BOLO words Flashcards
90s / ’90s / 90’s / ’90s
accept / except / expect
watch for
advise / advice
advise give advice
affect / effect
affect verb, effect noun
When you affect something it causes an effect.
Can be used differently though, look up to make sure you’re using correctly
ahold / a hold
Get ahold of yourself! vs He’s got a hold on her.
allude / elude
allude make indirect reference, elude is to avoid
already / all ready
You’re already there vs we are all ready
altogether / all together
altogether there are nine of us vs are we going all together
analysis / analyses
either, analyses plural
anybody / any body
anybody can join us vs any body in motion
anymore / any more
formally typically 2 words, if used in negative sense ok as one (“not anymore”)
anyone / any one
anyone can do that vs any one of you can
anyplace / any place
either, anyplace synonym for anywhere
anything / any thing
anything you do vs replace any thing with any little thing, use any thing
anytime / any time
any time formal…speaking of a specific time, anytime informal, general time frame, no specifics
anytime you want any vs you may leave at any time
anyway / any way
anyway synonym for anyhow…any way you can!
apart / a part
apart means seperated
Can you replace “a” with two? If so its probably a part with a space
ascent / assent
assent to agree, ascent is rise
awhile / a while
either, “for” in front? use a while
back seat/backseat
Back seat as a noun phrase, climb over the back seat
Backseat or back-seat when adjective…backseat driver or backseat passenger
basis / bases
basis base or foundation, bases plural of base
bear / bare
bear animal, bare exposed
boarder / border
boarder someone who is boarding, border around a room
breach / breech
breech opening vs breach of contract
breaks / brakes
breaks to destroy something, brakes on a car
breath / breadth
Caught my breath, breadth width
breathe / breath
breathe verb / breath noun
build / billed
build something, billed someone
(British double-l)
cannot / can not
usually cannot, other awkward, I can not go
capital / capitol
capitol state legislature building
capital is a stash of money or government headquarters of a state
career / carrier
career as a lawyer, carrier for your cat
causal / casual
causal of a cause, casual dress
cease / seize
cease is to stop, seize is to take control of
cell phone / cellphone
Cell phone like home phone, work phone
chose / choose
chose past tense, choose verb
cite / site / sight
cite reference, site location, sight see
complaint / compliant
complaint result of someone complaining, compliant is to abide by rules
complement / compliment
complement complete, compliment praise
conscious / conscience
conscious to be awake, conscience is that voice in the back of your head
contact / contract
watch for
council / counsel
counsel is to advise, counsil meeting
cue / queue
cue is to signal, queue is a line…que not a word
definitely / definetly
Definitely …finite is the root word
depravation / deprivation
depraved or corrupted, deprived is to deny someone something
desert / dessert
dessert sweets, desert place
devise / device
watch for
diagnoses / diagnosis
either, diagnoses is plural
discreet / discrete
discreet cautious, discrete separate
watch for
legal term, loosely means to take place be available etc
every / ever
watch for
every time/everytime
everyday / every day
everyday common or informal / every day can be replaced with each day (and it will sound natural)
everyone/every one
Everyone, everybody synonym Every one is used to emphasize each individual that makes up a group (She would like to thank every one who offered a meal)
everything/every thing
Everything is the default choice: You’ve ruined everything. The two-word adjective-noun form is usually divided by an additional adjective: Every little thing she does is magic.
exuberant / exorbitant
exuberant elated / exhorbitant unreasonably expensive
fathom / phantom
fathom come to understand / phantom ghostly figure
follow up / follow-up
Follow up verb, follow-up noun
Gambit - a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage.
Gamut - the complete range or scope of something
gate / gait
gait is a medical term, the way one walks
heel / heal
heel part of the foot / heal restore to health
illicit / elicit
illicit illegal / elicit draw out or obtain
imminent / eminent
imminent something big / eminent anyone who’s famous
insofar / in so far
insure / ensure
insure to protect financially / ensure make certain
intact / in tact