Boeing 737 Classic Flashcards
Vfe flaps 2
230 kts.
Vfe flaps 1
230 kts.
Vfe flaps 5
225 kts.
Vfe flaps 10
210 kts.
Vfe flaps 15
195 kts.
Vfe flaps 25
190 kts.
Vfe flaps 30
185 kts.
Vfe flaps 40
158 kts.
V Approach flaps 1
190 kts.
V Approach flaps 5
170 kts.
V Approach flaps 10
160 kts.
V Approach flaps 15
150 kts.
V Approach flaps 25
140 kts.
V Approach flaps 30/40
Vref + 5 kts.
VMO (max. operating speed)
340 kts.
MMO (max. Mach speed)
0.82 Mach
VA (PA 0’) (max. Airspeed full control deflection)
277 kts.
Vlo retract
235 kts.
Vlo extend
270 kts.
320 kts.
0.82 Mach
Limits below 10.000’
- Speed 300 kts.
- max. V/S 3000’
Rough airspeed
280 kts. / 0.73 Mach
V window heat inop.
250 kts. below 10.000’
Max. Operating altitude
37.000’ P.A.
Max. Take-off and landing altitude
Max. Operating latitudes
- 73 degrees North
* 60 degrees South
Min. ambient temperature
- 73 C
Do not reduced thrust for take-off if (5 items)
- contaminated runway or low friction coefficient < 0,4
- wind shear conditions exist
- anti-skid inoperative
- PMC is off
- low visibility take-off
Altimeters requirements RVSM Airspace
- difference on ground between capt. and F/O: 40’
- difference on ground between any altimeter and A/P elev.: 75’
- difference in flight between capt. and F/O: 200’
Max. N1 RPM
106 %
Max. N2 RPM
Max take-off EGT
930 C
Max. Continuous EGT
895 C
Max. Start EGT
725 C
Max. Oil temperature
165 C
Min. Oil pressure
13 PSI
Minimum oil quantity
- dep. from base: 75%
- dep. out station: 60 %
APU Versions
- GTCP 85-129: green/red marking EGT indicator
- GTCP 36-280(B): APS 2000 indicator without colored marking
APU max. EGT temperature
GTCP 85-129
- max. Start EGT: 760 C
- max. Cont. EGT: 710 C
APU start attempts are not recommended above:
No APU use for both:
- Bleed air
- Electrical load
No APU bleed above
No APU start above
Max. APU altitude
Automatic landing limitations (4 items)
- max. Allowable wind speeds
- max./min. glide slope of 3.25 respectively 2.5 degrees
- only flaps 30 or 40 and both engines operative
- both hydraulic and both electrical systems operative
Electrical power: max. generator drive oil temperature
157 C (in)
Rise difference: 20 C
Min. hydraulic fluid quantity
88 %
Min. Fuel for ground operation of elec. hydraulic pump cooling
760 kg.
No speed brake extension when (2 items)
- below 1000’ R.A.
- flaps 15 or greater