BOD L3+4 T2 Diabetes genes and mechanisms Flashcards
Aim: To link understanding of pancreatic function with type 2 diabetes pathology and treatment rationales. LO: -Detail the main cellular pathways of insulin secretion and islet immunomodulation. -Provide detail of the molecular events leading to pancreatic dysfunction in type 2 diabetes, an ddetiail how diet and extracellular environment impact upon this. -Provide detail of specific genes linked to diabetes predisposition.
How does the immune systems role differ between T1 and T2 diabetes?
T1 is antibody driven where as T2 is innate immune driven (by cytokines and inflammation). Inflammationg driven by high sugar, high fat, sedentary lifestyle. Lipo-/gluco- toxicity damage on beta cells.
The lipo-/gluco- toxicity seen in beta cells in T2D causes epigenetic mutations. Why are these pancreatic beta cells exquisitely sensitive to their extracellular environment?
As they monitor blood sugar/fat levels in real time they are constantly screening blood with no off switch, so toxicity from high levels builds up within these cells.
What are the two ways beta cells dysfunction in diabetogenesis?
Abnormal insulin secretion,
Reduced beta cell mass
Briefly with the aid of this diagram, how does high blood glucose lead to insulin secretion?

Glucose enters cell via Glu2 transporter. Rise in glycolysis and ATP production.
High ATP levels act on potassium ion channel to close. Causes membrane depolarisation.
This causes calcium ion channels to open, Calcium ions flood into cell, which act on insulin vesicles, causing fusion between insulin granule and membrane. Insulin secreted from cell.
Insulin secretion is a multistep process and is released in different phases. Why is this?
Insulin and the granule exists within the cell at different stages of development to cause this.
Insulin is trafficked arround the cell from the ER to the Golgi to the plasma membrane. Which three molecules identify each of these section of the cell?
The ER is coated in COPII.
The early Golgi apparatus is coated in COPI.
The late golgi and plasma membrane are coated in clathrin.
Briefly outly how insulin moves from pro-insulin to mature insulin being secreted.
Pro-insulin formed in the ER moves to the golgi, it is packaged into secretory granules. As it moves away to cell membrane, it matures due to influx of protons (acidification) which activates enzymes inside, cleaving C-peptide on insulin, making mature protein. This mature insulin solidifies to crystal. It resolutes when secreted in extracellular fluid (blood).
Explain the large inital release of insulin.

This is the release of the immediately releasable granules which are mature and already found at cell membrane.
Where can the second phase of insulin be found in the cell?
Where can the third reserve pool be found?
Granule is docked and protein mature, but not ready to be activated.
The third pool isn’t tethered to cell membrane so needs translocating, and also protein needs activating.
How does beta cell dysfunction in diabetogenesis alter insulin secretion?
Abnormal insulin secretion:
- Absent first phase response to intravenius glucose
- Delayed and blunted response to a mixed meal
- Abnormal insulin secretory oscillations
- Increased levels of proinsulin and proinsulin breakdown intermediates.
SNARE proteins are necessary for membrane fusion. Which two snares are involved in this?
What enters cells to cause the two SNARE proteins to bind, membranes to fuse and therefore release insulin?
v-SNARE (vesicular) is found on secretory granule surface.
t-SNARE is found on inner cell membrane.
Calcium ions entering cell causes this.
What do calcium ions act upon during insulin secretion to initate membrane fusion?
Calcium ions activate Calpane, an enzyme, which when activated clips SNAP-25, which brings SNARE proteins together.
(activated) SNAP-25, Syntaxin 1 and VAMP-2 bring SNARE proteins together.
What is microarray?
Method used to detect expression of tens of thousands of genes simultaneiously, global gene expression, SNP, methylation, amplification etc
Light-directed chemical synthesis that enables synthesis of hundreds of thousands of compounds in precise locations.
What is the affect that T2D has on the expression of the secretory machinery?
There is a decrease. Not enough SNARE expressed.
How are the membrane fusion proteins found on the membrane?
Found anchored and localised on lipid rafts. Allows them to collect together in high numbers locally. t-SNARE and associated proteins (including calcium channel) found on this raft.
What effect does high glucose exposure to beta cells have on membrane cholesterol and lipid rafts?
What is the lipid raft marker that these affects are demonstrated by?
Causes inhibition of membrane cholesterol and stress and disruption of lipid rafts.
Flotillin is the lipid raft marker. It is spatially restrained under normal conditions. High glucose, it spreads across membrane and lipid raft components such as SNARE disrupted and drift around membrane.
Briefly how does glucolipotoxicity impede beta cell function?
Glucolipotoxicity causes Pdx-1 (a master TF) decrease. This controls a lot of metabolic activity such as glycolysis and glucokinase expression.
Reduction in beta cell mass.
Glucolipotoxicity in T2D is the driver for reduction in beta cell mass. What is the driver for reduced cell mass in T1D?
Immune system invading pancreatic islet destroying beta cells. CTL’s and plasma B cells.
How much of the islet is beta cell? Roughly how are the cells organised?
70% of the islet is beta cells.
Alpha cells found on exterior of islet and beta cells mostly in centre.
What effect does hyperglycaemia have on islet inflammasomes?
Activates. Due to high levels of ROS generated from glucose metabolism, inflammasome activates caspase 1 which activates IL-1beta.

How does activated IL-1 pathway/receptor affect kind of TF’s found in cell.
IL-1R binds to machinery that activates pro-inflammatory TF’s.
AP-1 and NFkappaB
How does IL-1beta action lead to immune cell invasion?
IL-1B causes chemokine gradient to be established from beta cells, immune cells follow along gradient and attack with cytokines.
Causes innate autoimmune inflammatory process.
Macrophage invasion in T2D causes death of beta cells. Which chemokine is responsible for this during glucolipotoxicity?
IL-8 is the chemokine responsible.
Three cytokines produced by immune cells and beta cells which activate MAPK and NFkappaB that alters gene expression. What effect does this have on the beta cell?
IL-1B, IFNgamma, TNFalpha.
ER stress as insulin upregulated from glucose but cannot be maintained, decreased energy generation, dysfunctional mitochondria, increased apoptosis and increased immune infiltration.
What effect does inflammatory cytokines have on Glu2 transporter?
Decreased levels leading to densensitisation of glucose.
Targetting cytokines using antibody therapy in diabetes has mixed success. Which cytokines are targetted and which are most successful?
TNF can be targetted with anti-TNF. Immunesuppression. Proven efficacy but potential side effects are infection and TB.
IL-1 targetted with Anti-IL-1. Also immunosuppression with promising trial results but side effects strong, as some IL-1 is needed for regular beta cell proliferation. Full knockout will result in inhibited beta cell proliferation and impaired insulin secretion.
Anti-IL-6 therapy Tocilizumab trials ongoing.
T2D susceptibility genes exist that predispose indivuals to the disease. Found by microarray work.
What are the six that were found?
What is PPARG as a genetic predisposition to T2D?
Transcription factor plays important role in adipocyte differentiation and function. Associated with decreased insulin sensitivity. Target of hypoglycemic drugs.
May be responsible for ~25% of T2D cases.
How does the HNF network predispose to T2D?
Codes hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-beta. Assumed effect of risk allele decreased beta cell function. Feeds into GluT-2 pathway.
What is the role of GCK and why does risk allele predispose T2D?
Codes glucokinase, which commits glucose to glycolysis.
SNP reduced glycolysis, increased fasting glucose and toxicity so decreased beta cell function.
All parts of beta cell function and insulin secretion discussed during this lecture can be genetically predispose to T2D during SNP.
This involves?
Transcription factors, membrane channels (glucose, potassium etc) and SNARE protein functions (CAPN10, Calpain-10 protease).
What is role of calpain-10 in insulin secretion?
Causes partial proteolysis of SNAP-25, which then causes aggregation of all SNARE proteins, membrane fusion and insulin secretion.
What is the role of SLC30A8?
It is the beta cell zinc transporter. This is important as zinc is used to crystalise proinsulin.
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