Bones Flashcards
Spatium interarcuale
⮚ Eq: wide
⮚ Ru: wide
⮚ Ca: narrow
Incisura alare on the atlas (C1)
⮚ Eq: absent, foramen alare instead
⮚ Ru: absent, foramen alare instead
⮚ Ca: present
Foramen transversarium on atlas (C1)
⮚ Eq: present
⮚ Ru: absent
⮚ Ca: present
Shape of ala atlantis (C1)
⮚ Eq: point downwards
⮚ Ru: point horizontally
⮚ Ca: point horizontally
The shape of Dens on Axis (C2)
⮚ Eq: spout- like
⮚ Ru: spout- like
⮚ Ca: rod- like
The shape of facies articularis cranialis on axis (C2)
⮚ Eq: surface is split into two and is ventrolateral to the dens
⮚ Ru: surface is undivided and is semicircular around the dens
⮚ Ca: surface is split into two and is nearly fully lateral to the dens
Processus spinosus direction and shape on axis (C2)
⮚ Eq: directed caudally and is split into two ridges (bifurcated) ; is continuous with the caudal articular processes
⮚ Ru: rectangular in shape and has a convex dorsal borer ; is separate from the caudal articular processes
⮚ Ca: ridge extends cranially and caudally ; is continuous with the caudal articular processes
Foramen vertebrale laterale on axis (C2)
⮚ Eq: present, formed by a bony bridge on the cranial side
⮚ Ru: present, formed by a bony bridge on the cranial side
⮚ Ca: absent, instead incisura vertebralis cranialis is present
Crista ventralis on C7
⮚ Eq: absent
⮚ Ru: absent
⮚ Ca: present
Number of thorcicae vertebrae
⮚ Eq: 18
⮚ Ru: 13
⮚ Ca: 12- 14
Processus accessorii (Thorcicae)
⮚ Eq: not present ⮚ Ru: not present ⮚ Ca: present between the transverse and caudal articular processes of the last thoracic vertebrae (rod – like)
Size of the processus spinosus on thoracicae
⮚ Eq: increase in length until the 4th of 5th vertebrae, decrease until the 12th or 13th
⮚ Ru: increase in length until the 3rd vertebra, decrease until the 12th or 13th ⮚ Ca: decrease all the way through
Foreman intervertebrale (Thorcicae)
⮚ Eq: undivided
⮚ Ru: divided into two by a bony bridge
⮚ Ca: undivided
Number of vertebrae (Lumbales)
⮚ Eq: 5-7
⮚ Ru: 6
⮚ Ca: 6/7
Processus accessorii (Lumbales)
⮚ Eq: not present ⮚ Ru: not present ⮚ Ca: present, between the transverse and processus articularis caudalis of the entire lumbar vertebrae
The shape of processus spinosus (Lumbales)
⮚ Eq: uniform length ; directed cranially ; rectangular in shape
⮚ Ru: uniform length ; directed caudally in the ox and vertically in small ruminants ; square in shape
⮚ Ca: not uniform in length ; directed cranially
Processus costales (rudimentary ribs)– [Processus transversus of the Lumbales]
⮚ Eq: horizontally directed ; that of the last two and 1st sacral vertebrae articulate together
⮚ Ru: horizontally directed
⮚ Ca: directed downwards and forwards (cranioventrally)
The shape of processus mamilloarticularis (Lumbales)
⮚ Eq: club – shaped
⮚ Ru: club – shaped
⮚ Ca: ridge – shaped
Foramen intervertebrale (Lumbales)
⮚ Eq: undivided ; has a dorsal and ventral opening due to articulation of transverse processes
⮚ Ru: divided in the first 3 lumbar vertebrae by a bony bridge (caudal notch)
⮚ Ca: undivided
Number of vertebrae (Sacrales)
⮚ Eq: 5
⮚ Ru: 5 (4 in sheep)
⮚ Ca: 3
Shape of os sacral
⮚ Eq: triangular
⮚ Ru: triangular
⮚ Ca: rectangular
Basis ossis sacri (sacrales)
⮚ Eq: straight
⮚ Ru: curved caudally
⮚ Ca straight
Crista sacralis mediana et intermedia (sacrales)
⮚ Eq: not present
⮚ Ru: present (mediana on the dorsal aspect and the intermediana lateral to the proc. spinosus)
⮚ Ca: not present
Ala ossis sacri (sacrales)
⮚ Eq: only first sacral vertebrae contributes to its formation
⮚ Ru: first two contribute (in small ruminants)
⮚ Ca: first two contribute
Processus spinosus fused/divided (sacrales)
⮚ Eq: bases are fused while dorsal part remains unfused
⮚ Ru: dorsal spines are fused (form the medial sacral crest) ⮚ Ca: bases are fused while dorsal part remains unfused
Shape of pars lateralis of the sacral (fusion of proc. transversus) [Sacrale]
⮚ Eq: stout
⮚ Ru: thin
⮚ Ca: stout
Shape of the crista sacralis lateralis (sacrale)
⮚ Eq: prominent
⮚ Ru: rudimentary
⮚ Ca: rudimentary
Position of facies auricularis (sacrale)
⮚ Eq: directed almost cranially ⮚ Ru: directed upwards and backwards (caudodorsally) ⮚ Ca: directed laterally
Number of vertebrae (cocygeal-caudales)
⮚ Eq: 15 - 21
⮚ Ru: 18 - 20
⮚ Ca: 20 - 23
Processus haemalis (for protection of coccygeal vessels ; on the ventral surface) [cocygeal-cadualis]
⮚ Eq: absent
⮚ Ru: 1st – 8th vertebrae
⮚ Ca: 5th – 15th vertebrae
Arcus haemalis [cocygeal-cadualis]
⮚ Eq: absent
⮚ Ru: 2nd and 3rd vertebrae
⮚ Ca: 3rd – 8th vertebrae
Number of ribs (costae)
⮚ Eq: 18
⮚ Ru: 13
⮚ Ca: 12 –
Ratio of sternal to asternal ribs (costae)
⮚ Eq: 8:10
⮚ Ru: 8:5
⮚ Ca: 9:4
Collum costae (costae)
⮚ Eq: becomes shorter gradually
⮚ Ru: does not become shorter
⮚ Ca: becomes shorter gradually
Shape of the ribs (costae)
⮚ Eq: uniform
⮚ Ru: flat with sharply defined margins, expand in width towards the sternum
⮚ Ca: more curved
Cartilago manubrii (sternum)
⮚ Eq: long, dorsally convex and laterally compressed projection
⮚ Ru: represented by a thin layer/ completely missing
⮚ Ca: short, blunt cylinder
Corpus sterni (sternum)
⮚ Eq: has a crista sterni on the ventral side ; 7 segments (sometimes 8) ; compressed laterally and extended ventrally
⮚ Ru: wide and flat ; 7 segments ; compressed dorsoventrally
⮚ Ca: cylindrical ; 8-9 segments ; uniform cylinder
Cartilago xiphoidea (sternum)
⮚ Eq: broad and expanded
⮚ Ru: broad and expanded
⮚ Ca: thin and narrow
Fossa and spina scapulae size (Scapula)
⮚ Eq: fossa supraspinata much smaller than fossa infraspinata ; tuber present
⮚ Ru: fossa supraspinata much smaller than fossa infraspinata ; tuber absent
⮚ Ca: fossa supra and infra spinata are approximately the same in size ; tuber absent
Acromion (Scapula)
⮚ Eq: not present (fused)
⮚ Ru: present
⮚ Ca: extended to form processus hamatus
⮚ Fe: extended to form processus hamatus and supra hamatus
Cartilago scapulae (Scapula)
⮚ Eq: large
⮚ Ru: large
⮚ Ca: only a small band
Tuberculum infraglenoidale (Scapula)
⮚ Eq: not present
⮚ Ru: not present
⮚ Ca: present, dorsal to the cavitas glenoidalis
Incisura glenoidalis (Scapula)
⮚ Eq: present
⮚ Ru: not present
⮚ Ca: not present
Tuber spinae scapulae (Scapula)
⮚ Eq: present
⮚ Ru: not present
⮚ Ca: not present
Foramen supratrochleare (Humerus)
⮚ Eq: absent
⮚ Ru: absent
⮚ Ca: present
Tuberculum majus divided/undivided (Humerus)
⮚ Eq: divided into a pars cranialis and caudalis
⮚ Ru: divided into a pars cranialis and caudalis
⮚ Ca: undivided
Tuberculum minus divided/undivided (Humerus)
⮚ Eq: divided into a pars cranialis and caudalis
⮚ Ru: divided into a pars cranialis and caudalis
⮚ Ca: undivided
Tuberculum intermedium (Humerus)
⮚ Eq: present ; prominent ridge
⮚ Ru: absent
⮚ Ca: absent
Tuberositas teres major (Humerus)
⮚ Eq: present
⮚ Ru: present
⮚ Ca: not present
Spatium interosseum antebrachii (Humerus)
⮚ Eq: one short space (proximal)
⮚ Ru: two short spaces (proximal and distal)
⮚ Ca: narrow space throughout the length
Ulna fused/unfused with radius
⮚ Eq: fused with radius (united by ossification) ; distal third of the ulna is lacking ; caput ulnae absent
⮚ Ru: fused with radius ; ulna is not as small as in Eq ; caput ulnae is present
⮚ Ca: unfused : ulna is relatively the biggest among the three species : caput ulnae
Incisura ulnaris (ulna)
⮚ Eq: absent
⮚ Ru: absent
⮚ Ca: present on the lateral aspect of the trochlea radii
Collum radii (radius)
⮚ Eq: not distinct
⮚ Ru: not distinct
⮚ Ca: distinct, separates the caput and corpus radii
Number of carpal bones (carpus)
⮚ Eq: 7/8 carpal bones present (C1 usually absent)
⮚ Ru: 6 carpal bones present (C1 is absent, C2 and C3 are fused)
⮚ Ca: 7 carpal bones present (Cr and Ci are fused)
Os sesamoideum m. abductoris digiti longi (carpus)
⮚ Eq: absent
⮚ Ru: absent
⮚ Ca: present right next to os carpi ulnare for attachment of muscle for movement of first
Number of metacarpal bones (Metacarpus)
⮚ Eq: only the 3rd metacarpal bone (cannon bone) is fully developed
⮚ Ru: 3rd and 4th metacarpal bones are fused proximally but separate distally ; 2nd and 5th bones are very small (dewclaws)
⮚ Ca: 3rd and 4th metacarpal bones are the longest, 2nd and 5th are shorter and 1st is the shortest
Number of phalanges (phalanx)
⮚ Eq: only the 3rd digit presents
⮚ Ru: 3rd and 4th digits present
⮚ Ca: all digits present ; 1st digit has Ph1 and Ph3 present only
Trigonum phalangis proximalis (phalanx)
⮚ Eq: present
⮚ Ru: absent
⮚ Ca: absent
Processus extensorius in phalanx media (phalanx)
⮚ Eq: present, extends dorsally
⮚ Ru: present, extends dorsally
⮚ Ca: absent
Tuberositas flexoria (phalanx)
⮚ Eq: present on the palmar aspect of the phalanx media
⮚ Ru: present on the palmar aspect of the phalanx media
⮚ Ca: absent
Tuberculum flexorium (phalanx)
⮚ Eq: absent , facies flexoria present instead.
⮚ Ru: present in the phalanx distalis for attachment of the deep flexor tendon
⮚ Ca: present in the phalanx distalis for attachment of the deep flexor tendon
Divided/undivided facies lunata in the acetabulum (pelvis)
⮚ Eq: facies lunata is undivided ; fossa acetabuli is elongated
⮚ Ru: facies lunata has a pars major and minor ; has a cranioventral notch (between os ilium and pubis)
⮚ Ca: facies lunata is undivided ; fossa acetabuli is almost circular in shape (os acetabuli present - middle of the union of the other bones)
Shape of crista iliaca (pelvis)
⮚ Eq: concave and thin
⮚ Ru: concave and thin
⮚ Ca: convex and thick
Shape of ala ossis ilii (pelvis)
⮚ Eq: horizontal/ lateral
⮚ Ru: horizontal/ lateral (small ruminants: dorsolateral)
⮚ Ca: sagittal
Number of lineae gluteae (pelvis)
⮚ Eq: 1 present
⮚ Ru: 1 present
⮚ Ca: 3 present
Shape of spina ischiadica (pelvis)
⮚ Eq: low and thickened
⮚ Ru: tall and sharp
⮚ Ca: low and thickened
Tuberculum m. psoas minoris (pelvis)
⮚ Eq: present
⮚ Ru: present
⮚ Ca: not present
Shape of tuber ischiadicum (pelvis)
⮚ Eq: linear thickening
⮚ Ru: triangular shaped
⮚ Ca: linear thickening
Arcus ischiadicus (pelvis)
⮚ Eq: shallow and irregular
⮚ Ru: broad and deep
⮚ Ca: broad and deep
Solum pelvis osseum (pelvic floor) [pelvis]
⮚ Eq: flat and vertical
⮚ Ru: deeply concave
⮚ Ca: concave but less deeply
Trochanter tertius (Femur)
⮚Eq: present on the lateral side
⮚ Ru: absent
⮚ Ca: absent
Fovea capitis (Femur)
⮚ Eq: wedge shaped and medially located
⮚ Ru: absent
⮚ Ca: circular and centrally located
Collum (Femur)
⮚ Eq: not distinct
⮚ Ru: not distinct
⮚ Ca: distinct (and pigs)
Trochanter major divided/undivided, higher/lower than the caput (Femur)
⮚ Eq: divided into pars cranialis and caudalis ; higher than the caput ossis femoris (head)
⮚ Ru: undivided ; higher than the caput
⮚ Ca: undivided ; on the same level as the caput (and pigs)
⮚ Fe: lower
Crista intertrochanterica (Femur)
⮚ Eq: steep angle down
⮚ Ru: from trochanter major to trochanter minor
⮚ Ca: from trochanter major to trochanter minor
Fossa supracondylaris (Femur)
⮚ Eq: deep
⮚ Ru: shallow
⮚ Ca: shallow