Bones Flashcards
One of the characteristic features of the cervical vertebrae is the presence of:
foramen processus transversus
The front (rib) surface of the scapula forms:
fossa subscapularis
The upper (proximal) row of carpal bones consists of all bones, EXCEPT:
os hamatum
Which cervical vertebra is called axis:
The 2nd
Where on the first rib passes the sulcus of the subclavian artery:
behind the tubercle of anterior scalene muscle
Which of the following bones refers to the pectoral girdle:
On the posterior surface of the body of the tibia is:
linia musculi solei
On which of the surfaces of the maxilla is the fossa canina present:
Zygomatic bone has all elements, EXCEPT:
sulcus infraorbitalis
Pubic bone has all following elements, EXCEPT:
facies auricularis
The tibia has the following morphological elements, EXCEPT:
malleolus lateralis
The cuboid bone is connected with all the bones, EXCEPT:
On the infratemporal surfice of the maxilla is:
tuber maxillae`
The frontal bone has:
sinus frontalis
The body of the sphenoid bone has the following elements, EXCEPT:
foramen ovale
At the base of the great wing of the sphenoid bone is situated:
foramen spinosum
The ethmoid bone has the following elements, except:
concha nasalis inferior
On the posterior surface of the pyramis of the temporal bone is:
porus acusticua internus
The frontal bone has the following elements, EXCEPT:
sulcus sinus sigmoidei
On the inner (cerebral) surface of the occipital bone is:
sulcus sinus transversus
On the anterior surface of the pyramis of the temporal bone is:
impresiio trigemenale
The external opening of the carotid canal is located on the:
the inferior surface of the temporal bone pyramid
At the depth of the internal auditory canal begins:
canalis facialis
In the anterior cranial fossa is:
foramen caecum
In the posterior cranial fossa are all anatomical structures except the:
crista frontalis
The medial wall of the orbit is formed by all following formations, EXCEPT:
facies orbitalis alae majoris ossis sphenoidalis
On the lateral wall of the orbit is:
foramen zygomaticoorbitale
In the superior nasal meatus open:
apertura sinus sphenoidalis
The anterior wall of the pterygoid-palatine fossa is:
tuber maxillae
The pterygo-palatine fossa communicates with the middle cranial fossa using:
foramen rotundum
In the middle cranial fossa are all anatomical structures EXCEPT the:
foramen caecum
In the posterior cranial fossa is:
foramen jugulare
On the medial wall of the orbit is all of structures, EXCEPT:
fossa glandulae lacrimalis
In the formation of the upper wall of the nasal cavity takes part:
lamina cribrosa ossis ethmoidalis
The medial wall of the pterygopalatine fossa is formed by:
lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini
Through the sphenopalatine opening, the pterygopalatine fossa communicates with:
cavitas nasi
Deltoid tuberosity is the formation of:
Which of the following formations opens into the superior nasal passage:
sinus sphenoidalis
Which of the following formations opens into the inferior nasal meatus:
canalis nasolacrimalis
Which of the following formations opens into the middle nasal meatus:
cellulae ethmoidales mediae
In the middle nasal meatus opens:
sinus maxillaris
Which of the following formations takes part in the formation of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity:
lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini
Which of the following formations is involved in the formation of the anterior cranial fossa:
lamina cribrosa ossis ethmoidalis
Which of the following elements is in the middle cranial fossa:
sella turcica
In the middle cranial fossa is:
foramen ovale
In the posterior cranial fossa is:
canalis nervi hypoglossi
Which of the following formations is in the posterior cranial fossa:
foramen jugulare
In the posterior cranial fossa is:
porus acusticus internus
Which of the following elements connects the nasal cavity with the pterygopalatine fossa:
foramen sphenopalatinum
Choose the cavity into which the aperture of the frontal sinus opens:
meatus nasalis medius
In the formation of the bone septum of the nasal cavity takes part:
lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis
Choose the anatomical formation in which the nasolacrimal canal opens:
meatus nasalis inferior
Choose the anatomical formation in which the aperture of the maxillary sinus opens:
meatus nasalis medius
On the anterior surface of the temporal bone pyramid is:
hiatus canalis sinus petrosi majoris
On the posterior surface of the temporal bone pyramid is:
porus acusticus internus
On the inferior surface of the pyramid of the temporal bone is:
fossa jugularis
To the canals of the temporal bone include all of these EXCEPT:
canalis condylaris
Which canal connects the pterygopalatine fossa with the outer base of the skull:
canalis pterygoideus
The facial canal ends at:
foramen stylomastoideum
Which of the following canals begins at the depth of a fossula petrosa:
canaliculus tympanicus
At the proximal end of the humerus is:
caput humeri
Choose the location of the articular cavity of the scapula for articulation with the humerus:
angulus lateralis
Which of the following is on the scapula:
processus coracoideus
At the distal end of the humerus is everything EXCEPT:
caput humeri
At the distal end of the humerus is:
trochlea humeri
At the distal end of the humerus is:
capitatulum humeri
At the proximal end of the ulna is:
processus coronoideus
At the distal end of the ulna is:
circumferencia articularis ulnae
At the distal end of the radius is:
processus styloideus
At the proximal end of the radius is:
fovea articularis capitis radii
At the proximal end of the femur is:
collum femoris
At the distal end of the femur is:
fossa intercodylaris
At the distal end of the femur is:
fossa intercondylaris
At the distal end of the tibia is:
facies articularis inferior
At the distal end of the tibia is:
malleolus medialis
At the proximal end of the tibia is:
tuberositas tibiae
At the proximal end of the tibia is:
eminentia intercondylaris
At the distal end of the fibula is:
facies articulis malleoli lateralis
At the distal end of the fibula is:
fossa malleoli lateralis
At the proximal end of the fibula is:
collum fibulae
With which bone coonects proximal end of the femur:
os coxae
With which bone connects distal end of the tibia:
With which bone DOES NOT connect the talus:
os cuneiforme intermedium
What bone connects the talus:
os naviculare
As a result of fusion of the spinous processes of the sacral vertebrae on the sacrum bone is present:
crista mediana
As a result of fusion of the transverse processes of the sacral vertebrae on the sacrum bone is present:
crista sacralis lateralis
As a result of fusion of sacral vertebral bodies on the sacrum bone is present:
linea transversa
On the lateral part of the sacrum is:
facies auricularis
On the pelvic surface of the sacrum is:
linea transversa
On the anterior arch of the first cervical vertebra is:
fovea dentis
On the posterior arch of the first cervical vertebra is:
sulcus arteriae vertebralis
On the axial vertebra is:
The sulcus of the wrist is formed by all of the following bones EXCEPT:
os cuboideum
On the sciatic bone are all of the following anatomical elements except:
linea arcuata
On the pubic bone are all of the following anatomical elements except:
facies auricularis
On the Ilium are all of the following anatomical elements EXCEPT:
facies symphysialis
On the first rib are all of the following anatomical elements except:
sulcus arteriae vertebralis
Select the anatomical element that is located on the pelvic bone:
linea arcuata
Select the anatomical element that is located on the sternum:
incisura jugularis
Which of the following is not on the mandible:
incisura pterygoidea