Body Parts 1 Flashcards
What is the Spanish word for ‘head’?
La cabeza
What is the Spanish word for ‘eye’?
El ojo
What is the Spanish word for ‘ear’?
La oreja
What is the Spanish word for ‘nose’?
La nariz
What is the Spanish word for ‘mouth’?
La boca
What is the Spanish word for ‘tooth’?
El diente
What is the Spanish word for ‘neck’?
El cuello
What is the Spanish word for ‘shoulder’?
El hombro
What is the Spanish word for ‘arm’?
El brazo
What is the Spanish word for ‘hand’?
La mano
What is the Spanish word for ‘finger’?
El dedo
What is the Spanish word for ‘chest’?
El pecho
What is the Spanish word for ‘stomach’?
El estómago
What is the Spanish word for ‘back’?
La espalda
What is the Spanish word for ‘leg’?
La pierna
What is the Spanish word for ‘knee’?
La rodilla
What is the Spanish word for ‘foot’?
El pie
What is the Spanish word for ‘toe’?
El dedo de pie
What is the Spanish word for ‘skin’?
La piel
What is the Spanish word for ‘heart’?
El corazón
What is the Spanish word for ‘brain’?
El cerebro
What is the Spanish word for ‘blood’?
La sangre
What is the Spanish word for ‘vein’?
La vena
What is the Spanish word for ‘muscle’?
El músculo
What is the Spanish word for ‘bone’?
El hueso
What is the Spanish word for ‘liver’?
El hígado
What is the Spanish word for ‘kidney’?
El riñón
What is the Spanish word for ‘lung’?
El pulmón
What is the Spanish word for ‘body’?
El cuerpo
What is the Spanish word for ‘hair’?
El pelo
What is the Spanish word for ‘inner ear’?
El oído
What is the Spanish word for ‘face’?
La cara
What is the Spanish word for ‘forehead’?
La frente
What is the Spanish word for ‘eyebrows’?
Las cejas
What is the Spanish word for ‘eyelashes’?
Las pestañas
What is the Spanish word for ‘cheek’?
La mejilla
What is the Spanish word for ‘mustache’?
El bigote
What is the Spanish word for ‘lips’?
Los labios
What is the Spanish word for ‘bones’?
Los huesos
What is the Spanish word for ‘ankle’?
El tobillo
What is the Spanish word for ‘belly button’?
El ombligo
What is the Spanish word for ‘tongue’?
La lengua
What is the Spanish word for ‘chin’?
La barbilla
What is the Spanish word for ‘beard’?
La barba
What is the Spanish word for ‘elbow’?
El codo
What is the Spanish word for ‘throat’?
La garganta
What is the Spanish word for ‘muscles’?
Los músculos
What is the Spanish word for ‘wrist’?
La muñeca
What is the Spanish word for ‘thumb’?
El pulgar
What is the Spanish word for ‘nail(finger)’?
La uña
What is the Spanish word for ‘butt’?
Las pompis / las naglas
What is the Spanish word for ‘hip’?
La cadera
What is the Spanish word for ‘waist’?
La cintura
What is the Spanish word for ‘finger’?
El dedo