BOM_Chapters Flashcards
1 Nephi 1
Nephi begins the record – Lehi sees in vision a pillar of fire, and prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem 600 B.C.
1 Nephi 2
Lehi takes his family into the wilderness– Laman/Lemuel murmur – Nephi sees Lord. 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 3
Lehi’s sons return to obtain the plates– Laman and Lemuel smite Nephi and are reproved by an angel. 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 4
Nephi slays Laban – Zoram chooses to join Lehi’s family. Between 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 5
Sariah & Lehi rejoice over son’s return – The plates contain writings of Moses – Lehi a descendant of Joseph 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 6
Nephi writes that his purpose is to persuade men to come unto God 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 7
Sons return to Jerusalem for family of Ishmael – Laman and others bind Nephi with cords. 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 8
Lehi sees a vision of the tree of life– Sariah, Nephi, and Sam partake of fruit– Laman and Lemuel refuse. 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 9
Nephi makes two sets of records– The larger plates are a secular history; the smaller contain sacred things. 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 10
Lehi tells of the coming among the Jews of a Messiah, a Savior, a Redeemer– He tells also of the coming of the one who should baptize the Lamb of God– Lehi tells of the death and resurrection of the Messiah– He compares the scattering and gathering of Israel to an olive tree– Nephi speaks of the Son of God, of the gift of the Holy Ghost, and of the need for righteousness. Between 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 11
Nephi sees the Spirit of the Lord and is shown in vision the tree of life– He sees the mother of the Son of God and learns of the condescension of God– He sees the baptism, ministry, and crucifixion of the Lamb of God– He sees also the call and ministry of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. Between 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 12
Nephi sees in vision: the land of promise; the righteousness, iniquity, and downfall of its inhabitants; the coming of the Lamb of God among them; how the twelve disciples and the twelve apostles shall judge Israel; the loathsome and filthy state of those who dwindle in unbelief. Between 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 13
Nephi sees in vision: the church of the devil set up among the Gentiles; the discovery and colonizing of America; the loss of many plain and precious parts of the Bible; the resultant state of gentile apostasy; the restoration of the gospel, the coming forth of latter– day scripture, and the building up of Zion. Between 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 14
An angel tells Nephi of the blessings and cursings to fall upon the Gentiles– There are only two churches: the Church of the Lamb of God and the church of the devil– The saints of God in all nations are persecuted by the great and abominable church– The apostle John shall write concerning the end of the world. Between 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 15
Lehi’s seed are to receive the gospel from the Gentiles in the latter days– The gathering of Israel is likened unto an olive tree whose natural branches shall be grafted in again– Nephi interprets the vision of the tree of life and speaks of the justice of God in dividing the wicked from the righteous. Between 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 16
The wicked take the truth to be hard– Lehi’s sons marry the daughters of Ishmael– The Liahona guides their course in the wilderness– Messages from the Lord are written on the Liahona from time to time– Ishmael dies; his family murmur because of afflictions. Between 600 and 592 B.C.
1 Nephi 17
Nephi is commanded to build a ship– His brethren oppose him– He exhorts them by recounting the history of God’s dealings with Israel– He is filled with the power of God– His brethren are forbidden to touch him, lest they whither as a dried reed. About 592– 591 B.C.
1 Nephi 18
The ship is finished– The births of Jacob and Joseph are mentioned– The company embarks for the promised land– The sons of Ishmael and their wives join in revelry and rebellion– Nephi is bound, and the ship is driven back by a terrible tempest– Nephi is freed, and by his prayer the storm ceases– They arrive in the promised land. About 590– 589 B.C.
1 Nephi 19
Nephi makes plates of ore and records the history of his people– The God of Israel shall come six hundred years from the time Lehi left Jerusalem– Nephi tells of His sufferings and crucifixion– The Jews shall be despised and scattered until the latter days, when they will return unto the Lord. Between 588 and 570 B.C.
1 Nephi 20
The Lord reveals his purposes to Israel– They have been chosen in the furnace of affliction and are to go forth from Babylon– Compare Isaiah 48. Between 588 and 570 B.C.
1 Nephi 21
Messiah shall be a light to the Gentiles and shall free the prisoners– Israel shall be gathered with power in the last days– Kings shall be their nursing fathers– Compare Isaiah 49. Between 588 and 570 B.C.
1 Nephi 22
Israel shall be scattered upon all the face of the earth– The gentiles shall nurse and nourish Israel with the gospel in the last days– Israel shall be gathered and saved, and the wicked shall burn as stubble– The kingdom of the devil shall be destroyed, and Satan shall be bound. Between 588 and 570 B.C.
2 Nephi 1
Lehi prophesies of a land of liberty– His seed shall be scattered and smitten if they reject the Holy One of Israel– He exhorts his sons to put on the armor of righteousness. Between 588 and 570 B.C.
2 Nephi 2
Redemption cometh through the Holy Messiah– Freedom of choice (agency) is essential to existence and progression– Adam fell that men might be– Men are free to choose liberty and eternal life. Between 588 and 570 B.C.
2 Nephi 3
Joseph in Egypt saw the Nephites in vision– He prophesied of Joseph Smith, the latter– day seer; of Moses, who would deliver Israel; and of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Between 588 and 570 B.C.
2 Nephi 4
Lehi counsels and blesses his posterity– He dies and is buried– Nephi glories in the goodness of God to him– Nephi puts his trust in the Lord forever. Between 588 and 570 B.C.
2 Nephi 5
The Nephites separate themselves from the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses, and build a temple– Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cursed, receive a skin of blackness, and become a scourge unto the Nephites. Between 588 and 559 B.C.
2 Nephi 6
Jacob recounts Jewish history: Their Babylonian captivity and return; the ministry and crucifixion of the Holy One of Israel; the help received from the gentiles; and their latter– day restoration when they believe in the Messiah. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 7
Isaiah speaks Messianically– Messiah shall have the tongue of the learned– He shall give his back to the smiters– He shall not be confounded– Compare Isaiah 50. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 8
In the last days, the Lord shall comfort Zion and gather Israel– The redeemed shall come to Zion amid great joy– Compare Isaiah 51 and 52:1– 2. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 9
Jews shall be gathered in all their lands of promise– Atonement ransoms man from the fall– The bodies of the dead shall come forth from the grave, and their spirits from hell and from paradise– They shall be judged– Atonement saves from death, hell, the devil, and endless torment– The righteous to be saved in the kingdom of God– Penalties for sins set forth– The Holy One of Israel is the keeper of the gate. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 10
Jews shall crucify their God– They shall be scattered until they begin to believe in him– America shall be a land of liberty where no king shall rule– Be reconciled to God and gain salvation through his grace. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 11
Jacob saw his Redeemer– The law of Moses typifies Christ and proves he shall come. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 12
Isaiah sees the latter– day temple, gathering of Israel, and millennial judgment and peace– The proud and wicked shall be brought low at the Second Coming– Compare Isaiah 2. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 13
Judah and Jerusalem shall be punished for their disobedience– The Lord pleads for and judges his people– The daughters of Zion are cursed and tormented for their worldliness– Compare Isaiah 3. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 14
Zion and her daughters shall be redeemed and cleansed in the millennial day– Compare Isaiah 4. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 15
The Lord’s vineyard (Israel) shall become desolate and his people shall be scattered– Woes shall come upon them in their apostate and scattered state– The Lord shall lift an ensign and gather Israel– Compare Isaiah 5. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 16
Isaiah sees the Lord– Isaiah’s sins are forgiven– He is called to prophesy– He prophesies of the rejection by the Jews of Christ’s teachings– A remnant shall return– Compare Isaiah 6. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 17
Ephraim and Syria wage war against Judah– Christ shall be born of a virgin– Compare Isaiah 7. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 18
Christ shall be as a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense– Seek the Lord, not peeping wizards– Turn to the law and to the testimony for guidance– Compare Isaiah 8. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 19
Isaiah speaks Messianically– The people in darkness to see a great Light– Unto us a child is born– He shall be the Prince of Peace and shall reign on David’s throne– Compare Isaiah 9. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 20
Destruction of Assyria is a type of destruction of wicked at the Second Coming– Few people shall be left after the Lord comes again– Remnant of Jacob shall return in that day– Compare Isaiah 10. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 21
Stem of Jesse (Christ) shall judge in righteousness– The knowledge of God shall cover the earth in the Millennium– The Lord shall raise an ensign and gather Israel– Compare Isaiah 11. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 22
In the millennial day all men shall praise the Lord– He shall dwell among them– Compare Isaiah 12. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 23
Destruction of Babylon is a type of destruction at Second Coming– It shall be a day of wrath and vengeance– Babylon (the world) shall fall forever– Compare Isaiah 13. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 24
Israel shall be gathered and shall enjoy millennial rest– Lucifer cast out of heaven for rebellion– Israel shall triumph over Babylon (the world)– Compare Isaiah 14. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 25
Nephi glories in plainness– Isaiah’s prophecies shall be understood in the last days– The Jews shall return from Babylon, crucify the Messiah, and be scattered and scourged– They shall be restored when they believe in the Messiah– He shall first come six hundred years after Lehi left Jerusalem– Nephites keep the law of Moses and believe in Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 26
Christ shall minister to the Nephites– Nephi foresees the destruction of his people– They shall speak from the dust– The gentiles shall build up false churches and secret combinations– The Lord forbids men to practice priestcraft. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 27
Darkness and apostasy shall cover the earth in the last days– The Book of Mormon shall come forth– Three witnesses shall testify of the book– The learned man cannot read the sealed book– The Lord shall do a marvelous work and a wonder– Compare Isaiah 29. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 28
Many false churches shall be built up in the last days– They shall teach false and vain and foolish doctrines– Apostasy shall abound because of false teachers– The devil shall rage in the hearts of men– He shall teach all manner of false doctrines. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 29
Many gentiles shall reject the Book of Mormon– They shall say: We need no more Bible– The Lord speaks to many nations– He will judge the world out of the books thus written. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 30
Converted gentiles shall be numbered with the covenant people– Many Lamanites and Jews shall believe the word and become a delightsome people– Israel shall be restored and the wicked destroyed. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 31
Nephi tells why Christ was baptized– Men must follow Christ, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end to be saved– Repentance and baptism are the gate to the strait and narrow path– Eternal life comes to those who keep the commandments after baptism. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 32
Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost– Men must pray and gain knowledge for themselves from the Holy Ghost. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
2 Nephi 33
Nephi’s words are true– They testify of Christ– Those who believe in Christ will believe Nephi’s words– They shall stand as a witness before the judgment bar. Between 559 and 545 B.C.
Jacob 1
Jacob and Joseph seek to persuade men to believe in Christ and keep his commandments– Nephi dies– Wickedness prevails among the Nephites. Between 544 and 421 B.C.
Jacob 2
Jacob denounces the love of riches, pride, and unchastity– Men should seek riches to help their fellow men– Jacob condemns the unauthorized practice of plural marriage– The Lord delights in the chastity of women. Between 544 and 421 B.C.
Jacob 3
The pure in heart receive the pleasing word of God– Lamanite righteousness exceeds that of Nephites– Jacob warns against fornication, lasciviousness, and every sin. Between 544 and 421 B.C.
Jacob 4
All the prophets worshipped the Father in the name of Christ– Abraham’s offering of Isaac was in similitude of God and his Only Begotten– Men should reconcile themselves to God through the atonement– The Jews shall reject the foundation stone. Between 544 and 421 B.C.
Jacob 5
Jacob quotes Zenos relative to the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees– They are a likeness of Israel and the gentiles– The scattering and gathering of Israel are prefigured– Allusions are made to the Nephites and Lamanites and all the house of Israel– Gentiles shall be grafted into Israel– Eventually the vineyard shall be burned. Between 544 and 421 B.C.
Jacob 6
The Lord shall recover Israel in the last days– Then the world shall be burned with fire– Men must follow Christ to avoid the lake of fire and brimstone. Between 544 and 421 B.C.
Jacob 7
Sherem denies Christ, contends with Jacob, demands a sign, and is smitten of God– All of the prophets have spoken of Christ and his atonement– The Nephites lived out their days as wanderers, born in tribulation, and hated by the Lamanites. Between 544 and 421 B.C.
Enos 1
Enos prays mightily and gains a remission of his sins– The voice of the Lord comes into his mind promising salvation for the Lamanites in a future day– Nephites sought to reclaim the Lamanites in their day– Enos rejoices in his Redeemer. Between 544 and 420 B.C.
Jarom 1
The Nephites keep the law of Moses, look forward to the coming of Christ, and prosper in the land– Many prophets labor to keep them in the way of truth. Between 420 and 361 B.C.
Omni 1
Omni, Amaron, Chemish, Abinadom, and Amaleki, each in turn, keep the records– Mosiah discovers the people of Zarahemla who came from Jerusalem in the days of Zedekiah– He is made king over them– The Mulekites had discovered Coriantumr, the last of the Jaredites– King Benjamin succeeds Mosiah– Men should offer their souls as an offering to Christ. Between 361 and 130 B.C.
Words of Mormon 1
Mormon abridges their history onto the plates of Mormon– He inserts the plates of Nephi into the abridgement– King Benjamin establishes peace in the land. About A.D. 385
Mosiah 1
King Benjamin teaches his sons the language and prophecies of their fathers– Their religion and civilization have been preserved because of the records kept on the various plates– Mosiah is chosen as king and is given custody of the records and other things. About 130– 124 B.C.
Mosiah 2
King Benjamin addresses his people– He recounts the equity, fairness, and spirituality of his reign– He counsels them to serve their heavenly King– Those who rebel against God shall suffer anguish like unquenchable fire. About 124 B.C.
Mosiah 3
King Benjamin continues his address– The Lord Omnipotent shall minister among men in a tabernacle of clay– Blood shall come from every pore as he atones for the sins of the world– His is the only name whereby salvation comes– Men can put off the natural man and become saints through the atonement– The torment of the wicked shall be as a lake of fire and brimstone. About 124 B.C.
Mosiah 4
King Benjamin continues his address– Salvation comes because of the atonement– Believe in God to be saved– Retain a remission of your sins through faithfulness– Impart of your substance to the poor– Do all things in wisdom and order. About 124 B.C.
Mosiah 5
The saints become the sons and daughters of Christ through faith– They are then called by the name of Christ– King Benjamin exhorts them to be steadfast and immovable in good works. About 124 B.C.
Mosiah 6
King Benjamin records the names of the people and appoints priests to teach them– Mosiah reigns as a righteous king. About 124– 121 B.C.
Mosiah 7
Ammon finds the land of Lehi– Nephi where Limhi is king– Limhi’s people are in bondage to the Lamanites– Limhi recounts their history– A prophet (Abinadi) had testified that Christ is the God and Father of all things– Those who sow filthiness reap the whirlwind, and those who put their trust in the Lord shall be delivered. About 121 B.C.
Mosiah 8
Ammon teaches the people of Limhi– He learns of the twenty– four Jaredite plates– Ancient records can be translated by seers– The gift of seership exceeds all others. About 121 B.C.
Mosiah 9
Zeniff leads a group from Zarahemla to possess the land of Lehi– Nephi– The Lamanite king permits them to inherit the land– There is war between the Lamanites and Zeniff’s people. About 200– 187 B.C.
Mosiah 10
King Laman dies– His people are wild and ferocious and believe in false traditions– Zeniff and his people prevail against them. About 178– 160 B.C.
Mosiah 11
King Noah rules in wickedness– He revels in riotous living with his wives and concubines– Abinadi prophesies that the people will be taken into bondage– His life is sought by King Noah. Between 160 and 150 B.C.
Mosiah 12
Abinadi is imprisoned for prophesying the destruction of the people and the death of King Noah– The false priests quote the scriptures and pretend to keep the law of Moses– Abinadi begins to teach them the Ten Commandments. About 148 B.C.
Mosiah 13
Abinadi is protected by divine power– He teaches the Ten Commandments– Salvation does not come by the law of Moses alone– God himself shall make an atonement and redeem his people. About 148 B.C.
Mosiah 14
Isaiah speaks Messianically– Messiah’s humiliation and sufferings are set forth– He makes his soul an offering for sin and makes intercession for transgressors– Compare Isaiah 53. About 148 B.C.
Mosiah 15
How Christ is both the Father and the Son– He shall make intercession and bear the transgressions of his people– They and all the holy prophets are his seed– He bringeth to pass the resurrection– Little children have eternal life. About 148 B.C.
Mosiah 16
God redeems men from their lost and fallen state– Those who are carnal remain as though there was no redemption– Christ brings to pass a resurrection to endless life or to endless damnation. About 148 B.C.
Mosiah 17
Alma believes and writes the words of Abinadi– Abinadi suffers death by fire– He prophesies disease and death by fire upon his murderers. About 148 B.C.
Mosiah 18
Alma preaches in private– He sets forth the covenant of baptism and baptizes at the waters of Mormon– He organizes the Church of Christ and ordains priests– They support themselves and teach the people– Alma and his people flee from King Noah into the wilderness. About 148– 145 B.C.
Mosiah 19
Gideon seeks to slay King Noah– The Lamanites invade the land– King Noah suffers death by fire– Limhi rules as a tributary monarch. Between 145 and 122 B.C.
Mosiah 20
Lamanite daughters are abducted by the priests of Noah– The Lamanites wage war upon Limhi and his people– They are repulsed and pacified. Between 145 and 122 B.C.
Mosiah 21
Limhi’s people are smitten and defeated by the Lamanites– They meet Ammon and are converted– They tell Ammon of the twenty– four Jaredite plates. Between 145 and 121 B.C.
Mosiah 22
Plans are made for the people to escape from Lamanite bondage– The Lamanites are made drunk– The people escape, return to Zarahemla, and become subject to King Mosiah. About 121 B.C.
Mosiah 23
Alma refuses to be king– He serves as high priest– The Lord chastens his people, and the Lamanites conquer the land of Helam– Amulon, leader of King Noah’s wicked priests, rules subject to the Lamanite monarch. Between 145 and 121 B.C.
Mosiah 24
Amulon persecutes Alma and his people– They are to be put to death if they pray– The Lord makes their burdens seem light– He delivers them from bondage, and they return to Zarahemla. Between 145 and 120 B.C.
Mosiah 25
The people (the Mulekites) of Zarahemla become Nephites– They learn of the people of Alma and of Zeniff– Alma baptizes Limhi and all his people– Mosiah authorizes Alma to organize the Church of God. About 120 B.C.
Mosiah 26
Many members of the Church are led into sin by unbelievers– Alma is promised eternal life– Those who repent and are baptized gain forgiveness– Church members in sin who repent and confess to Alma and to the Lord shall be forgiven; otherwise they shall be excommunicated. Probably between 120 and 100 B.C.
Mosiah 27
Mosiah forbids persecution and enjoins equality– Alma the younger and the four sons of Mosiah seek to destroy the Church– An angel appears and commands them to cease their evil course– Alma is struck dumb– All mankind must be born again to gain salvation– Alma and the sons of Mosiah declare glad tidings. Probably between 100 and 92 B.C.
Mosiah 28
The sons of Mosiah shall have eternal life– They go to preach to the Lamanites– Mosiah translates the Jaredite plates with the two seer stones. About 92 B.C.
Mosiah 29
Mosiah proposes that judges be chosen in place of a king– Unrighteous kings lead their people into sin– Alma the younger is chosen chief judge by the voice of the people– He is also the high priest over the Church– Alma the elder and Mosiah die. About 92– 91 B.C.
Alma 1
Nehor teaches false doctrines, establishes a church, introduces priestcraft, and slays Gideon– He is executed for his crimes– Priestcrafts and persecutions spread among the people– The priests support themselves, the people care for the poor, and the Church prospers. About 91– 90 B.C.
Alma 2
Amlici seeks to be king and is rejected by the voice of the people– His followers make him king– The Amlicites make war on the Nephites and are defeated– The Lamanites and Amlicites join forces and are defeated– Alma slays Amlici. 87 B.C.
Alma 3
The Amlicites had marked themselves according to the prophetic word– The Lamanites had been cursed for their rebellion– Men bring their own curses upon themselves– The Nephites defeat another Lamanite army. 87 B.C.
Alma 4
Alma baptizes thousands of converts– Iniquity enters the Church, and the Church’s progress is hindered– Nephihah is appointed chief judge– Alma, as high priest, devotes himself to the ministry. Between 86 and 83 B.C.
Alma 5
To gain salvation, men must repent and keep the commandments, be born again, cleanse their garments through the blood of Christ, be humble and strip themselves from pride and envy, and do the works of righteousness– The Good Shepherd calleth his people– Those who do evil works are children of the devil– Alma testifies of the truth of his doctrine and commands men to repent– Names of the righteous shall be written in the book of life. About 83 B.C.
Alma 6
The Church in Zarahemla is cleansed and set in order– Alma goes to Gideon to preach. About 83 B.C.
Alma 7
Christ shall be born of Mary– He shall loose the bands of death and bear the sins of his people– Those who repent, are baptized, and keep the commandments shall have eternal life– Filthiness cannot inherit the kingdom of God– Humility, faith, hope, and charity are required. About 83 B.C.
Alma 8
Alma preaches and baptizes in Melek– He is rejected in Ammonihah and leaves– An angel commands him to return and cry repentance unto the people– He is received by Amulek, and the two of them preach in Ammonihah. About 82 B.C.
Alma 9
Alma commands the people of Ammonihah to repent– The Lord will be merciful to the Lamanites in the last days– If the Nephites forsake the light, they shall be destroyed by the Lamanites– The Son of God soon cometh– He shall redeem those who repent and are baptized and have faith in his name. About 82 B.C.
Alma 10
Lehi descended from Manasseh– Amulek recounts the angelic command that he care for Alma– The prayers of the righteous cause the people to be spared– Unrighteous lawyers and judges lay the foundation of the destruction of the people. About 82 B.C.
Alma 11
Nephite coinage set forth– Amulek contends with Zeezrom– Christ will not save people in their sins– Only those who inherit the kingdom of heaven are saved– All men shall rise in immortality– There is no death after the resurrection. About 82 B.C.
Alma 12
Alma contends with Zeezrom– The mysteries of God can be given only to the faithful– Men are judged by their thoughts, beliefs, words, and works– The wicked shall suffer a spiritual death– This mortal life is a probationary state– The plan of redemption brings to pass the resurrection and, through faith, a remission of sins– The repentant have a claim on mercy through the Only Begotten Son. About 82 B.C.
Alma 13
Men are called as high priests because of their exceeding faith and good works– They are to teach the commandments– Through righteousness they are sanctified and enter into the rest of the Lord– Melchizedek was one of these– Angels are declaring glad tidings throughout the land– They will reveal the actual coming of Christ. About 82 B.C.
Alma 14
Alma and Amulek are imprisoned and smitten– The believers and their holy scriptures are burned by fire– These martyrs are received by the Lord in glory– The prison walls are rent and fall– Alma and Amulek are delivered and their persecutors are slain. About 82– 81 B.C.
Alma 15
Alma and Amulek go to Sidom and establish a church– Alma heals Zeezrom, who joins the Church– Many are baptized and the Church prospers– Alma and Amulek go to Zarahemla. About 81 B.C.
Alma 16
The Lamanites destroy the people of Ammonihah– Zoram leads the Nephites to victory over the Lamanites– Alma and Amulek and many others preach the word– They teach that after his resurrection Christ will appear to the Nephites. About 81– 78 B.C.
Alma 17
The sons of Mosiah have the spirit of prophecy and of revelation– They go their several ways to declare the word to the Lamanites– Ammon goes to the land of Ishmael and becomes the servant of King Lamoni– Ammon saves the king’s flocks and slays his enemies at the waters of Sebus. From about 91 to 77 B.C.
Alma 18
King Lamoni supposes that Ammon is the Great Spirit– Ammon teaches the king of the creation, of God’s dealings with men, and of the redemption that comes through Christ– Lamoni believes and falls to the earth as if dead. About 90 B.C.
Alma 19
Lamoni receives the light of everlasting life and sees the Redeemer– His household fall into a trance, and some see angels– Ammon is preserved miraculously– He baptizes many and establishes a church among them. About 90 B.C.
Alma 20
The Lord sends Ammon to Middoni to deliver his imprisoned brethren– Ammon and Lamoni meet Lamoni’s father, who is king over all the land– Ammon compels the old king to approve the release of his brethren. About 90 B.C.
Alma 21
Aaron teaches the Amalekites about Christ and his atonement– Aaron and his brethren are imprisoned in Middoni– After their deliverance they teach in the synagogues and make many converts– Lamoni grants religious freedom to the people in the land of Ishmael. Between 90 and 77 B.C.
Alma 22
Aaron teaches Lamoni’s father about the creation, the fall of Adam, and the plan of redemption through Christ– The king and all his household are converted– How the land was divided between the Nephites and the Lamanites. Between 90 and 77 B.C.
Alma 23
Religious freedom is proclaimed– The Lamanites in seven lands and cities are converted– They call themselves Anti– Nephi– Lehies and are freed from the curse– The Amalekites and the Amulonites reject the truth. Between 90 and 77 B.C.
Alma 24
The Lamanites come against the people of God– The Anti– Nephi– Lehies rejoice in Christ and are visited by angels– They choose to suffer death rather than to defend themselves– More Lamanites are converted. Between 90 and 77 B.C.
Alma 25
Lamanite aggressions spread– The seed of the priests of Noah perish as Abinadi prophesied– Many Lamanites are converted and join the people of Anti– Nephi– Lehi– They believe in Christ and keep the law of Moses. Between 90 and 77 B.C.
Alma 26
Ammon glories in the Lord– The faithful are strengthened by the Lord and are given knowledge– By faith men may bring thousands of souls unto repentance– God has all power and comprehendeth all things. Between 90 and 77 B.C.
Alma 27
The Lord commands Ammon to lead the people of Anti– Nephi– Lehi to safety– Upon meeting Alma, Ammon’s joy exhausts his strength– The Nephites give them the land of Jershon– They are called the people of Ammon. Between 90 and 77 B.C.
Alma 28
The Lamanites are defeated in a tremendous battle– Tens of thousands are slain– The wicked are consigned to a state of endless woe; the righteous attain a never– ending happiness. About 76 B.C.
Alma 29
Alma desires to cry repentance with angelic zeal– The Lord grants teachers for all nations– Alma glories in the Lord’s work and in the success of Ammon and his brethren. About 76 B.C.
Alma 30
Korihor, the antichrist, ridicules Christ, the atonement, and the spirit of prophecy– He teaches that there is no God, no fall of man, no penalty for sin, and no Christ– Alma testifies that Christ shall come and that all things denote there is a God– Korihor demands a sign and is struck dumb– The devil had appeared to Korihor as an angel and taught him what to say– He is trodden down and dies. About 74 B.C.
Alma 31
Alma heads a mission to reclaim the apostate Zoramites– The Zoramites deny Christ, believe in a false concept of election, and worship with set prayers– The missionaries are filled with the Holy Spirit– Their afflictions are swallowed up in the joy of Christ. About 74 B.C.
Alma 32
Alma teaches the poor whose afflictions had humbled them– Faith is a hope in that which is not seen which is true– Alma testifies that angels minister to men, women, and children– Alma compares the word unto a seed– It must be planted and nourished– Then it grows into a tree from which the fruit of eternal life is picked. About 74 B.C.
Alma 33
Zenos taught that men should pray and worship in all places, and that judgments are turned away because of the Son– Zenock taught that mercy is bestowed because of the Son– Moses had lifted up in the wilderness a type of the Son of God. About 74 B.C.
Alma 34
Amulek testifies that the word is in Christ unto salvation– Unless an atonement is made, all mankind must perish– The whole law of Moses points toward the sacrifice of the Son of God– The eternal plan of redemption is based on faith and repentance– Pray for temporal and spiritual blessings– This life is the time for men to prepare to meet God– Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. About 74 B.C.
Alma 35
The preaching of the word destroys the craft of the Zoramites– They expel the converts, who then join the people of Ammon in Jershon– Alma sorrows because of the wickedness of the people. About 74 B.C.
Alma 36
Alma testifies to Helaman of his conversion by an angel– He suffered the pains of a damned soul; he called upon the name of Jesus, and was then born of God– Sweet joy filled his soul– He saw concourses of angels praising God– His converts have tasted and seen as he did. About 73 B.C.
Alma 37
The plates of brass and other scriptures are preserved to bring souls to salvation– The Jaredites were destroyed because of their wickedness– Their secret oaths and covenants must be kept from the people– Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings– As the Liahona guided the Nephites, so the word of Christ leads men to eternal life. About 73 B.C.
Alma 38
Shiblon was persecuted for righteousness’ sake– Salvation is in Christ, who is the life and the light of the world– Bridle all your passions. About 73 B.C.
Alma 39
Sexual sin is an abomination– Corianton’s sins kept the Zoramites from receiving the word– Christ’s redemption is retroactive in saving the faithful who preceded it. About 73 B.C.
Alma 40
Christ bringeth to pass the resurrection of all men– The righteous dead go to paradise and the wicked to outer darkness to await the day of their resurrection– All things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame in the resurrection. About 73 B.C.
Alma 41
In the resurrection men come forth to a state of endless happiness or endless misery– Wickedness never was happiness– Carnal men are without God in the world– Every person receives again in the restoration the characteristics and attributes acquired in mortality. About 73 B.C.
Alma 42
Mortality is a probationary time to enable man to repent and serve God– The fall brought temporal and spiritual death upon all mankind– Redemption comes through repentance– God himself atoneth for the sins of the world– Mercy is for those who repent– All others are subject to God’s justice– Mercy cometh because of the atonement– Only the truly penitent are saved. About 73 B.C.
Alma 43
Alma and his sons preach the word– The Zoramites and other Nephite dissenters become Lamanites– The Lamanites come against the Nephites in war– Moroni arms the Nephites with defensive armor– The Lord reveals to Alma the strategy of the Lamanites– The Nephites defend their homes, liberties, families, and religion– The armies of Moroni and Lehi surround the Lamanites. About 74 B.C.
Alma 44
Moroni commands the Lamanites to make a covenant of peace or be destroyed– Zerahemnah rejects the offer, and the battle resumes– Moroni’s armies defeat the Lamanites. About 74– 73 B.C.
Alma 45
Helaman believes the words of Alma– Alma prophesies the destruction of the Nephites– He blesses and curses the land– Alma is taken up by the Spirit, even as Moses– Dissension grows in the Church. 73 B.C.
Alma 46
Amalickiah conspires to be king– Moroni raises the title of liberty– He rallies the people to defend their religion– True believers are called Christians– A remnant of Joseph shall be preserved– Amalickiah and the dissenters flee to the land of Nephi– Those who will not support the cause of freedom are put to death. Between 73 and 72 B.C.
Alma 47
Amalickiah uses treachery, murder, and intrigue to become king of the Lamanites– The Nephite dissenters are more wicked and ferocious than the Lamanites. 72 B.C.
Alma 48
Amalickiah incites the Lamanites against the Nephites– Moroni prepares his people to defend the cause of the Christians– He rejoiced in liberty and freedom and was a mighty man of God. 72 B.C.
Alma 49
The invading Lamanites are unable to take the fortified cities of Ammonihah and Noah– Amalickiah curses God and swears to drink the blood of Moroni– Helaman and his brethren continue to strengthen the Church. 72 B.C.
Alma 50
Moroni fortifies the lands of the Nephites– They build many new cities– Wars and destructions befell the Nephites in the days of their wickedness and abominations– Morianton and his dissenters are defeated by Teancum– Nephihah dies and his son Pahoran fills the judgment– seat. About 72– 67 B.C.
Alma 51
The king– men seek to change the law and set up a king– Pahoran and the freemen are supported by the voice of the people– Moroni compels the king– men to defend their liberty or be put to death– Amalickiah and the Lamanites capture many fortified cities– Teancum repels the Lamanite invasion and slays Amalickiah in his tent. About 67 B.C.
Alma 52
Ammoron succeeds Amalickiah as king of the Lamanites– Moroni, Teancum, and Lehi lead the Nephites in a victorious war against the Lamanites– The city of Mulek is retaken, and Jacob the Lamanite is slain. About 66– 64 B.C.
Alma 53
The Lamanite prisoners are used to fortify the city Bountiful– Dissensions among the Nephites give rise to Lamanite victories– Helaman takes command of the two thousand stripling sons of the people of Ammon. About 64 B.C.
Alma 54
Ammoron and Moroni negotiate for the exchange of prisoners– Moroni demands that the Lamanites withdraw and cease their murderous attacks– Ammoron demands that the Nephites lay down their arms and become subject to the Lamanites. About 63 B.C.
Alma 55
Moroni refuses to exchange prisoners– The Lamanite guards are enticed to become drunk, and the Nephite prisoners are freed– The city of Gid is taken without bloodshed. About 63 B.C.
Alma 56
Helaman sends an epistle to Moroni recounting the state of the war with the Lamanites– Antipus and Helaman gain a great victory over the Lamanites– Helaman’s two thousand stripling sons fight with miraculous power and none of them are slain. About 66– 62 B.C.
Alma 57
Helaman recounts the taking of Antiparah and the surrender and later the defense of Cumeni– His Ammonite striplings fight valiantly and all are wounded, but none are slain– Gid reports the slaying and the escape of the Lamanite prisoners. About 64– 63 B.C.
Alma 58
Helaman, Gid, and Teomner take the city of Manti by a stratagem– The Lamanites withdraw– The sons of the people of Ammon are preserved as they stand fast in defense of their liberty and faith. About 63 B.C.
Alma 59
Moroni asks Pahoran to strengthen the forces of Helaman– The Lamanites take the city of Nephihah– Moroni is angry with the government. About 62 B.C.
Alma 60
Moroni complains to Pahoran of the government’s neglect of the armies– The Lord suffers the righteous to be slain– The Nephites must use all of their power and means to deliver themselves from their enemies– Moroni threatens to fight against the government unless help is supplied to his armies. About 62 B.C.
Alma 61
Pahoran tells Moroni of the insurrection and rebellion against the government– The king– men take Zarahemla and are in league with the Lamanites– Pahoran asks for military aid against the rebels. About 62 B.C.
Alma 62
Moroni marches to the aid of Pahoran in the land of Gideon– The king– men who refuse to defend their country are put to death– Pahoran and Moroni retake Nephihah– Many Lamanites join the people of Ammon– Teancum slays Ammoron and is in turn slain– The Lamanites are driven from the land, and peace is established– Helaman returns to the ministry and builds up the Church. About 62– 57 B.C.
Alma 63
Shiblon and later Helaman take possession of the sacred records– Many Nephites travel to the land northward– Hagoth builds ships, which sail forth in the west sea– Moronihah defeats the Lamanites in battle. Between 56 and 53 B.C.
Helaman 1
Pahoran the second becomes chief judge and is murdered by Kishkumen– Pacumeni fills the judgment– seat– Coriantumr leads the Lamanite armies, takes Zarahemla, and slays Pacumeni– Moronihah defeats the Lamanites and retakes Zarahemla, and Coriantumr is slain. Between 52 and 51 B.C.
Helaman 2
Helaman the second becomes chief judge– Gadianton leads the band of Kishkumen– Helaman’s servant slays Kishkumen, and the Gadianton band flees into the wilderness. 50 B.C.
Helaman 3
Many Nephites migrate to the land northward– They build houses of cement and keep many records– Tens of thousands are converted and baptized– The word of God leads men to salvation– Nephi the son of Helaman fills the judgment seat. Between 49 and 39 B.C.
Helaman 4
Nephite dissenters and the Lamanites join forces and take the land of Zarahemla– The Nephites’ defeats come because of their wickedness– The Church dwindles and the people become weak like the Lamanites. Between 38 and 30 B.C.
Helaman 5
Nephi and Lehi devote themselves to preaching– Their names invite them to pattern their lives after their forebears– Christ redeems those who repent– Nephi and Lehi make many converts and are imprisoned, and fire encircles them– A cloud of darkness overshadows three hundred people– The earth shakes and a voice commands men to repent– Nephi and Lehi converse with angels, and the multitude are encircled by fire. About 30 B.C.
Helaman 6
The righteous Lamanites preach to the wicked Nephites– Both peoples prosper during an era of peace and plenty– Lucifer, the author of sin, guides the Gadianton robbers in their murders and wickedness– They take over the Nephite government. Between 29 and 24 B.C.
Helaman 7
Nephi is rejected in the north and returns to Zarahemla– He prays upon his garden tower and then calls upon the people to repent or perish. Between 23 and 20 B.C.
Helaman 8
Corrupt judges seek to incite the people against Nephi– Abraham, Moses, Zenos, Zenock, Ezias, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lehi, and Nephi all testified of Christ– By inspiration Nephi announces the murder of the chief judge. Between 23 and 20 B.C.
Helaman 9
Messengers find the chief judge dead at the judgment seat– They are imprisoned and later released– By inspiration Nephi identifies Seantum as the murderer– Nephi is accepted by some as a prophet. Between 23 and 20 B.C.
Helaman 10
The Lord gives Nephi the sealing power– He is empowered to bind and loose on earth and in heaven– He commands the people to repent or perish– The Spirit carries him from congregation to congregation. Between 23 and 20 B.C.
Helaman 11
Nephi persuades the Lord to replace their war with a famine– Many people perish– They repent, and Nephi importunes the Lord for rain– Nephi and Lehi receive many revelations– The Gadianton robbers entrench themselves in the land. Between 20 and 7 B.C.
Helaman 12
Men are unstable and foolish and quick to do evil– The Lord chastens his people– The nothingness of men compared with the power of God– In the day of judgment men shall gain everlasting life or everlasting damnation. About 7 B.C.
Helaman 13
Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the destruction of the Nephites unless they repent– They and their riches are cursed– They reject and stone the prophets, are encircled about by demons, and seek for happiness in doing iniquity. About 6 B.C.
Helaman 14
Samuel predicts light during the night and a new star at Christ’s birth– Christ redeems men from temporal and spiritual death– The signs of his death include three days of darkness, the rending of the rocks, and great upheavals of nature. About 6 B.C.
Helaman 15
The Lord chastened the Nephites because he loved them– Converted Lamanites are firm and steadfast in the faith– The Lord will be merciful unto the Lamanites in the latter days. About 6 B.C.
Helaman 16
The Nephites who believe Samuel are baptized by Nephi– Samuel cannot be slain with their arrows and stones– Some harden their hearts, and others see angels– The unbelievers say it is not reasonable to believe in Christ and his coming in Jerusalem. Between 5 and 1 B.C.
3 Nephi 1
Nephi, son of Helaman, departs out of the land, and his son Nephi keeps the records– Though signs and wonders abound, the wicked plan to slay the righteous– The night of Christ’s birth arrives– The sign is given and a new star arises– Lyings and deceivings increase, and the Gadianton robbers slaughter many. Between A.D. 1 and 4
3 Nephi 2
Wickedness and abominations increase among the people– The Nephites and Lamanites unite to defend themselves against the Gadianton robbers– Converted Lamanites become white and are called Nephites. Between A.D. 5 and 15
3 Nephi 3
Giddianhi, the Gadianton leader, demands that Lachoneus and the Nephites surrender themselves and their lands– Lachoneus appoints Gidgiddoni as chief captain of the armies– The Nephites assemble in Zarahemla and Bountiful to defend themselves. Between A.D. 16 and 17
3 Nephi 4
The Nephite armies defeat the Gadianton robbers– Giddianhi is slain, and his successor, Zemnarihah, is hanged– The Nephites praise the Lord for their victories. Between A.D. 18 and 22
3 Nephi 5
The Nephites repent and forsake their sins– Mormon writes the history of his people and declares the everlasting word to them– Israel shall be gathered in from her long dispersion. Between A.D. 21 and 26
3 Nephi 6
The Nephites prosper– Pride, wealth, and class distinctions arise– The Church is rent with dissensions– Satan leads the people in open rebellion– Many prophets cry repentance and are slain– Their murderers conspire to take over the government. Between A.D. 26 and 30
3 Nephi 7
The chief judge is murdered, the government is overthrown, and the people divide into tribes– Jacob, an antichrist, becomes king of a league of tribes– Nephi preaches repentance and faith in Christ– Angels minister to him daily, and he raises his brother from the dead– Many repent and are baptized. Between A.D. 30 and 33
3 Nephi 8
Tempests, earthquakes, fires, whirlwinds, and physical upheavals attest the crucifixion of Christ– Many people are destroyed– Darkness covers the land for three days– Those who remain bemoan their fate. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 9
In the darkness the voice of Christ proclaims the destruction of many people and cities for their wickedness– He also proclaims his divinity, announces that the law of Moses is fulfilled, and invites men to come unto him and be saved. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 10
There is silence in the land for many hours– The voice of Christ promises to gather his people as a hen gathereth her chickens– The more righteous part of the people had been preserved. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 11
The Father testifies of his Beloved Son– Christ appears and proclaims his atonement– The people feel the wound marks in his hands and feet and side– They cry Hosanna– He sets forth the mode and manner of baptism– The spirit of contention is of the devil– Christ’s doctrine is that men should believe and be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 12
Jesus calls and commissions the Twelve– He delivers to the Nephites a discourse similar to the Sermon on the Mount– He speaks the Beatitudes– His teachings transcend and take precedence over the law of Moses– Men are commanded to be perfect even as he and his Father are perfect– Compare Matthew 5. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 13
Jesus teaches the Nephites the Lord’s Prayer– They are to lay up treasures in heaven– The Twelve in their ministry are commanded to take no thought for temporal things– Compare Matthew 6. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 14
Jesus commands: Judge not; ask of God; beware of false prophets– He promises salvation to those who do the will of the Father– Compare Matthew 7. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 15
Jesus announces that the law of Moses is fulfilled in him– The Nephites are the other sheep of whom he spake in Jerusalem– Because of iniquity the Lord’s people in Jerusalem do not know of the scattered sheep of Israel. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 16
Jesus will visit others of the lost sheep of Israel– In the latter days the gospel will go to the Gentiles and then to the house of Israel– The Lord’s people shall see eye to eye when he brings again Zion. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 17
Jesus directs the people to ponder his words and pray for understanding– He heals their sick– He prays for the people, using language that cannot be written– Angels minister to and fire encircles their little ones. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 18
Jesus institutes the sacrament among the Nephites– They are commanded to pray always in his name– Those who eat his flesh and drink his blood unworthily are damned– The disciples are given power to confer the Holy Ghost. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 19
The Twelve Disciples minister unto the people and pray for the Holy Ghost– They are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost and the ministering of angels– Jesus prays using words that cannot be written– He attests to the exceedingly great faith of these Nephites. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 20
Jesus provides bread and wine miraculously and again administers the sacrament unto them– The remnant of Jacob shall come to the knowledge of the Lord their God and shall inherit the Americas– Jesus is the prophet like unto Moses, and the Nephites are children of the prophets– Others of the Lord’s people shall be gathered to Jerusalem. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 21
Israel shall be gathered when the Book of Mormon comes forth– The Gentiles shall be established as a free people in America– They shall be saved if they believe and obey; otherwise they shall be cut off and destroyed– Israel shall build the New Jerusalem, and the lost tribes shall return. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 22
In the last days, Zion and her stakes shall be established, and Israel shall be gathered in mercy and tenderness– They shall triumph– Compare Isaiah 54. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 23
Jesus approves the words of Isaiah– He commands the people to search the prophets– The words of Samuel the Lamanite concerning the resurrection are added to their records. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 24
The Lord’s messenger shall prepare the way for the Second Coming– Christ shall sit in judgment– Israel is commanded to pay tithes and offerings– A book of remembrance is kept– Compare Malachi 3. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 25
At the Second Coming the proud and wicked shall be burned as stubble– Elijah shall return before that great and dreadful day– Compare Malachi 4. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 26
Jesus expounds all things from the beginning to the end– Babes and children utter marvelous things which cannot be written– Those in the Church of Christ have all things in common among them. [A.D. 34]
3 Nephi 27
Jesus commands them to call the Church in his name– His mission and atoning sacrifice constitute his gospel– Men are commanded to repent and be baptized that they may be sanctified by the Holy Ghost– They are to be even as Jesus is. Between A.D. 34 and 35
3 Nephi 28
Nine of the Twelve desire and are promised an inheritance in Christ’s kingdom when they die– The Three Nephites desire and are given power over death so as to remain on the earth until Jesus comes again– They are translated and see things not lawful to utter, and they are now ministering among men. Between A.D. 34 and 35
3 Nephi 29
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a sign that the Lord has commenced to gather Israel and fulfill his covenants– Those who reject his latter– day revelations and gifts shall be cursed. Between A.D. 34 and 35
3 Nephi 30
The latter– day Gentiles are commanded to repent and come unto Christ and be numbered with the house of Israel. Between A.D. 34 and 35
4 Nephi 1
The Nephites and the Lamanites are all converted to the Church of Christ– They have all things in common, work miracles, and prosper in the land– After two centuries divisions, evils, false churches, and persecutions arise– After three hundred years both the Nephites and the Lamanites are wicked– Ammaron hides up the sacred records. Between A.D. 36 and 321
Mormon 1
Ammaron instructs Mormon concerning the sacred records– War commences between the Nephites and the Lamanites– The Three Nephites are taken away– Wickedness, unbelief, sorceries, and witchcraft prevail. About A.D. 322– 326
Mormon 2
Mormon leads the Nephite armies– Blood and carnage sweep the land– The Nephites lament and mourn with the sorrowing of the damned– Their day of grace is passed– Mormon obtains the plates of Nephi– Wars continue. Between A.D. 327 and 350
Mormon 3
Mormon cries repentance unto the Nephites– They gain a great victory and glory in their own strength– Mormon refuses to lead them, and his prayers for them are without faith– The Book of Mormon invites the twelve tribes of Israel to believe the gospel. Between A.D. 350 and 362
Mormon 4
War and carnage continue– The wicked punish the wicked– Greater wickedness prevails than ever before in all Israel– Women and children are sacrificed to idols– The Lamanites begin to sweep the Nephites before them. Between A.D. 363 and 375
Mormon 5
Mormon again leads the Nephite armies in battles of blood and carnage– The Book of Mormon shall come forth to convince all Israel that Jesus is the Christ– The Lamanites shall be a dark, filthy, and loathsome people– They shall receive the gospel from the Gentiles in the latter days. Between A.D. 375 and 384
Mormon 6
The Nephites gather to the land of Cumorah for the final battles– Mormon hides the sacred records in the hill Cumorah– The Lamanites are victorious, and the Nephite nation is destroyed– Hundreds of thousands are slain with the sword. [A.D. 385]
Mormon 7
Mormon invites the Lamanites of the latter days to believe in Christ, accept his gospel, and be saved– All who believe the Bible will also believe the Book of Mormon. About A.D. 385
Mormon 8
The Lamanites seek out and destroy the Nephites– The Book of Mormon shall come forth by the power of God– Woes pronounced upon those who breathe out wrath and strife against the work of the Lord– The Nephite record shall come forth in a day of wickedness, degeneracy, and apostasy. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Mormon 9
Moroni calls upon those who do not believe in Christ to repent– He proclaims a God of miracles, who gives revelations and pours out gifts and signs upon the faithful– Miracles cease because of unbelief– Signs follow those who believe– Men are exhorted to be wise and keep the commandments. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Ether 1
Moroni abridges the writings of Ether– Ether’s genealogy set forth– The language of the Jaredites is not confounded at the Tower of Babel– The Lord promises to lead them to a choice land and make them a great nation.
Ether 2
The Jaredites prepare for their journey to a promised land– It is a choice land whereon men must serve Christ or be swept off– The Lord talks to the brother of Jared for three hours– They build barges– The Lord asks the brother of Jared to propose how the barges shall be lighted.
Ether 3
The brother of Jared sees the finger of the Lord as he touches the sixteen stones– Christ shows his spirit body to the brother of Jared– Those who have a perfect knowledge cannot be kept from within the veil– Interpreters are provided to bring the Jaredite record to light.
Ether 4
Moroni is commanded to seal up the writings of the brother of Jared– They shall not be revealed until men have faith even as the brother of Jared– Christ commands men to believe his words and those of his disciples– Men are commanded to repent and believe the gospel and be saved.
Ether 5
Three witnesses and the work itself shall stand as a testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
Ether 6
The Jaredite barges are driven by the winds to the promised land– The people praise the Lord for his goodness– Orihah is appointed king over them– Jared and his brother pass away in death.
Ether 7
Orihah reigns in righteousness– Amid usurpation and strife the rival kingdoms of Shule and Cohor are set up– Prophets condemn the wickedness and idolatry of the people, who then repent.
Ether 8
There is strife and contention over the kingdom– Akish forms an oath– bound secret combination to slay the king– Secret combinations are of the devil and result in the destruction of nations– Modern Gentiles are warned against the secret combination which shall seek to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries.
Ether 9
The kingdom passes from one to another by descent and intrigue and murder– Emer saw the Son of Righteousness– Many prophets cry repentance– A famine and poisonous serpents plague the people.
Ether 10
One king succeeds another– Some of the kings are righteous; others are wicked– When righteousness prevails, the people are blessed and prospered by the Lord.
Ether 11
Wars, dissensions, and wickedness dominate Jaredite life– Their prophets predict the utter destruction of the Jaredites unless they repent– The people reject the words of the prophets.
Ether 12
The prophet Ether exhorts the people to believe in God– Moroni recounts the wonders and marvels done by faith– Faith enabled the brother of Jared to see Christ– The Lord gives men weaknesses that they may be humble– The brother of Jared moved Mount Zerin by faith– Faith, hope, and charity are essential to salvation– Moroni saw Jesus face to face.
Ether 13
Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to be built in America by the seed of Joseph– He prophesies, is cast out, writes the Jaredite history, and foretells the destruction of the Jaredites– War rages over all the land.
Ether 14
The iniquity of the people brings a curse upon the land– Coriantumr engages in warfare against Gilead, then Lib, and then Shiz– Blood and carnage cover the land.
Ether 15
Millions of the Jaredites are slain in battle– Shiz and Coriantumr assemble all the people to mortal combat– The Spirit of the Lord ceases to strive with them– The Jaredite nation is utterly destroyed– Only Coriantumr remains.
Moroni 1
Moroni writes for the benefit of the Lamanites– The Nephites who will not deny Christ are put to death. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Moroni 2
Jesus gave the Nephite apostles power to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Moroni 3
Elders ordain priests and teachers by the laying on of hands. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Moroni 4
How the elders and priests administer the sacramental bread. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Moroni 5
The mode of administering the sacramental wine is set forth. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Moroni 6
Repentant persons are baptized and fellowshipped– Church members who repent are forgiven– Meetings are conducted by the power of the Holy Ghost. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Moroni 7
An invitation to enter into the rest of the Lord– Pray with real intent– The Spirit of Christ enables men to know good from evil– Satan persuades men to deny Christ and do evil– The prophets manifest the coming of Christ– By faith miracles are wrought and angels minister– Men should hope for eternal life and cleave unto charity. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Moroni 8
Infant baptism is an evil abomination– Little children are alive in Christ because of the atonement– Faith, repentance, meekness and lowliness of heart, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end lead to salvation. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Moroni 9
Both the Nephites and the Lamanites are depraved and degenerate– They torture and murder each other– Mormon prays that grace and goodness may rest upon Moroni forever. Between A.D. 400 and 421
Moroni 10
A testimony of the Book of Mormon comes by the power of the Holy Ghost– The gifts of the Spirit are dispensed to the faithful– Spiritual gifts always accompany faith– Moroni’s words speak from the dust– Come unto Christ, be perfected in him, and sanctify your souls. About A.D. 421