Bold Face Flashcards
Egress Bold Face
- Warning: If decision to eject is made, canopy must be closed and locked.
If necessary:
2. Eject
- Throttle - Off
- Seat firing handle safety pin - Insert correctly
- Canopy - Open/ MDC Operation/ Canopy Damaged Drill
- Unstrap completely, ensure PSP disconnected.
- Aircraft - Vacate and move clear upwind.
MDC Operation/ Canopy Damaged Bold Face
- Airspeed - Less than 250kts
- Oxygen mask - Toggle Down
- Altitude - Descend below 25,000ft
- Warning: Do not engage barrier after MDC operation/ canopy damage.
If intentional MDC operation required:
- Other occupant - Warn
- Visors - Down
- MDC firing handle - operate.
Emergency Oxygen Fails After Ejection Bold Face
If breathing is restricted while still attached to seat after ejection:
- Emergency Oxygen Handle - Pull
Automatic Separation Fails After Ejection Bold Face
- Seat Firing Handle - Check pulled fully up.
2. Manual Separation Handle - Operate.
Failure to Eject Bold Face
- Seat firing handle safety pin - Ensure removed.
- Seat Firing Handle - Pull again.
Non-bold face continues if this fails.
Abort Bold Face
- Throttle - Idle/ Off (as required).
- Brake Chute - Stream (if required)
- Brakes - Apply
- Flaps - DOWN
- Control Column - Fully back less than 100kts.
If aircraft about to leave runway in an uncontrolled condition, consider:
Barrier Engagement Bold Face
- Aim for centre panel
- Throttle - Off
- Duck head and release brakes before engagement
Non-bold face continues (for once aircraft stopped).
Blown Tyre on Take Off Bold Face
If decision is made to stop:
- Anti-skid - Off
- Abort
If take-off is continued:
3. Landing gear and flaps - do not retract
Non-bold face continues.
APU Fire Bold Face
- Height - 5000ft AGL minimum
- Airspeed - Minimum practical
- Monitor tailplane control.
If fire is confirmed or control is lost:
5. Eject
Non-bold face continues in case that fire is not confirmed.
Fire Bold Face
- Throttle - Minimum practical
- Check for confirmatory signs of fire.
- FIRE caption should not be regarded as sole confirmatory sign of fire.
If fire confirmed:
- Airbrake - In
- Throttle - Off
- Fuel Pump - Off
- LP Fuel Cock - Closed
[9. Start timing - wait up to 45 seconds
10. Are confirmatory signs of fire or FIREcaption still present?
Yes: Eject
No: See cards]
If fire not confirmed:
See cards.
Engine Failures and Fires on the Ground
First, list the possible triggers for this drill.
Then give the bold face.
Triggers: APU caption or signs of APU fire FIRE caption or signs of fire T6NL caption JPOHT caption OIL caption LP OFF caption Abnormal Engine Behaviour (Mnemonic - FATAL JO)
Bold Face:
- Throttle - Off
- Fuel Pump - Off
- LP Fuel Cock - Closed.
If time permits consider an emergency radio call.
- Batt 1 and Batt 2 - Off
- Egress.
Hot Start On Ground Bold Face
If T6 rapidly approaches 637 degrees C:
- Throttle - Off
Non-bold face continues.
LP Cock Off Bold Face
- LP Fuel Cock - Ensure Open
- Land ASAP
[Non-bold face: RPM/ T6/ Fuel Flow - Monitor]
Oil Pressure Bold Face
- Throttle: Set 78-87% RPM
- Maintain RPM using slow, smooth throttle movements.
- Land ASAP
- Note:
- Increased vibration and sudden decreases in RPM may be observed.
- Engine may seize. Minimising RPM changes, throttle movements and maintaining 1g flight may delay seizure.
Non-bold face continues.
Jet Pipe Overheat Bold Face
- Throttle - Minimum Practical
2. Land ASAP.
T6NL or MFC or EEC Bold Face
- Throttle - Maintain 70-87% RPM
- AOA and sideslip - Minimise.
- EMP - Monitor engine indications.
[4. Use slow smooth throttle movements.
- Is surge or overtemp suspected?
Yes: Immediate Relight
No: See cards.]
Non-bold face continues.
Engine Seizure Bold Face
- Airbrake - In
- Throttle - Off
- Caution: Do not try to relight.
Non-bold face continues.
Surge Bold Face
What failure may a surge trigger?
- AOA and sideslip - Minimise
- RPM/ T6, IGN and SRG captions (EMP) - Monitor
If SRG caption (EMP) illuminated for >5.5 seconds, or IGN caption (EMP) illuminated for >15 seconds:
3. Throttle - Idle
If engine remains locked in surge:
4. Conduct Immediate Relight
- Note:
- Engine surge may trigger an OBOGS failure with or without an OXY warning.
- Reset OBOGS using Oxygen or Hypoxia drill, step 6 onwards.
Immediate Relight Bold Face
What are the indications of a successful relight?
- Note:
- In MFC, windmill relights less than 250kts may not be successful.
- If the NH is below 10% (EMP Blank), go to Assisted Relight - Airbrake - In
- Throttle - Off for 1-2 seconds.
- RPM - 10% NH Minimum
- Relight button - press and hold
- IGN caption (EMP) - confirm illuminated
- Throttle - Idle, start timing
[8. RPM/ T6 - Monitor
- Note: A successful relight is indicated by:
- Light up occurring within 30 seconds of selecting throttle to IDLE.
- T6 remaining below 840 degrees C
- Stable idle RPM.
Non-bold face continues.
Oxygen or Hypoxia Bold Face
If above 10,000ft cabin altitude:
- Back-Up Oxygen - Emerg
- Oxygen Mask - Toggle Down
- Descend below 10,000ft cabin altitude.
If symptoms persist, or BUOXY caption extinguished, or contents below 1/8:
4. Emergency Oxygen Handle - Pull
Non-bold face continues.
Oxygen Flow or Restricted Breathing Bold Face
- Oxygen mask and hose - Check flow, connections, no leaks.
Of OXY flow indicator still shows no flow, or breathing is restricted:
2. Regulator Bypass - On, descend below altitude 25,000ft.
If breathing still restricted:
3. Back-up Oxygen - Emerg
If BUOXY caption extinguished, or contents below 1/8:
4. Emergency oxygen handle - Pull.
Non-bold face continues.
Cockpit smoke, fumes or fire Bold Face.
- Oxygen mask - Toggle Down.
- Altitude - Descend below 25,000ft.
- Cabin Conditioning control - Off.
Non-bold face continues.
Cabin Pressure Bold Face
- Oxygen Mask - Toggle down
If above 26,000ft cabin altitude and BUOXY caption extinguished:
2. Back-up Oxygen - Emerg
Non-bold face continues.
Hood Bold Face
- Canopy-lock lever - Check Fully forwards and safety catch engaged.
Non-bold face continues.
Fuel Pressure Bold Face
- Throttle - Minimum practical.
- Fuel Pump - Ensure On
Non-bold face continues.
Fuel Bold Face
- Return to straight, level, unaccelerated flight.
- Combat flap - Deselect, check caption.
Non-bold face continues.
Fuel Transfer Bold Face
- Throttle - Minimum practical.
Non-bold face continues.
Total Hydraulics Bold Face
- Warning: Loss of hydraulic pressure may result in the tail plane moving to full deflection.
- Hyd 1 and Hyd 2 pressures - check.
If pressure is less than 1340psi and controls become less effective:
3. Eject.
Hydraulics 1 Bold Face
- Airbrake - In, do not select out again.
- Airspeed - Less than 300kts/ 0.6M
- Yaw Damper - Off
Non-bold face continues.
Hyd 1 and Hyd 2 Bold Face
Mainly aimed at scenario where Hyd 1 and Hyd 2 have had an issue, but RAT is maintaining Hyd 2 Pressure.
- Airbrake - In, do not select out again.
- Airspeed - Less than 300kts/ 0.6M
- Yaw Damper - Off
Non-bold face continues.
Hyd 2 or Uncommanded RAT Extension Bold Face
- Airbrake - In, do not select out again.
- Airspeed - Less than 300kts/ 0.6M
Non-bold face continues.
Uncommanded Extension of all or part of the Landing Gear Bold Face
- Airspeed - Less than 200kts.
Non-bold face continues.
Loss of Directional Control Bold Face
- Consider Take-Off if time and circumstances permit.
If cause unknown:
- Brake Chute - Stream if practical.
- Anti-skid - Off
If control not regained:
- ICO - Press
- Use rudder and differential braking to control aircraft.
If aircraft about to leave runway in an uncontrolled fashion:
- Eject or Landing Gear Emergency Retraction
Landing Gear Emergency Retraction Bold Face
- Emerg ORide button - Push, Check ORIDE landing gear caption is on.
- Landing Gear - Up
Nosewheel Steering Bold Face
- Use rudder and differential braking to control aircraft.
- ICO - Press
- NWS - Engage
If green NWS caption illuminates, use NWS. If Amber NWS caption remains, use differential braking.
SKID caption or Brake Failure After Touchdown Bold Face
On the ground:
- Brake chute - Stream if necessary.
- Brakes - Release
- Anti-Skid - Off
- Brakes - Reapply
If still no braking : 5. Throttle - Off 6. Parking Brake - Gently Apply 7. Note: Mechanical failure of anti-skid control valve can result in loss of brake pressure at wheelbrakes without a SKID caption.
In Flight: Non-bold face.
Uncommanded/ inadvertent brake chute deployment in the air Bold Face
- Throttle - Maximum
- Brake Chute - Stream, then Jett/ Norm
If chute does not jettison:
3. Airspeed - Increase to break weak link.
If unable to maintain altitude and airspeed:
4. Eject.
Spin recovery Bold Face
- Height - Check sufficient for recovery
- Throttle - Idle
- Centralise
When rotation stops and airspeed is increasing above 150kts, simultaneously:
- Combat flap - select.
- Recover from dive.
Passing 5000ft AGL, if dive recovery not initiated:
6. Eject.
Landing Gear Fails to Retract Bold Face
- Airspeed - Less than 200kts.
Non-bold face continues.
What is a successful relight indicated by?
Light up within 30 seconds of selecting throttle to Idle.
T6 remaining below 840 degrees C (should be below 400 C at idle).
RPM stable at Idle.
Pre-Meditated Ejection Drill
Remember it by I Was Home Sick THOVARTEEE:
Impact area/ parachute landing area - consider.
Warn the other occupant.
Height - Ideally 2000-9000ft.
Speed - Ideally 250kts.
Transponder - Emergency
Harness - Locked and tight and everything connected.
Oxygen mask - Tight, consider toggle down.
Visors - Down.
Aircraft - Trim as required, consider up to 1/2 aileron trim.
Radio - Call as required.
Throttle - Idle.
Ejection Position - Assume.
Eyes - Closed.