Bone tumors, Joints & Soft tiss Path Flashcards
aka exostosis
Most common benign bone tumors.
Men are 3x more likely & 85% are early adulthood. Targets metaphysis. Exostosis is sessile/pedunculated and continuous with medullary cavity.
Multiple hereditary exostosis
AD form of osteochondroma with 5-20% of cases progressing to CHONDROSARCOMA (EXT gene)
What are enchondromas?
Enchondromas are within the medullary cavity or on surface (subperiosteal or juxtacortical)
Well circumscribed nodules of hyaline cartilage encased in reactive bone
Difference between Ollier syn. v Maffucci syn.?
Both are characterized by multiple enchondromas with incr. cellulart atypia.
Difference: Maffucci syn. also has angiomas, incr. risk of chondroSARCOMA & other malignancies.
Target pop., body region affected & imaging?
Second most common malignant matrix producing tumor of bone. Male predominance in 40’s+. Affects axial skeleton (SHOULDERS). Grade 3 spreads hematogenously (LUNGS).
Imagining: Flocculent & Fast growing
Target pop., gene assoc., imaging?
Most common primary malignant tumor of bone. PAINFUL.
Bimodal age of <20 yo males around knee or older males with Pagets & prior radiation. Rb gene incr risk. p53 mut. ->Li Fraumani syn. (breast cancer)
Spreads hematogenously to LUNGS.
Imaging shows mixed lytic & blastic mass SUNBURST PATTERN
Osteoid osteoma
Character, size, tx and histo?
Painful! Worse at night but responds to aspirin and NSAIDs. <2cm with central nidus surrounded by rim of osteoblasts. Thick rind of reactive cortical bone
Tx with radiofreq. ablation
size and area affected?
Painful. >2cm usually involving the spine. NO bony reaction & DOES NOT respond to aspirin. Tx is excision
If pt has elevation of periosteum, what is this sign called and what tumor is it pathognomonic for?
Codman triangle -> osteosarcoma
Sunburst pattern may also be seen
Ewing Sarcoma Family Tumors (ESFT)
Target pop., Gene affected, histo & clinical appearance?
<20 yo whites. 2nd most common bone sarcoma in children. t(11;22)(q24:q12) fusion gene EWS-FL11 SMALL BLUE ROUND CELL TUMOR with neural diff and primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET).
Masses are tender, warm, swollen (fever & incr ESR) - looks like infection!
Femurs and other long bones affected.
Imaging shows periosteal rxn - LAMELLATED “onion-skin”
Fibrous dysplasia
What is the dz? Do majority of cases involve multiple bones? Target pop? Bones affected in dz? Radiograph findings?
Benign proliferation of fibrous tiss. & bone that does not mature.
Majority monostotic & usually asymptomatic.
Early adolescence with 1/3 affecting craniofacial bones, 1/3 affecting femur or tibia, 1/3 affecting ribs.
Ground glass appearance with well defined margins. Curvilinear trabeculae aka “Chinese characters” on histo.
Dx the pt.: 8 yo female pt presents to the clinic with her mom after she noticed her developing pubic hair and breasts. You notice the child has unilateral cafe au lait skin lesions and after x-rays that the same side of her body has some bone lesions
McCune-Albright Dz a type of fibrous dysplasia
GNAS mut.
What is Mazabraud syn? What demographic do you see the dz in?
A subtype of fibrous dysplasia seen in children. Usually polyostotic, causes mult. skeletal deformities and myxomas
Dx pt.: You are sent a path slide of bone with multinucleated giant cells. The attending physician says the pt is 20-40 yo and the lesion was fast growing. It was taken from the epiphyses of the distal femur and found when the pt thought they had arthritis in that knee.
Benign but aggressive. found at knee with arthritis like symptoms. Tend to reoccur after curettage
T or F
Most cancers of the bone are 1°
Metastatic tumors are the most common form of skeletal malignancy
What are the 4 most common cancers in adults that metastasize to bone?
PROSTATE, breast, kidney & lung
Ex. Prostatic adenocarcinoma is blastic (bone forming)
What are the 5 most common cancers in kids that metastasize to bone?
neuroblastoma, Wilms, osteosarcoma, Ewing & rhabdomyosarcoma
Lung, kidney, and colon cancer like to spread to what bones?
Small bones -> hands and feet
RA or Osteoarthritis? Women (3:1) in the 2nd-4th decade Dz of synovium Autoimmune, inflammatory symmetrical polyarthritis Affects small joints of the hands and feet Worse in the morning & with rest Sx: Fatigue, fever & night sweats
Rheumatoid Arthritis!
Pannus formation in joint, bony fibrosis and inflammation also present (not seen in OA)
RF (+) & CCP (+)
RA or Osteoarthritis?
Usually occurs later in life
Dz of cartilage
Initially asymmetrical monoarthritis -> polyarthritis
Weight bearing joints (knees and hips)
Stiffness at the end of the day, worse with use
Osteoarthritis aka degenerative joint dz
A dz of cartilage “Wear & Tear” as a person ages. Incr >50yo with 40% affected >70yo
Women usually have hands and knees effected where men usually have their hips.
Where are Bouchard nodes?
Heberden nodes?
What dz are they associated with?
B - Proximal interphalangeal joint
H - Distal interphalangeal joint
4 joint changes in progressive osteoarthritis? (Think what happens to the cartilage, bone and new developments?)
Hunks of cartilage slough (Joint mice)
Subchondral bone is exposed and rubbed smooth (eburnation)
Subchondral cysts develop
Osteophytes form (bone spurs)
Rheumatoid Arthritis deformities of hands (4)
Boutonniere - hyperextension of DIP, flexion of PIP
Swan-neck - hyperextension of PIP, flexion of DIP
Ulnar deviation fingers - Decr. junctional space, periarticular bony erosions
Radial deviation of the wrist
Rheumatoid Arthritis Pathology (3)
Pannus - edematous, thickened, hyperplastic synovium.
Synovial hypertrophy with villi
Lymphoid aggregates
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Autoimmune, T-cell response. Pathologic changes in ligamentous attachments (not synovium). Vertebrae and sacroiliac joints are effected in their 20’s-30’s
RF (-) but HLA-B27 associated
Reactive arthritis
Triad of arthritis, urethritis or cervicitis & conjunctivitis (can’t see, can’t pee, can’t climb a tree!)
HLA-B27 associated. Men 20’s-30’s with HIV and prior GI or GU infection.
Associated symptoms - Cardiac conduction abn & aortic regurg.
Enteritis assoc. Arthritis
Yersinia, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter causative agents.
Psoriatic Arthritis
HLA-B27 with “Pencil in cup deformities”
Infectious arthritis
microorganisms seed joints hematogenously. Rapid joint destruction -> permanent deformities
Suppurative arthritis and causative agents.
<2 yo H. influ arthritis
Older kids and adults - N. GONOCOCCUS or Staph aureus.
Mycobacterial - gradual progressive pain (hip>knee>ankle).
Lyme dz - Borrelia burgdorferi with skin lesions.
Viral: HIV, HBV, HCV, EBV, Parvo, rubella
Single acutely painful, swollen joint. Jt aspiration is diagnostic, purulent fluid.
Gout crystal types? Plasma levels? Age and predispositions (4)?
Monosodium urate (MSU) crystals form in peripheral joints - 1st metatarsal (lower temp.) Plasma levels >6.8mg/dl Age is usually 20-30 yr Genetic predisposition Heavy alcohol consumption Obesity Drugs (thiazide diuretics) NOT BIREFRINGENT
aka Chondrocalcinosis aka Ca2+ Pyrophosphate crystal deposition (CPPD)
>50yo. Crystals are chalky white friable deposits. Histo: oval blue-purple aggregates.
3 types of cysts
Ganglion cyst - usually wrist, translucent, lacks cell lining, result of cystic or myxoid degen.
Synovial cyst - herniation of synovium
Baker cyst - in popliteal space, RA
What is the most common benign soft tissue tumor of adults?
Common malignant soft tiss tumor in adults (50-60) of proximal extremities & retroperitoneum. 12q13-q15 & t(12;16) -> inhibits p53.
Reocur locally & repeatedly if not completely excised. Myxoid is the most common.
Nodular fasciitis
self-limited firboblastic & myofibroblastic prolif. Young adults in upper extremity. Spontaneously regresses
Palmer: Dupuytren contracture.
Penile: Peyronie Dz
Desmoid tumor
aka deep fibromatosis
women and teens in 30’s
Ex. Gardner syn. (familial adenomatous polyposis)
Rhabdomyosarcoma Subtypes (3) and areas of growth
Malignant tumor of kids.
Embryonal subtype (60%) - Rhabdomyoblasts, sarcoma botryoides (cambium layer)
Pleomorphic (20%) - adults
Alveolar subtype (20%)- FOX01 fusion to PAX3 or 7
Grows in cavities - sinuses, head & neck, GU tract.
Benign smooth muscle tumor of the uterus aka a fibroid. Majority of cases are found in women.
Associated with Hereditary Leiomyomatosis & Renal Cell Cancer syn. is AD with multi cutaneous leiomyomas, uterine leiomyomas and RCC
Soft tiss sarcomas. Adults w>m affecting extremities and retroparitoneum. Metz to lungs
Synovial sarcoma
4th most common sarcoma in 20’s-40’s.
(+) for keratins epith markers. Lung mets common