Boating Rules (5.7) Docking and Mooring (5.8) Anchoring Flashcards
What is preparation for docking?
Decrease Speed
Secure fenders on the docking side
ready the docking lines
What do you take into account when docking?
Wind, Water Current, Traffic
What is docking technique when the wind is in your face?
Approach dock at a steep angle (30-45 degrees)
and swing the boat quickly.
Secure the bow first and reverse until the stern swings in.
Whenever possible, approach the dock with the wind in your face as you have much more control.
What is docking technique when the wind is in at your back?
Approach at a shallow angle (10-20 degrees)
stop the boat and allow the wind to drive the boat into the dock.
Which types of boats should you carry an anchor?
It is advisable for all boats, powered and non-powered, to carry an anchor for both recreational and emergency use.
How does a plow style anchor work?
A plow style anchor lands sideways and digs in as it is pulled. (This has a single point, Google a picture)
What is a plow style anchor best suited for?
rocky bottoms, weeds and grassy waters
What does a Danforth anchor look like?
It has two pointy flukes on a pivot (Google a picture)
poor Mnemonic: Danforth Quayle was Bush’s VP, he was an anchor to the campaign
What is a Danforth anchor best suited for?
soft mud and grassy waters.
What is a mushroom anchor best suited for?
used for canoes and inflatables, best for flat bottomed waters (the “head” of the mushroom will lie on the bottom, the stem is what attaches to a rope. Google a picture)
What is the sea-nerd name for the chain or line connected to an anchor?
It is called the “Rode”
What are the 2 components of an anchor?
A line or chain called the “rode”,
and the anchor itself.
What is the name of all the anchor components together?
All the items together are called the “ground tackle”
How much “rode” do you need to set the anchor?
It depends on the depth of the water, usually 7 to 10 times the depth (More in bad weather or rough water)
Why should you make sure your anchor is accessible the the rode is free of entanglements
Primarily so you can quickly use it in emergencies such as engine failure, rough water, or currents.
How much area should you allow for movement around the anchor?
You want 360 degrees as the wind and current may move you around the anchor set point.
How do you pick a spot to anchor based on the wind?
Pick a spot upwind from where you want to end up and the boat will drift toward that
How much line do yo need to set the anchor?
The line = the “rode”, you want 7 to 10x the rode in normal weather. More in bad weather and rough seas.
How to you “ready the rode”
Make sure there are no entanglements and it will release smoothly to the bottom.
Do you lower anchor from bow or stern, and why?
Bow: slowly lower from the bow. Using the stern could capsize or swamp the boat.
How do you set the anchor?
When it has hit bottom, give it a solid pull t set the anchor.
Where to you tie the line to a cleat?
Bow. tying to the stern could bring on water.
What is the “rode”
The line or chain of the anchor.
What type of anchor is good for rocky bottoms?
the plow style anchor is good for rocky bottoms, weeds and grassy bottomds
What type of anchor is used by canoers?
Mushroom anchor
What type of anchor is good for muddy bottoms?
The Danforth is well suited soft mud and grassy waters
Which anchor has two pointy flukes on a pivot
The Danforth.
What might happen if you anchor off the stern?
The weight might pull down the stern and cause swamping or capsizing.