Bones and Skeletal Tissue Flashcards
Parts within and functions
Cartilage within the Skeletal tissue
- Matrix - Ground substance
- Fibers - Cells
- Perichondrium
Types of of skeletal cartilages
- Hyaline
- Elastic
- Fibrocartilage
Growth within skeletal cartilage
- Appositional
- interstitial
How are bones classified?
Location:Axial, Appendicular
Shape: Long, short, flat, irregular
What are the functions of bones?
- Support
- Protection
- Movement
- Mineral storage
- Homatopoiesis = blood cell formation
- Triglyceride storage
Bone textures.
Compact, Spongy
Structure of short, irregular, and flat bones…
All consist of thin plates of spong bone covered by compact bone.
Connective membranes covering the inside and outside of the bone plates?
Structure of typical Long bone.
- Diaphysis: compact bone, medullary cavity
- Epiphysis
- Articular (hyaline) cartilage
- Epiphyseal line
- Spongy bone
- outer shell of compact bone forms the epiphysis exterior and the interior contains spongy bone. a thin layer of articular cartilage covers the joints surface of each epiphysis, cushioning and opposing bone ends during movement and absorbing stress.
Membranes of typical Long bone
- Periosteum, perforating (Sharppey’s) fibers
- Osteogenic: Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts.
- Endosteum
- Medullar cavity
- Covers the external surface of the entire bone except the joint surface.
- Irregular connective tissue on the outside
- Ricly supplied with nerve fibers and blood vessels, which pass through the shaft to enter the marrow cavity, via Nutrient Foramin
- Also providees anchoring points for tendons and ligaments.
Perforating (Sharpey’s) Fibers
tufts of collagen fibers that extend from its fibrous layer into the bone matrix - secure the periosteum to the underlying bone.
covers internal bone surfaces, covering the trabeculae of spongy bone and lines the canals tat pass through the compact bone.
Medullary Cavity
- central cavity within the diaphysis
- contains (yellow marrow) Fat
Location of Hematopoietic Tissue in bones
Location: Red marrow is typicall found within the trabecular cavities of spongy of long bones and in the dipole of flat bones.
- yellow marrow - within medullary cavit
Bone Markings
- Projections: bone markings that bulge outward from the surface, includes heads, trochanters, spines and others.
- Depressions/Openings: Fossae (singular: Fossa), Sinuses, Foramin (singular: foramen), and grooves
Micro-anatomy of bone: Cells
- Osteogenic
- Osteoblasts
- Osteocytes
- Bone lining cells
- Osteoclasts
miotically active stem cells found in the membranous periosteum and endosteum. either flattened or squamous during bone growth. when stimulated, these cells differentiate into osteoblasts or bone lining cells, while other persist as osteogenetic cells.
bone forming cells that secrete the bone matrix.
- unmineralized bone matrix secreted includes Collagen and calcium-binding proteins that make up the initial unmineralized bone, or osteoid.
Bone Lining Cells
flat cells found on bone surfaces where bone remodeling is not going on.
- help to maintain the matrix.
- Bone lining cells on the external surfaces are also called periosteal cells
- Internal bone lining cells are called endosteal cells.
Compact bone Structural unit:
Osteon = Haversian System