Bonds Flashcards
What are the zero rates of bonds?
Treasury buys coupon bonds, and they synthetically resell them to create ZCB
Think of a coupon bond as a portfolio of zero coupon bonds with different interest rates
What is the yield curve or term structure?
A line that plots the interest rates, at a set point in time, of bonds having equal credit quality, but differing maturity dates. The most frequently reported yield curve compares the three-month, two-year, five-year and 30-year U.S. Treasury debt
What is the yield to maturity?
The interest rate used to discount the cashflow so that the PV equals the bond price.
Average of all the interest rates
What is the part yield?
The coupon rate that makes the bond price equal to the face value
What is so special about the futures on bonds?
The short delivers can deliver any of a list of 10 or 20 treasury bonds, with different interest rates. The idea is to avoid a run on government bonds; cause liquidity issues.
The short delivers should be indifferent to all bonds.
What are the two dates involved in a futures contract?
One is the delivery date (when the future contract is delivered); One is the time to maturity (from future to the actual maturity)
This makes sense. Compare to other securities, the value of bonds lies within the bond - till it matures. It doesn’t make sense to get a bond when it matures.
How is bond’s price presented?
Bond is presented as a percentage of the par = 100,000;
Basis of 32;
Bond’s price changes when interest rate goes up.
What is Eurodollar?
Dollars are international currency; short-term interest rate from depositing US Dollars in countries abroad (LIBOR); it is essentially another form of bond
Eurodollar - quoted differently, 25 dollar; 4 quarters; 90 days;