Body Logs Flashcards
What is homeostasis.
Regulation of internal environment in response to environmental change.
What does homeo and stasis mean?
Homeo= same, Stasis = still
What is a negative feed back loop?
Stimulus > sensor > control > effector > ceases stimulus.
Give an example of a negative feedback loop?
Temperature regulation
What is a positive feedback loop?
Effector increases original stimulus and stops when initiator ceases
Give an example of a positive feedback loop?
Give four features of temperature regulation when hot
Vasodilation, pilorelaxation, sweating, stretching out
Give four features of temperature regulation when cold
Vasoconstriction, piloerection, shivering, curling up
Give the negative feedback cascade when body temp exceeds 37 degrees
Body temp hot > nerved cells in skin brain > temperature regulation centre > sweat glands > reduces body temp
Is body temp constant?
No it fluctuates throughout the day.
Describe the clotting cascade
Break in BV > clotting at site by platelets > release chemokines to attract more platelets > increases clotting further until break is sealed
What is normal core body temp?
What temperature is mild hypothermia?
What temp is severe hypothermia?
Below 32
What temperature when u have no vital signs?
Below 28
What temperature indicates a fever?
Temperature above 38 degrees
What temp is heat stroke?
What temperature is heat exhaustion?
Above 46
Name the features of severe hypothermia
Shivering stood, rigid muscles, slow and weak pulse, drowsiness.
Mild hypothermia symptoms
Shivering, fatigue, slurred speech, confusion
Fever symptoms
Pale sweaty skin, cramps in arms, legs, stomach
Heat stroke symptoms
Flushed dry skin, hot to touch, strong pulse
Heat exhaustion symptoms
Unconsciousness, fits, seizures, headaches, dizzy
No vital signs
Unconscious, dilated pupils, pulse undetectable, synosis
What temperature do you regain consciousness after severe hypothermia?
At 32 degrees
What is the optimal PH
What systems is PH maintained by?
Lung respiratory balance and kidneys metabolic balance through respiratory acidosis and renal alkalosis