Body, Mind And Soul Flashcards
Plato’s view of body and soul
Body > Changes > Decays and dies > A prison > Diverted from true knowledge by appetites and emotion Soul > Unchanging > Eternal > Seeks true knowledge by reason > Trapped by the body > Leaves the body at death
Plato’s example
The charioteer and horses
Aristotle’s examples
> imprint on wax
Descartes quotes
‘Body is by nature divisible, but the mind is not’
‘I am a thing that thinks’
Ryle’s criticisms of Descartes’ substance dualism
The ghost in the machine
Category error
> ‘body’ and ‘mind’ are not distinct and separate substances but a description of the whole person and what it means to be a conscious, thinking being
Dawkins quotes
‘There is no spirit driven life force, no throbbing heaving, pullulating, protoplasmic mystic jelly’ (Soul)
‘Life is just bytes and bytes and bytes of digital information’ (Body)
Dawkins: the body
> they are survival machines that enable our genes to replicate
self-awareness has developed becuase it has evolutionary advantages
Dawkins: the soul (1)
> The ancient idea of conscious (a non-physical element of life)
“not an explanation by an evasion”
it is a God of the gaps argument
science has either killed soul one or is in the process of doing so
Dawkins: Soul (2)
> intellect or development of mental faculties
is not fully explained yet but will one day, science may find the answer
Dawkins thinks that the the answer will be found in DNA
Materialism supporters
Identity theory
D. Dennett
Susan Blackmore
Materialism critics
R. Swinburne
Keith Ward
G.E.M Anscombe
What is the identity theory
Mental and physical events are one in the same
Supported by NASA
D. Dennett and materialism
Rejects the mythical Cartesian Theatre
there is no single place in the brain that contains consciousness
Supported by S. Blackmore
Dawkins and materialism
“Bytes and bytes of digital information”
Consciousnesses an evolutionary advantage
R. Swinburne and materialism
Physical terms cannot describe everything about and individual
The soul is aware of freedom to choose and recognise goodness