalmic arteries
Superior orbital fissures
Allow passage of cranial nerves and ophthalmic vein
Foramen rotundum
Allows passage of the maxillary division of cranial nerve
Foramen ovale
Allows passage of the mandibular division of cranial nerve
Foramen spinosum
Allows passage of the middle meningeal artery
Crista galli
Attachment point for the falx, cerebri, a ideal membrane fold
Cribriform plates
Allow passage of filaments of the olfactory nerves
Superior and middle nasal conchae
Form part of lateral walls of nasal cavity; increase turbulence of air flow
Coronoid process
Insertion points for the temporalis muscles
Condylar processes
Articulate with the temporal bones in the temporal mandibular joints of the jaw
Mandibular symphysis
Medial fusion point of the mandibular bones
Dental alveoli
Sockets for the teeth
Mandibular foramina
Permits the inferior alveolar nerves to pass
Mental foramina
Allow blood vessels and nerves to pass to the chin and lower lip
Zygomatic process
Help form the zygomatic arches
Palatine processes
Form the anterior hard palate; meet medially in intermaxillary suture
Frontal process
Forms part of lateral aspects of bridge of nose
Incisive fossa
Permits blood vessels and nerves to pass through anterior hard palate
Inferior orbital fissure
Permits maxillary branch of cranial nerve , the zygomatic nerve, and blood vessels to pass
Infraorbital foramen
Allows passage of Infraorbital nerve to skin of face
Lacrimal fossa
Houses the lacrimal sac, which helps to drain tears into the nasal cavity
Median palatine suture
Medial fusion point of the horizontal plates of the palatine bones, which from the posterior part of the hard palate