Boeing 787 Limitations Flashcards
What is the maximum and minimum runway slope?
When can you take off with a tail wind between 10-15 Kts?
• OPT calculation performed
• Runway is clear and dry
• Antiskid and thrust reversers are fully operational
• Max takeoff rated thrust is used.
What is the maximum unrestricted tailwind for take off and landing?
10 kts
What is the maximum and minimum Glide Slope angle for an Autoland? And if greater than 3.25 when must you disengage the Autopilot?
3.25 maximum
2.5 minimum
Not Below 100ft AGL (Autopilot not capable to auto land)
What is the minimum oil temperature for an engine start?
Greater than -40
What is the turbulence penetration speed?
Maintain 290 knots when below 25000 ft
AT 25000 ft and above: maintain 310 kts or 0.84 Mach, whichever is lower
When can you land in tailwind greater than 10 kts to maximum 15 kts?
• Aircraft performance landing weights are verified by OPT, Performance, LANDING FIELD LIMIT WEIGHT
• Antiskid and thrust reversers are fully operational
• Flaps 30 landing
• Auto speed brakes are used
• No braking action reports less than GOOD
What is the Maximum Operating Altitude?
43,100 ft Pressure Altitude (B787-9)
41, 100 ft Pressure Altitude (B787-10)
What is the maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component?
15 kts
What is the Maximum Altitude for Takeoff & Landing?
14,000ft Pressure Altitude
What is the maximum allowable difference between Captain’s or First Officer’s altitude display and field elevation for RVSM operation?
Prior to takeoff the maximum allowable difference between Captain’s or First Officer’s altitude display and field elevation is 75 feet.
What is the Minimum tank fuel temp prior to T/O?
-29 C
What is the Minimum tank fuel temp in flight?
In-flight tank fuel temperature must be maintained at least -42°C, as well as 3°C above freezing point of fuel being used
What are the fuel loading restrictions if Center tank fuel is loaded?
Main tanks must be scheduled to be full if centre tank fuel is loaded. Centre tank may contain 10,000kg of fuel with less than full main tanks provided that center tank fuel + actual ZFW do not exceed MZFW, and CG limits are observed.
What are the limitations on the use of the GPWS LOOK AHEAD TERRAIN ALERTING and TERRAIN DISPLAY Function?
Prohibited within 15 nm of takeoff, approach, landing at any airport not contained in GPWS database. Do not use terrain display for navigation
When must weather radar operation be avoided?
Avoid weather radar operation in a hangar, avoid weather radar operation when personnel are within the area normally enclosed by the aircraft nose radome
What is the limitation for brakes release when performing a pre-takeoff static engine run-up (in cold weather conditions), or a rolling takeoff with an aft CG configuration?
Brakes release above 55% N1 is prohibited. A tip-up can occur and directional control can be reduced.
Is intentional use of reverse thrust in-flight allowed?
No, intentional selection of reverse thrust in-flight is prohibited
Can the airplane be backed using reverse thrust while on the ground?
No, backing the airplane with use of reverse thrust is prohibited
When must you NOT operate HF radios?
When refuelling.
Can you fly in RVSM with ISFD alone?
No, the standby altimeter does NOT meet RVSM altitude requirements.
What is the Maximum demonstrate cross wind for T/O and landing on the B787-9 and the B787-10
B787-9 = T/O - 33kts (gust included)
Land 40kts (gust included)
B787-10 = T/O -37kts (gust included)
Land 35kts (gust included)
What is the minimum Autopilot engage height after take-off?
What is the maximum pressure altitude for an auto land?
8400ft Pressure Altitude
Without LAND2 or LAND 3 Annunciated, disengage the autopilot by which alitiude on the Boing 787-9 and B787-10?
B787-9 = 135ft
B787 - 10 = 100ft
If the glidepath angle for approach is greater than 3.77 degrees, the autopilot must be disengaged no later than what altitude?
50ft below DH/MDA
What are the wind limits for a “HUD Takeoff required”for LVTO in RVR of <125m to ≥75m?
Headwind 25 knots
Crosswind 10 knots
Tailwind 15 knots
What is the Maximum wind component for an Autoland in LVP condition?
Headwind 25 knots
Crosswind 25 knots
Tailwind 15 knots
When is Flight Level Change prohibited?
On final approach below 1000ft AAL. (Above Airfield Level.)
In what flight control modes is take off permitted?
Only in the “Normal flight control mode”
What are the ground wind limitation?
For crosswinds greater than 40 knots, limit thrust to a setting normally used for taxi (45% N1)
• with a tailwind component greater than 5 knots and winds greater than 35 knots, limit thrust to a setting normally used for taxi (45% N1)
• for winds greater than 55 knots, limit engine thrust to idle.
Which one of the ACP’s are not to be used for satcom/cabin conference?
Captain or First Officers ACP’s
What is the maximum altitude for flaps selection?
20 000ft
What precautions should be taken when making flight control inputs?
Rapid or large ALTERNATING control inputs are to be avoided, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll and yaw (eg. Large sideslip angles) as they may result in structural failure at any speed, including below Va
What is the maximum tank fuel temperature?
At take-off 49 deg C
Inflight 65 deg C