Bonding Molecular orbital theory - molecular orbital theory Flashcards
constructive waves definition
waves which overlap in the same phase which produce a greater amplitude.
destructive waves definition
waves which overlap in different phases which produce no amplitude.
how are antibonding molecular orbitals formed
The electrons in atomic orbitals will act as deconstructive waves and overlap out of phase, producing a higher energy orbital where electrons will fill after the bonding orbital.
how are bonding molecular orbitals formed
The electrons in atomic orbitals will act as constructive waves and overlap in phase, producing a lower energy orbital where electrons will fill before the antibonding orbital.
wave function of bonding molecular orbital
ψ = CaXa + CbXb
wave function of molecular orbitals
ψ* = CaXa - CaXb
ψ = CaXa + CaXb
c stands for weighting co efficient.
x stands for atomic orbital wave function.
ψ stands for molecular orbital wave function.
how do you show that an orbital is an antibonding molecular orbital
you use a *
antibonding molecular orbitals features
antibonding molecular orbitals will always contain an extra nodal plane than bonding molecular orbitals due to destructive waves overlapping to produce a part of the wave function which will pass through 0.
s atomic orbitals linear combination of atomic orbitals
same sign s orbitals form σg
opposite sign s orbitals will form σu*
g meaning
g stands for even
when a molecular orbital remains in the same phase after being rotated 180 degrees around the bond axis.
u meaning
u stands for odd or ungerade:
this is where when you rotate the bond 180 degrees around the bond axis the phase will change.
u orbitals
σ* and π
antibonding sigma and bonding pi
g orbitals
σ and π*
bonding sigma and antibonding pi
numerical proof for u and g
if when +orbital = (x,y,z), -orbital = -(x,y,z) it is u
if when + orbital = (x,y,z), - orbital = (x,y,z) then it is g.
when would you use u and g
when you have homonuclear atoms bonding with the same type of orbital.